It was a rich time of fellowship and prayer that they all needed...
One of these groups met during the summer months in Oregon, and my sister hosted several such times in their home, where she and my mother prepared lunch, which they served to the ministers.
One time as the ministers were on their knees in the living room praying, one of the pastors from another country began to pray in his own language, and in a louder than average volume, with real emotion and ferver, as he was blessed and earnestly in prayer...My then 4 year old nephew was listening around the corner, and with huge eyes and hushed voice he came into the kitchen and said... did you HEAR that guy??... When those preachers got together to pray, God was in their midst and they were free...
Another day, as they were gathered and getting ready to meet... dad and a good friend were carrying casseroles from the car to the house, one of the large platters slipped out of dad's hands, hit the ground and spread onto the driveway.
My dad and the other pastor immediately hit their knees in the driveway to try to collect it back together, and then they looked at each other and the situation became so humorous they both burst out laughing and couldn't stop!
Meanwhile, from the kitchen window, my mother and sister were watching this whole thing unfold, and were horrified... until they also got the giggles and laughed till they cried, watching the ministers on their knees in the driveway collecting casseroles!
The end result? My mom and sister went outside and between them all, they salvaged the least damaged... re-casseroled it all and no doubt covered it with cheese and served it with a big smile!
What wonderful memories!
I wish that I was a little quicker to laugh at all the things in my life that I've "spilled!" And don't you just love cheese?! It covers a host of mistakes!
So wonderful! I can't imagine growing up amidst those gatherings, but I CAN imagine the permanent impact they had on every little soul looking on.
I'm going to have to add "re-casseroled" to my dictionary, you know?
haha This was great! I love hearing these stories of your life growing up as a minister's daughter. What wonderful memories you have! I am with Sassy...I am going to remember "re-casseroled" haha...Have a good day! HUGS
How wonderful it must have been to be a part of that! Wish I was there.
I had my own ministry mishap recently - had a meeting in my friend's home for a visiting pastor and small crowd. I brought a cheese platter, and in putting it in the fridge, I knocked over a pitcher of raspberry tea. My friend was NOT very happy with me. After the meeting ended I went back to the fridge to finish cleaning it up...and I knocked the second pitcher over! Not good, my friend. Not good...
There goes that smile upon my face Sonja
Again, thank you for sharing such wonderful memories. Blessings.
Things like that can be so devastating at the moment, but so very funny when it is all over! You put a smile on my face and it made me think of the time I dropped a whole bowl of guacamole. Oh, what a mess!
Oh another one for that book...how wonderful. Now they just started their prayer meeting there on their knees in the driveway. What a heritage...and oh, how like heaven...and the languages, all the cultures, all the races..oh, my...isn't heaven going to wonderful?
I love your memories and for some reason always interject my grandfather and his fellow preacher friends into the picture although I know they would be a full generation older.
And I love the casserole one. Just proof positive that when Godly men hit their knees, God sends the help they need!
Grinning very broadly this morning.
You make my day as a general rule.
That is a very nice memory, I remember taking one of my young sons into the big church one Sunday as Dad was singing with the Men's Choir, when the man who led the group talked, my son got very still, after it was all over my son leaned over very quietly and said, " Was that God," I thought that was what your nephew was going to say. :)
EVERYTHING tastes better with cheese!!!
Yes, girlfriend, let's do this thing called health and fitness :) Together.
Oooops!! Well, sometimes we just have to pick up ourselves, dust away the mistake and carry on!!!! That is so precious, SO FUNNY SONJA! AND....you are so kind to visit with me dearest one. Oh how I love blogging. Every morning it is a blessing find a comment or two...some posts fetch much more, but no matter what, there have been the kindest people who have come my way, the most wonderful friendships, and most of all, these kindred spirits with whom I have connected LOVE GOD! SOnja, thank you for gracing my life...have a LAUGHTER FILLED DAY MY DEAREST!!! Anita
what a wonderful story and so funny! just cover our
mishaps with a little cheese!
My goodness I can just hear people I know say, "Go ahead, pick up that casserole - there is a 5 second rule after all!!" I can nearly taste the grit from a pebble as I type!! :) This was fun!
What wonderful stories. It must have been so nice to grow up in home with get togethers for prayer. Such funny memories of a lovely time.
This is so funny! Who ever says Christians don't know how to have fun????
I love prayer groups and the freedom and friendship that you find there. Thanks for sharing the chuckle about your Dad! What a cute story!
PS Love your blog.:)
....and smothered it with cheese ! thanks for the smile tonight. I needed that
patrina <")>><
How your posts bring back memories of potlucks, and un-potlucks - those times when the casserole I was supposed to supply turned out to be ....well, that was the problem. We weren't sure what it was supposed to be.
Cheese and love do indeed cover a multitude of sins! :) Thanks for stopping by Spots and Wrinkles, I really enjoy your comments....Marsha
You have the best memories to share with us Sonja! I can just picture that scene; lol. And to be in a home where such wonderful prayer warriors are on their knees; wow.
love you sis,
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