For a Texas girl... that is a little bit of heaven after our hot summer!!
It's warming up again now, but boy-oh-boy... this does my heart good!
Now I can put Fall stuff all around and feel like it's real, not just a hope!! You know that when my copper bucket on the kitchen island changes it's contents... the seasons are also changing!
Even though our Texas Longhorns were not exciting last Saturday, we still love them, and college football is a big thing in our house! I know, I know, I have some very dear friends who are Oklahoma Sooner fans, so I remind myself and each of you... it's just a game!... (try telling my hubby that!) :)
May I also quietly mention that the Dallas Cowboys SHINED on Sunday afternoon!! Trust me... it was overdue!...
I think there is a new bounce in my step... I am REALLY tired of the heat, and Fall is beginning to make itself known...
Of course, that reminds me that Christmas is right around the corner... and this year I am going to prove to myself that it can be done on a dime!! This economy doesn't invite big spending, and I have always known that creativity matters more to the little ones than the amount of dollars spent...
Remember how much fun you had with your kids and grandkids with just a huge cardboard box?? We cut holes for windows and doors and they had more fun with that 'house' than any of the pricey toys... not to mention pulling them all around the downstairs in the big laundry basket... all they said was 'more, more!'...
I've got a boatload of ideas for Christmas this year, but I can't share them here yet, 'cuz at least 2 or 3 of the grandkids read this blog... hi guys! :)...
I'll share some of them later... enough for now to suggest that this is a good year for the aspiring Proverbs 31 woman to be seriously creative!...
"She shops around for the best yarns and cottons, and enjoys knitting and sewing.She's like a trading ship that sails to faraway places and brings back exotic surprises...
She's up before dawn, preparing breakfast for her family and organizing her day.She looks over a field and buys it, then, with money she's put aside, plants a garden...First thing in the morning, she dresses for work, rolls up her sleeves, eager to get started...
She senses the worth of her work, is in no hurry to call it quits for the day.She's skilled in the crafts of home and hearth, diligent in homemaking."... (Msg)
These two photos of your fall decor
look so lovely. Here in NC we are
having wonderfully crisp mornings
and evenings and the leaves are
turning beautiful shades of gold
and burgundy.
Awesome! Yes, this weather is fantastic......
Yes...enjoying this weather, just wish it would stay cooler longer in the day, I am ready for open windows all day and night.
Oh, those Horns...well this weekend will be exciting no matter what, always is...especially since both teams are rebuilding. My son is trying to get tickets...and hubby will be working the fair. so he will see Burnt Orange and Red...and hear the game and band.
Love the making of gifts for Christmas...we always made Christmas gifts as a child and that is where my memories has been sad to see that go away, but it seems to be coming back strong...and I am all for it
Have a great weekend....and 'HOOK 'em HORNS'
Your copper bucket looks beautiful with the leaves there. Glad to know that Texas is cooling down some. It was 80° here in my corner...that's just not right, but it was too beautiful to complain.
Yes, I've been thinking about the economy and Christmas in the same way that you have. Wonder if everyone would just love the pot holders I'm making. LOL! Oh, you should check them out...just sayin'.
oh dear, i didn't see one thing in that list of proverbs
31 that even remotely resembled me.
i love your copper bucket, and the leaves look so lovely
in it!
yea for this cool front!!!!
and yea for the sooners!!
i was going to tell you that you had shared with
me before about the guinea pigs, but that's just
mean, because you hadn't!!! :)
54 degrees, our whole summer has revolved around 54 degrees. Our 5 best days were than 68, and then I went for a swim in the ocean.
Well, we all long for what we don't have.
Your copper bucket with autumn colored foliage are gorgeous, and so is your flawless kitchen.
It must be a thrill to sit down around the"island" and make Christmas surprises with your grandchildren.
I always used to gather children for advent workshops. Even when I didn't have children of my own, I "borrowed" children of friends and arranged advent activities.
Now we are four ladies who come together at least one day in December to make handicraft for Christmas.
Create and give away in fellowship of happy friends, young and old, that is the ultimate Advent celebration.
My mother (85) has already knitted two pairs of striped woolen socks for Christmas gifts. She doesn't do any Christmas shopping anymore. She gives money, but she loves to make small homemade parcels to "top" her gifts.
Hmm. Do you know, while sitting here early in the morning and planning the advent, autumn doesn't seem so dark at all.
Thanks for a good reminder about the blessings of all God's seasons.
Sonja, I love the photo's that you shared. Well, when I woke up yesterday morning I walked out into a tropical depression. :)
Thank you always for your encouraging words and wisdom. You are truly a blessings to me and to others.
Hi my friend,
I love that copper pot and beautiful arrangement! I have to say that other than I have never decorated for Fall. Yep. Never. I have always decorated for Christmas. I think this year I may have to go to Michaels and put a little something together for the table for Fall. You've inspired me!!! :)
As for the creative inexpensive Christmas ideas...I look forward to you sharing a few (that the Grand kids can't see) soon. :)
Love ya!
Hey Sonja!
Whooo Hoooo! It's finally feeling like fall and I love your decor! Can't wait for your crafty Christmas ideas!
I love Prov 31 MSG translation but I must be honest.....My fav part is "She's like a trading ship that sails to faraway places and brings back exotic surprises.......uh, that sounds like some serious retail therapy to me......I'm ready to sail away, right now!!! LOL!!
Love and Hugs!
Jackie : ))
I found your comment on Renee's blog and wanted to say "Hi!" You were the comment before least, you were until I actually published my comment and someone had popped up between us--I guess I'll pray for both of you! Or maybe you'll get two people praying for YOU! :)
ANYway, I agree that God loves order for us, inside and out! We just down-sized to simplify and reprioritize and it's been wonderful! We feel so much freer!!!!
Anyway, nice to "meet" you! :)
i have something very important to say,
"boomer sooner!!!!!"
I can relate to that spring in the step with this cooler weather! I'm feeling perkier than I have in months! And I've actually begun Christmas shopping. We've cut back dramatically on our budgeted amount this year. Really shopping the sales and such.
I can't wait for some cool weather. It's still HOT in Arizona; unseasonably hot. I guess I can pretend though and pull out a few of the boxes in the garage that have a few fall decorations. :)
I love how you are creative and yet very practical. We really don't need to spend lots of money on gifts. I'm going to try to make some this year. I think it will help me to get into the spirit of the season by staying away from the malls. After all, what are we celebrating but Christ's birth.
Love you Sonja and thank you for all your encouragement. You know I found myself smiling as I read the comments from many of my favorite blogging friends. We are an awesome community of loving friends and sisters, aren't we?
Love you,
I relate! It's defnitely Fall here in Western Washington, which means my pumpkins and scarecrows and cornucopias are now on display.
It's got to be my favorite season. There's something about Fall that's anticipatory; like a gateway to all the seasons to come. Besides, I love wearing socks and sweats, and cozying up in my blankie with popcorn.
Happy days!
Just became a follower... I have an awesome plan for Christmas as well. My grandkids are 3 and 2 and loved the Santa Express train that we had under the tree last year. My granddaughter would play with the two little people that waited by the train for hours. I vowed to have a nice village by summer's end via yard sales this year (and couldn't afford much)so I have collected tons of awesome village pieces this year for almost nothing and I am EXCITED about getting it all put together for the kiddies!!
I'm so glad you popped over...and introduced yourself (over on My Front Porch)...because I just came for a return visit and so enjoyed myself. I'm leaving with a few good ideas...and a verse that I plan to remember. Thanks!
your copper pot is gorgeous - it looks fantastic.
Your decorations are beeeeutiful, dahling! Oh, I'm so hot here in AZ. 101 today! But I am hopeful that the season will change....someday.
Beautiful photos. I love Texas. I love visiting my sister and her family in Austin.
Can you believe that I actually experienced your cool fall weather this past week? My daughter and I did some fall decorating after experiencing the cooler, sunny weather. I did think of you while spending time in your state. Your fall decorations are beautiful. I agree with you on creatively doing the Christmas season and I look forward to hearing about your ideas whenever you can share them.
I'm getting VERY seriously creative here! I like the way The Message words Proverbs 31...
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