"Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.
In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths."
I love the way the Amplified Bible 'amplifies'...
If I am leaning, trusting and confident in God with my whole heart and mind, and NOT NOT NOT relying on my own understanding (or lack of it), and if I know and acknowledge Him... HE will direct, lead and make clear to me...what??
Everything! Everything I need, everything I need to know... ALL of it!
It's like my dad used to say about the word 'all'... all he could ever find 'all' to mean was ALL...
All... everything. That's not a hope, that's a promise!! BIG difference. Our hopes are only certain if we are trusting God, otherwise it's a human hope based on our limitations... hollow.
God's promises contain all, everything that we need, they are meant to be lived and fulfilled in my life and yours. We are HIS children, the promises were given to us, and backed by all the power of the designer, creator and fulfiller of life itself... God almighty!
What on earth are we waiting for??
God's promises to us cover every situation that life can ever throw our way. His grace is ready to forgive anything and everything we have ever done wrong. When I stop and think about this... I am the most blessed person I have ever known... and so are you!
Aren't you glad that He is there in every situation? I cannot imagine living life without Him by my side. I'm so grateful for His presence in my life. Great post!
Yes....thanks for the reminder, thanks for the word! ALL!!!!!
I think this might be my favorite post
that you've written, Sonja. I really
love the Amplified because it does
give such a clear expanded meaning of
scripture. ALL of God's promises are
for ALL of us! Ours for the taking!
We are blessed! So encouraging!
Dear Sonja, Thanks for your encouraging words/comment on my blog today. Every time I look at your photo, it makes me smile-I just know if I lived down near you,we'd be fast friends. I love this post-so very true, I always love the way the Amplified Bible puts verses.
Flip-flops, seriously? Too funny. Course my man went to work today in shorts but it's blowin here and temps are dropping.
Have a wonderful evening and week dear friend.
Hugs, Noreen
It is so-o-o-o good to be home, and to be collecting your tidbits of wisdom!
Why is it we try everything under the sun to direct our own paths before we turn to Him? Perhaps it's one of the byproducts of aging. We know how silly & futile that is.
Hi Sonja,
Thank you for this message! I love the Amplified Bible too. One of my favorites. And this verse I need to remember for ALL I'm waiting on and trusting in God for. Thanks for the encouragement.
BTW ... I started a new photography blog to show off God's beautiful creation. When you have a moment, please stop by and follow me if you'd like. URL is http://www.judysphotogallery.blogspot.com. Talk to you soon.
Hi Sonja,
Great verse, and the Amplified Bible was a great source.
This verse has been one I have known for years, but it wasn't until the recent months that I have really thought about what that verse means, and how I must apply it everyday. I'm so happy you shared it, and I agree with you when you say we are so blessed. Thank you for your comment on my post, your words always bless.
I just posted a new one tonight, and it's a happy feeling one :o)
God bless your night,
Michele Katherine
Dear Sonja,
All is all, as always your dad pinpointed it.
In my Norwegian Bible it's written, "He, who shall fill all in all." That is, fill everything in everybody".
Sitting here, in front of my computer, one early dark November morning, my sorrows and worries are melting away.
He shall fill all my needs according to his word.
Phil. 4: 19 And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
What a friend, provider and savior we have, today and always.
Great post Sonja! Isn't it amazing that sometimes when we re-read verses we have known all of our lives, they can take on new meaning? Your words are clear and beautiful and they are filled with hope. God doesn't break his promises and we are so blessed to be his children. This was nice to read on a Monday morning!
Beautiful Proverb you share here Sonja. Amen Everything we need to know. I am certainly learning about His grace. Thank you dear one for sharing on this post. Blessings.
I'm resting on the promises of God. This was a good word to read before I leave for my new adventure this morning. Just wanted to stop by and say thank you before leaving the house.
Love you sis,
ALL i know is that you all-ways bless my socks off!
someday, i am going to get in my car and just drive
right down there and give you a hug.
uh-buh-dee-duh-duh-bee, that's ALL folks!
This morning as I ruminate in thoughts and questions regarding a particular family situation, I need the reminder of my "all" and God's "all" therein. Time to let mine go and let him administer his truth and goodness into the situation. And quite honestly, my "all" proffers very little this day; I am weak and haven't a smidge of extra energy for worry.
Have a great week, friend. Love you to pieces~elaine
I read these comments and am reminded again why you all are such a huge blessing!! The words you share go back double to every one of you!!
Just this morning...
Lea: come on down!!
Elaine: praying for you right this minute, for that extra 'all' for this day and week ahead.
All I can say is "amen" to what you said and I echo the other comments.
I am so thankful to know he is there for me.... I just wish I could trust in him at all times and not think I have to do things myself.
I love the way the Amplified Bible amplifies too! It was the first study tool that I had many years ago when I first started REALLY pondering God's Word. My grandmother gave it to me, and it rocked my socks.
Wonderful thoughts on that familiar passage. You're so right. All... well, it's ALL.
Probably some of my all-time favorite verses in the bible!!!
I am so blessed to know Jesus and you. This is just what I needed to hear today!
What a lovely picture you chose to go with this encouraging scripture! I would love to walk down that path and breath in the fresh air lol.
I love the amplified bible too... it is fantastic for opening up the scriptures even more.
God bless you dear sister!
My friend, this moment, this is the encouragement that is a balm of peace to my soul!
And I loved this: "Everything! Everything I need, everything I need to know... ALL of it!"
Did you hear me shout Hallelujah!!! I just know you heard me in your state cause my praise was loud.
I'm thankful to our LORD -- so thankful that words from my limited mind can't even express it. He's precious to my soul.
Love you Sonja. You are a gift to my life from our Heavenly Father. I pray for you and speak highly of you to Peter. He says I smile bright when I read your words to him from your post or a comment you've left on mine. It makes him smile too. Love you!
Even though I offer a big, hearty, Amen to this post, I find myself not living as if I truly believed it. The "all" of Proverbs 3: 5&6, and the "all" of Romans 8:28&29 provide me with "all" the peace and hope I could ever need to live daily life on this earth...if I really believe it! What amazing grace He has bestowed on us! Amazing grace!
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