There are some great new books out there right now and I have read quite a few of them. But... I am often drawn back to the early writers... whose lives and legacies have already stood the test of time.
I am reading a short paperback book called ABIDING IN CHRIST by Andrew Murray. Sometimes the words and heart of those old heroes of the faith have a way of expression that gets my attention and makes a deep impression, even when the wording is from another time... the heart of the words does not change...
Here's what I just read...
"Of God are ye in Christ Jesus"... (from I Cor.1:30)
"He would have us not only remember our union to Christ, but especially that it is not our own doing, but the work of God Himself"...
"If it is of God alone that I am in Christ, then God Himself, the infinite One, becomes my security for all I can need or wish in seeking to abide in Christ"...
That grabbed my attention... WOW! Not only am I 'in Christ' as I abide... but it reminds me that God Himself is part of that heavenly 'team'. not to mention that the Holy Spirit is also doing His work!! ...
It does my heart good to think of this heavenly eternal 'team' of the Almighty, holding me, guarding my heart and faith, and working on my behalf, as I abide.
How's that for a powerful Wednesday morning thought!
What a blessed thought for the day! I also like reading the books by those old heroes of the faith.
Oh, I meant to say what a great photo that is too!
ABIDING IN CHRIST is one of my favorite books
of all time! In fact, I have it right here
on my desk as I look back over it often.
I also love to read and have read so very
many of those by authors whose faith and
words have stood the test of time. CHRIST THE
HEALER by Bosworth is another favorite as
course, no book is as good as the GOOD
Blessings on your day!
I have read that book so many times in my life. Also,, Sandy mentioned Hinds Feet On High Places.
I really like it.
Another one that I have read a lot is IN HIS STEPS. I don't hear much about this one. It is written in fiction but is truly a good book that every Christian ought to read.
Have a good week.
I have been a fan of Andrew Murray and that little book. Being a doer and a helper out of God, Don't I wish. :) I always have to yank myself back and sit and just abide. The first time I read that in that little book it was written in neon.
Yes, I am afraid, I prefer the old writers and the old books and the people who walked through the fire and have shown me how to live.
I am glad you brought him back to my attention.
Who else do you like?
Yes abide...I just looked at a book from Andrew Murray putting it on my list to read next. I love reading writings that have stood the times and changes...God's word and truths are never changing.
That is a very powerful Wednesday thought! And how I needed it this particular Wednesday.
I found it so very encouraging to think of the ultimate "Dream Team" being on my side! I am not alone - not ever. And each person of the Trinity is working in me, and through me - keeping me safely abiding in this life, until I am called home.
Ahhh - I just breathed a big spiritual sigh of relief!
What a firm, secure grip He has on us. It is beyond my ability to completely understand, so I share your wonderment.
The oldie but goodie authors and their works never lose their effectiveness.
Beautiful Sonja, along with the perfect picture. Blessings to you dear one.
There are so many good books out there. Enjoy reading. That picture on your post is just absolutely stunning. I could sit and gaze at it for a long time!
oh, wow - another great book to put on my list!
what a breathtaking photo - is it yours?
Precious Sonja,
THE HEAVENLY TEAM...now THAT is a cool and profound way to think of the commitment and solidarity of GOD'S GRACE TO US, to provide His SPIRIT, His SON, His Fatherhood...we are so blessed to have been born, non? To have been given an eternal soul that is locked into existence...and thank you for your sweetness and visit. It is so special to me!!! BISES, Anita
Indeed, a blessed thought...
Me and Three! With God all things are possible.
Thank you for this simple, yet powerful reminder!
Wow Sonja, amen to abiding!
Andrew Murray is one of my favorites. I have this book, and now I think it is time to pull it out once again. What an incredible team we are a part of!
I have not read Andrew Murray’s “Abiding in Christ” for a couple of years. Somehow his wisdom and the flow of his words minister to those deep places in my heart!. I never tire of his wonderful thoughts and words mingling on the page! Thank you for sharing! I’m so glad you stopped by my blog. I look forward to getting to know you!
So beautiful and so comforting. We are so blessed!
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