The love of the Father, provided the way...
Human baby, brand new and crying
Heaven and all mankind were sighing...
Star of Christmas aglow with light
Mankind forever changed that night...
His birth, life and death, God's sovereign plan
Created from His love... to redeem man...
May we as His children, born again by HIS love
Be filled with HIS light, as our eyes look above...
Christmas... the reason that joy lives within
The babe in the manger...now reigns as our King!
O Sonja, this brought me to tears...and what a beautiful photo.
JESUS reigns as our King indeed! Hallelujah!
Love you my friend.
A beautiful poem, Sonja...AMEN!
Dear Sonja,
I didn't know you were writing poetry.
Great ones too.
Then again, I am not surprised, you have the gift of writing, so why not poetry as well?
It deserves a nice melody, to be sung by younger generations.
What we call "Our Hymn Treasure", revolves mostly around Christmas and Easter.
It's a sound sign of a living belief, that new hymns keep coming.
In Norway churches are empty much of the year.
In November/December they are fillled to the brim by people wanting to share the Christmas hymns. They are even paying good money to attend Christmas song conserts.
I think this is a positive trend, not to be ignored.
We need to hear the true Christmas Gospel over and over again.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if you filled our home with your great famil.
We would have to organize it like with did when visiting my grandparents in my childhood. More than 20 people were assembled on the farm my grandfather bought after he came home from Montana,America.
My brother slept in a drawer while I got to share bed with my parents. Fairytale like summers were spent with uncles, aunts, cousins and of course, our grandparents.
I never remember anyone complaining about shortage of room.
Enjoyed the post!!
That was simply beautiful Sonja. There's a poet in you, isn't there?
Love you,
Thank you Sonja for sharing. ((((Sonja))))
Did you write this? It's wonderful.
He reigns as our King.
Amen and Amen.
Oh Sonja this is WONDERFUL...And I agree with your friend...it needs to be set to music. How wonderful would that be? He does indeed reign as our King...Praise God. HUGS
So Beautiful...the words "God's Sovereign Plan"...that just says it all for me!! What an awesome God we serve.
Yes, the real reason!!!
just a p.s. yes, this is my poem, and our son is a song writer and musician and pastor. I've given it to him to see if we can put some notes with it. Anyway, with or without music, it's the song of my heart!
this is just beautiful! i am just so taken with the Christmas story this year. I read it every morning and it moves me each time.
Sonja, these are beautiful words for a beautiful Season. Thank you for sharing them.
I so agree.these are beautiful words and thoughts.
Beautiful words to remind us of the real spirit of the season. Visiting your blog for the first time and loving what I have read. Happy Holidays ahead.
This is beautiful.
Beautiful words, my friend!! Hope you have a merry Christmas filled with Light and Love. xoxo
Beautiful reminder and photograph as well! My heart is grateful for daily reminders of just how important this season is for all of us.
A walk to the manger!
what a beautiful poem, sonja! it should be set
to music. such a lovely lilting rhyme and timeless
thank you for sharing it with us.
Oh and what a King He is!
Amen Sonja!! Jesus is the King of Kings forever and ever Amen! :-)
heartwarming. I love the photo you chose to go with it.
Blessings and favor in this Celebratory Season
Merry Christmas
Patrina <")>><
Beautifully said. The "reigning King" vision just gives me goosebumps. As much as I relish the thought (and implication) of His coming as a babe, there's just something about the majestic power of His exalted status that captivates my heart.
Blessings & hugs,
Love the poem. Thanks so much for being a blessing to me this year.
Sending warm Merry Christmas wishes and a happy new year as well!
Dearest Sonja,
I read this poem with great care, being sure not to miss a word. It is so beautiful and gave me so much peace while reading it. The picture of the blue snow and star..so precious.
I felt like lingering in your blogplace - so I listened to the Mormon Tablernacle Choir and Andreas Bocceli...so beautiful a version of Our Father! My husband has always loved the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, and their orchestra, and Andreas Bocceli is our all time favorite opera singer.
It brought tears to my eyes.
Your house with the Christmas decors looks so lovely.
And the stories of your Christmas memories, the food, the heart shaped waffles (do you still have your mother's waffle maker?), and the almond in the rice pudding... the cookies you brought your friend who had the table all set so beautifully... the Christmas your daughter sang Heirlooms... oh, what a precious time I had here at your blog just reading up all these lovely posts.
I wish you a warm and blessed Christmas week, dear Sonja.
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