Our pastor used this passage in the message this morning:
Luke 10:38-42 (NAS)
"Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. She had a sister called Mary, who was seated at the the Lord's feet, listening to His word. But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to do all the serving alone? Then tell her to help me." But the Lord answered and said to her, "Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her."
Our pastor talked about Martha rushing around preparing special foods and table settings and as she peeked around the door, there sits her sister Mary, listening to Jesus speak, and feeding her soul! Martha was ticked off... she TELLS Jesus to tell Mary to get back in the kitchen and help her!
"Martha had God at her house for lunch, and she was worried about cucumbers!"...
Jesus said "Martha, Martha", and went on to gently correct her...
What was Martha's problem?? She was distracted by all of her preparations. She wanted everything to be perfect and the meal to be beautiful for Jesus. I have to admit, I would want that too if Jesus was sitting in my living room!
What Jesus said to Martha was... "Only ONE thing is necessary"... so the thing He really WANTS for me, is to put aside the things that distract me, even the good things... for the BEST!
To learn to "live for an audience of one"...
Oh yes, "live for an audience of one". That is what I hope to strive for and that audience is Jesus. How easy it is to be distracted during prayer, Bible reading and even church. I tend to keep a pad nearby and jot things down so I will get back to what I was doing ...spending time with God. And isn't that sad? The One True Living God actually wants to spend time with me and my mind goes elsewhere? When I write that out, I realize what a privilege and an honor it is that I get to spend time with Him.
Much love to you sis,
I have the same problem.
I don't want to sit still.
Thanks for the post, I needed it.
To learn to "live for an audience of one"...
Sonja that is a awesome statement. How I long to live that way each and everyday and sometimes I just do not measure up. That will be one quote that will stay with me for a long time.
Blessings dear sister and thank you so much for sharing this.
It's an age-old wisdom, isn't it? We want what we can't have because our hands are full of stuff we don't really want anyway. Ugh!
Great reminder for any day, any occasion. Bless you!
This particular passage of scripture has always had such an impact on me. I guess because I am a DEFINITE Martha. I just know I would have been running around "trying" to make everything comfortable and perfect for Him while He was there, therfore missing the most important point of His visit. I have to remind myself of this ALL the time. To be quiet and sit at His feet and listen to what He is trying to tell me. Soo much to learn from this for me...Thanks for sharing this today. Have a wonderful week. HUGS. Debbie
A good reminder for us all, my friend.
How like the Lord! My good friend and I just concluded our "coffee hour" about an hour ago. Our parting words were to remind each other that "one thing is needful"! (I kind of sang a chorus I knew...One thing is needful, O my Father. One thing is needful, O my Lord! To sit at your feet and pour out my love...."
What a way to being a new "work week"! What a reminder for every passing minute! God bless you richly today, Sonja
I have always heard that "good" is the robber of the "best"....she was doing "good"...thanks so much for the word!!!
I love the story of Martha and Mary... because the truth is that there is a Martha and a Mary in me...and so I can relate to the way Martha is often torn apart by life's daily battles.
Thank you for this post and the reminder that comes with it...to live my life before an audience of One.
It is a choice.
Much love, Sonja...
The Martha and Mary parts of my personality struggle with each other from time to time. Seeking a heart like Mary's...
Great post!
dear sonja,
i suspect you are a mary with a martha's heart to serve.
the best of both!
one thing is needful, and i pray i am ready with it!!!
Those darn distractions! I'm seeking to keep my focus on Him, too, these days!
I so well remember the old pastors, praising "the Marthas amongst us" after successful arrangements.
I now see that Jesus was the first woman's lib.
Young, old, man, woman, master, slave are of equal value and welcome to sit by his feet.
To me this was like reading the story for the fist time.
The words hit the core of my heart.
I don't have to be an unfocused overachiever.
I'm free to sit down.
There are a set of older twin women in my life and they are named Mary and Martha. They are Godly, beautiful, caring women who continually teach me so much by example. They fit God's description perfectly of the Bible women. Whenever I hear this story told I think of them. I understand God's point to Martha, it is just difficult for me to understand why He didn't give them both "Mary" personalities to be able to do the most important thing. I know...it is the attitude with which we face life. Without "the most important thing" first...any of Martha's doings would not be of any heavenly value whatsoever. That is where I often find myself. Thank you God for quiet, gentle reminders like this post, and the beautiful lady who shared it...signed "Martha":)
Carrie @ comfortedbyGod.blogspot.com
Hi, Sonja!
I found your blog by accident--your post is very timely! I have several deadlines coming up, but I really need to be praying before the Lord. thank you
Oh Sonja this is rich and something we can all relate too I'm sure. I some times say, I used to be a Martha/Mary person and now I'm more a Mary/Martha person. It's a daily journey to be at His feet BEFORE anything else and I'm grateful for that privilege.
Love you dear one.
Sonja, such a blessing to read. Thank you.
Thank you for this. I, too, love the story of these two. We did a bible study a few months ago on Joanna Weaver's book "Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World." Come see me again.
'...put aside the things that distract me, even the good things... for the BEST!' I am so easily distracted! Ravi Zacharia just said today that we need to remember the important - before we tend to the urgent! God must always come first! I am forced to learn this - particularly in this season of my life - because the day is full of the urgent. I can't even handle the urgent properly without spending time with the Lord first! How true this is!
hugs, patrina <")>><
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