Christmas is a 'refresher course' in what we believe with our whole hearts, how it all began, and a celebration of just how big THE GIFT really is. And when it ends, and we face the new year, what thoughts, prayers and experiences do we bring to it?
On the eve of a brand new year, I am renewed in my desire to live more fully in the ways that bring joy to my Heavenly Father. It is fresh in my mind and heart that He came as a baby, to live and walk on this earth, to minister, and finally to die... for me.I want this Januay 1, as we begin 2011, to be different, deeper... I don't want meaningless resolutions, I want more...
more of obedience...
more of prayer...
more of His word...
more of listening to His voice...
more discipline in areas that need fine tuning...
more of knowing Him better...
more of following Him more closely...
I know that if I seek Him for the "more"... I will BE more of what He wants me to be...
Let's begin this NEW YEAR, 2011 with a renewed commitment to pray, and ask God for 'more'... more of what He wants for us... for ourselves, our marriages, our families, our friends, and for those who don't yet know HIM, and for each other.
Do you feel that way too?...
Yes I do, so glad you wrote such a nice reminder.
How did you get so wise Sonja? I totally agree with you. I too want more of Him. To know Him better. To trust Him more.
May 2011 be a year of more growth. But I guess I'm praying for an ease on the trials. :)
Love you sis,
Yes, Yes, YES...can you see me standing and applauding? I want to learn so that I too can know my Heavenly Father more and become wiser in Him.
So this year I am embracing the new year with more zeal than in the past!
Thanks for the nudge!!!
I share in your wants and wishes for the New Year. Let us all join in prayer together.
I absolutely do! He gave His all and I want to give mine back to Him. Great reminder.
Oh yes for sure!! I do soo want more of all you mentioned as well. I will join you in prayer for all of these things...
Dear Sonja,
i will not answer your question, because I know not if I truly can say I want more of discipline and obedience.
I have to fight not to fight back when I feel wronged, and just today I was planning to do just that.
Maybe that's why I was lead over to your site. Maybe I'll wait just one more day before seeking revenge.
Oh, I'm 61 and still have such a long way to go.
I reread to blog about how your parents met and finally got married.
I love it. God is in everything. He cares about the details of our life. I guess I just have to rest in that.
Your Felisol
My goal indeed! Blessings to you Sonja!
Hello Dear Sonja,
Yes... I am hoping for more of the same in the new year. Also more empathy and patience and I am going to try to keep Christmas in my heart all year long.
Blessings and hugs~
oh, me too Sonja! This is my hearts desire as well. To seek HIM more and to know HIM like never before.
I hear you, friend. I, too, want more of God's "more." I'm just not sure what that looks like at this point; in many ways, I keep myself from "going there"; I feel on hold. But I believe in God's more... it's just going to take me a while to unpack it all.
Thank you for being my friend.
Oh Yes dear friend...Oh YES YES YES...MORE MORE and SO MUCH MORE!
Love you,
I need more...more...more of HIM...so much more!
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
I can't of anything better to wish for in the coming year than more of Him. I'm so thankful for you Sonja. You challenge me in your writing and encourage me in my faith journey. I'm blessed.
Yes, I do feel that way exactly! I want to love him more today than I did yesterday and more in 2011 than in 2010.
This is a wonderful New Year's post, Sonja.
happy new year, sonja!
this is such a better post than what i tried
to express today. sigh.
we always have a year in review with our
kids, and i found myself saying that my
favorite part of this past year is my new
blog friendships. you, of course are at the
very top of that list!
Sonja, I so want all of that as well. You summed it up quite nicely, more. More...that's it...more of Him, less of me. Bless the Lord oh my soul!
Happy new year my sweet friend!
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and your family Sonja! You have been a blessing to me this past year. Hugs.
Precious friend, you know you've read my mind and heart as that is my cry and has been...MORE OF JESUS!
Thank you for being a blessing to my life...your prayers and words of wisdom mean MORE to me then I can say.
The LORD is good and I'm excited about what the New Year is bringing for all of us unto His glory.
I'm praying for you and your family. Love you.
Sonja, you have expressed what really is on my heart. I don't want meaningless resolutions, or promises to myself or to God or to others that I end up not keeping!
Praise God for how this New Year seems so promising. I want more intimacy with God...a deeper ability to discern His voice above the clamor of the world...
Thanking God for your friendship,
Sounds like the perfect way to begin a new year.
After my many sojourns in 2010, I believe deeply that the Lord has something new in store 2011. You know it's connected to growth (I like your list of "more"), and I am eager to grip His more firmly.
Many blessings & adventures to you this year ... and always,
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