So, of course when I came across that today, it started my brain to churn... which category do I fall into??...
I don't mind being called a religious nut if it's for valid reasons. I know that some non-believers would label me a nut... that's okay, I DO want my life to be different, there are times when it will look odd... I have been saved by the grace of God, and that should sound and look different than the world. We have found what they are still searching for!
I know the fruits of the spirit, I've memorized them like you have, I've known them for years... I also am intentionally seeking God for more of those fruits to spring from my heart into action in my life. Those fruits are what He has said we are to be filled with.
But... I don't want to be the kind of 'religious nut' that talks the language and fails to live up to what I say... and I know I've been there too, as recently as yesterday (and today is still young)!
This will probably ruffle some feathers, but...
It's one of the reasons why I don't want Christian bumper stickers all over my car!
I know full well that I have honked my horn in impatience, or scurried through a more than pale yellow street light, etc. etc.... and I don't want someone to see a Christian symbol or saying on my car and think... 'look at her, another religious nut'... wears all those stickers and she's worse than the rest'... for some of you, that would never be a problem, for me... yes, it can be.
I also know that for people to label us that way can be a cop out on their part, an excuse to point the finger at another Christian to prove we are wrong and they are okay. But we are called to be "more", our fruit should identify us! That SHOULD make us look different. It's a responsibility that I want to live up to, and so often I'm sure I don't...
I grew up in California, where everyone was labeled as being 'from the land of fruits and nuts'... but I have lived in Texas for 45 years, and I can assure you that fruits and nuts live here too!
I think I'm a nut with some spiritual fruit, and desiring more...
Maybe by the time It's my turn to go to heaven, I will have grown enough in my faith and my walk and my witness that I will have stickers all over my car...
The bottom line on this one for me is... grow in my own faith and allow Him to walk this life more fully through me, that His fruits will be evident and growing in my life day by day, and.... no bumper stickers! ... well...maybe a small fish...
you're not a nut, then, but a fruit? i'm with you
all the way. no bumper stickers for me, but i
used to have a very clever pro-life one. when
hans drove my car, women everywhere would
shake their fists at him. :)
i think our lives should be their own bumper
In the book I just finished, there is a paragraph about the fish symbol you see on cars (or used to). In the story, they told of a newly-converted Christian who had not yet left behind her bad habit of giving the finger to bad drivers... So, as the book tells it, she went out and removed her fish symbol bumper sticker 'until her finger got saved' LOL! I cracked up when I read that. If I can't further the Kingdom, then please, God, don't let my imperfections or my 'unsaved finger (I don't do that one but have other bad habits) hinder it either.
I couldn't agree more. No bumper stickers
for me either. I really dislike them,
Christian or not. They're ugly and just
ruin the appearance of a car. I have
been called a nut, a Jesus freak, and
a fanatic, but that's ok with me. We
are His peculiar people.
It was always afraid that I would bring dishonor to Jesus if I had to advertise so people would see what I was rather than who I am in Christ. I always wanted people to be drawn to the fragrance of Christ. You know that saying always preach Jesus and if necessary use words. There is that part that says " If we cause the little ones to stumble it is better if they are hung with a millstone and drowned in the deepest sea? I always thought that means everyone we might cause to stumble. I wouldn't even buy beer to catch snails because I was afraid someone would see me and I would cause them to stumble. AS always a very wise post from a very wise woman.
I agree with you Sonja. I would much rather people see my life, my words, my decisions, and my actions and ask the question, 'what's different about her, what does she know?' I always liked the phrase, faith is caught not taught. I don't think that Jesus would have had a bumper sticker. How we live our lives is much more powerful than the things we say - just like the Pharisee and the tax collector. Thanks for the post.
I am with everyone else on the bumper stickers. Just not something I'd ever do. I'd be soo afraid that maybe that one time I'd do something I shouldn't, would be the time SOMEONE would be sure to see that sticker...And yet I do want to be different, set apart somehow. That others really might see Him and be drawn. Sooo much harder to do than I ever thought though. This post was great and really made me think. HUGS
Sonja, I'm with you on this one. No bumper stickers on my car. Actually, I doubt Greg would drive in the car if I did. LOL. We share a car too.
I also have to add that I don't like it when Christians have all kinds of stuff on their desks at work about being a Christian and then they spend more time preaching instead of working. When I worked in nursing, I got away with so much praying with patients and witnessing behind closed doors. The cardiologist I worked for was not a believer but he turned a blind eye because I always did a good and thorough job and the patients were happy.
I think it's best to walk your talk. Love speaks volumes to people.
Love you sis,
I live in a pretty small community so I have to be careful whether I have a bumper sticker or not. If I act like an idiot or an angry driver, SOMEONE who knows my faith walk is bound to see me. It keeps me on my toes and is one reason I keep positive music in the car to ...um... calm the beast.
(I'm really just not a bumper sticker gal anyway. I have one for my daughters' university but that's it.)
About fruit and nuts? Well, technically, the FRUIT of a pecan tree is a nut. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I think there will always be folks who think all Christians are nuts.
I try not to be too nutty or fruity, but as I remind my Sunday School class, the Bible says that God has called unto him a peculiar people. Some, like me, are just trying to live up to the title.
I'm with you on that. I don't want bumper stickers on mine either. I hope that my light shines to show the fruits of the Spirit. I just want to be His!
I have never had a bumper sticker on my car. Although I do have the fish. Blessings to you dear Sonja.
Sonja my friend,
One of the many things I say about you in conversation with Peter is that I love that she is REAL and in love with the LORD. Your message here is real and shows your love for the LORD...your desire to honor HIM and bare the right type of fruit and if you (we) are nuts for the right reason (because we are nuts for JESUS), then that's great!
Your words are always food for thought and prayer. Love you!
Thanks so much for being so real to us and transparent. I could really relate to this post! Glad I got here today! Blessings to you.
Choosing JOY, Stephanie
Totally with you on this...haven't labeled my car, because it might not be the testimony I would want someone to see...that would be the day one of my kids threw trash from the car or we were doing behind the wheel with one of our teens and they might have cut someone off.
They will know we are Christians by our love! I know I need to move closer to Him to reflect His love!
Oh dear Sonja,
I don't always get to read everything you write, understandably so because none of us can be at all places at all times, but truly, each time I visit here and read your words, I am vigorously nodding my head in agreement!
And this one, as well as the post on Peter Marshall, just really get to my heart.
Like you I don't want to be labelled a nut just because I have serious Christian convictions... but then again the labels others attach on me is their problem and lookout, not mine...AS LONG AS I am walking my talk. Which means that at one point or another I will fail to live up to something I have said I believe in! Not an excuse, but always a possibility due to our imperfect nature.
So, yes...we better not attach those labels to our cars, or suitcases, or T-Shirts, or front doors...or our foreheads!
Loved being here today, and reconnecting with your heart once again dear friend.
What a nice post, I enjoyed reading it a lot, made me really think.
And even if this is my first time here (at least I think) I guess you're definitely a fruit...
And me? Hoping to be a fruit...
I love your post!!!! (Oh, I don't do the bumper sticker thing either.)
i meant to come by yesterday to say sorry about your
rangers. we were pulling for them. :(
seriously, i scanned the crowd thinking, "i wonder if
sonja is there?"
Ever since seeing this post, I have been more a-tuned to watching cars and if they have bumper stickers. :)
I agree with Lea - our lives should speak louder than words.
My daughter bought me a window sticker a few years ago - the only one I've ever had. Because I'm a cowgirl and I joke about my 'other' vehicle as being my horse, she got me this cowboy with his horse kneeling at he cross. I loved it! BUT... it made me so aware of my driving and my public image at work and wherever I drove my car. I was always conscious of my witness because of that sticker. It was like an accountability thing for me. It worked! Who would have known :)
Hi Sonja -
I found you on Judy's blog.
We agree on the bumper sticker matter. Also, I am NOT inclined to wear t- shirts etc. with Christian messages. The fruit should be obvious in our conduct. We are mandated to love, forgive and to demonstrate the fruits of the Spirit. Surely, without love, we are
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