He begins with a DIFFICULTY
If it is going to be something VERY WONDEFUL
He begins with an IMPOSSIBILITY
This anonymous little phrase was in our home as we grew up, I think it was hanging on the wall. I came across it the other day in some of my mother's writings...
In the midst of the trying circumstances that come our way in this life, there is ALWAYS MORE going on than what is pulling at our hearts, grinding down our spirits, and causing us pain... GOD is at work in His children... always! None of it will be wasted.
It goes right back to the promises of God, true for yesterday, true for today, and true for tomorrow... no matter where we are or what is going on in our lives!
So if you happen to be 'in the midst of' right now... take heart, and remember that He is there, He got there before you did, and He will also lead you through it. Maybe your IMPOSSIBILITY is His next VERY WONDERFUL...
Dearest Sonja, What a wonderful bit of wisdom to have grown up with and embraced. In fact, I am one of those dealing with some uncertainties in my health so I wrote this down and am holding onto it-may eventually even quote you.
Thank you for sharing His light today.
Wonderful words here, Sonja!
Thank you for sharing another nugget for us to treasure!!
Love and Hugs!
Needed that one....only God could have knew I needed to hear His voice...thanks for being His instrument!!!
Timely encouragement! The phrase "grinding down our spirits" really caught my attention, because my car started making an awful grinding noise today on the way home. I was just telling the Lord how impossible my bills are just now...But He always makes a way!
What a blessing, Sonja! Thank you for sharing this.
As you know, I am 'in the midst of' right now. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Isn't it interesting that your godly parents instilled in your many principles and habits? At the time you may not have been so interested, but God's Word never returns void. You remembered their teachings even if it takes to this point in your life.
And I love that we all get to benefit from that wisdom too as you share it with your blogging friends like me. Thank you Sonja!
I love you!
The 3rd sis,
Amen! sister. I'm ready! I'm going through!
love to you
Patrina <")>><
Sonja, I needed this today. Blessings
Oh my! This is wonderful!!! I love this: None of it will be wasted. I never thought of it that way!
This was such a Word from the Lord today - you have no idea!! He is the God of the Impossible!!
thanks for sharing that precious saying,
Yes, yes, yes! There's always a bigger picture; and always a bigger blessing. If only we could see as He does!
I'm thinking that well placed adage had a lot to do with your perspective today. Love it!
I think I happened over here because I needed to hear this today. What a beautiful saying!!
i love that! impossible to very wonderful. i have
seen it many times. thank you for another very
inspiring post.
i have been listening to the most amazing song
over and over all afternoon. "sometimes the
light surprises" by cynthia clawson.
you will LOVE it.
i skyped with hailey today and didn't shed a
tear. in fact, we laughed . . . a lot.
she has a blog to show us what's going on
if you want to check it out.
to whom it may concern-hailey.blogspot.com
dang. the clawson song may be really old,
but someone just sent it to me on itunes.
i don't know how to send an itune.
hailey may have some super protective
device to only allow friends and family.
i will check with her.
sweet dreams.
oh, amen sister! yes! Our God is the God of the impossible. He works out of the seeminly impossible so that we can KNOW it was Him!
Oh, He is good!
WOW!! I need to write this down and keep as a reminder. Since the beginning of May it's been one thing after another, never seeming to get a break. I kept thinking we had rough times but never this rough for so long, something great is happening and the devil is mad. Well so far we have been in a new church a little over a year, and in August I was asked to take two positions in the church and so has my husband one being a Deacon. Then the near fatal accident his son was in, 2 months ago. He should be released soon and will probably be coming to live with us in a Christian home. Something he has never had. Now I need to go blog all this. :)
Amen! If you believe Genesis 1:1 then you should have no problem believing that God is the blessed controller of all things! And that includes our pains, problems and trials.
A beautiful, rich encouragement for my heart.
Oh Amen Sonja my friend!
I had to rest right on these words:
"GOD is at work in His children... always! None of it will be wasted."
Love you and thank you for sharing with us!
What beautiful word of encouragement. I love that, I think I need to put that on a sign as a reminder. How quickly we forget to look at the bigger picture! Thanks for sharing whats on your heart!
until next time... nel
I'm smiling here. A really, really big smile!
I have this little phrase wrote on the back cover of my very worn "Streams In The Desert". I wrote it there during the very darkest days of my life. It was 1989 and I was 6 month into chemotherapy for Hodgkins disease that had re occured for the second time.
I am living proof that my impossiblity was very much His next wonderful!
Thanking you again for the book you sent. Can't wait to fully read and study it like I hope to do!
Thank you for always having a gold nugget to share with me... my visit to your blog is never a waste of time. I am in a difficult situation right now, and I don't really know how to get out of it, so you can imagine how my heart leaped with faith and hope when I read this post.
You are God's mouthpiece to me today, dear friend.
Thank you, dear friend for leading me to this post. I love it, and I needed the encouragement.
THIS is my favorite part:
"In the midst of the trying circumstances that come our way in this life, there is ALWAYS MORE going on than what is pulling at our hearts, grinding down our spirits, and causing us pain... GOD is at work in His children... always! None of it will be wasted."
Funny... As both my husband and I prayed separately this morning, something akin to that came to us. We shared it when we were together. We know this time is for our own good. We are believing Him to do "great and mighty things that we have not known" in our spiritual lives. It's painful, but we are trusting Him.
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