Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The box...

I've got big news for Larry!

If he opens that box at mid life, he's still going to have to box those childish things up again... and it won't be easier the next time!

Doesn't it seem to take a long time to move past those things that we should have put away long ago?

Just like Larry...

It's easy for me to hold on to a thought, an action or a habit that is complacently comfy, but not productive!

... instead of tossing the thing out, I am afraid that many times I've stuck it in that 'do not open until midlife' box.

Which brings me to a question, and I divert here, but what exactly is midlife?? Some say 40, some say the new midlife is now 60... Is it 50?

If so... it's for sure that my box of that 'stuff' is way past due for the dump!

Larry had a good idea, but his desire to put it off and do it later will only get in his way and keep him from the very best... God's best.

I've been boxing stuff up, and dumping it out all through the years, and yet it accumulates from time to time.

It was never God's plan for us to remain 'childish' until midlife, or beyond. "Put away" sounds like one of the things He expects us to do, which always brings me back to the word... 'obedience'.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

He wears many hats...

My husband is a collector of old things that relate to the early west, cowboys & indians stuff...

This is Crew, one of our grandkids. He was here one night recently and spent some time up in the room that has 'poppa's toys'... He was trying on some of the old hats...

I stood in the hall and watched the 2 of them. Crew asked about 100 questions, and got answers to all of them. His questions and the way he processed the answers was so much fun to hear. I know Joe was enjoying it all, and he treated this 6 year old as though he is 'one of the guys'... 'cuz he is!

Later, as he went home with some old railroad keys he told me...'this one is special because they never finished it', which is exactly right. The railroads made blank keys and later put the imprint of specific railroads on them. They had just had that discussion as he tried on hats. Talk about little sponges! I can only dream of retaining all that these young minds do...

Monday, August 22, 2011

The bridge to nowhere...

The bridge to nowhere...


I'm being honest here... worry is something that trips me up.

Worry is 'fear based'... so I know better...

and yet...

"I have crossed many bridges that I never came to"...

There is a thin line between honest concern and letting that concern slip into worry...

God has plenty to say on the subject...

'don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything'...

'will worry add a single day to your life'?...

'don't worry about the morrow, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof'...

I think God knows how prone his children are to worrying about things, so He is very specific... DON'T DO IT!

I've spent a lot of useless time worrying about things, thrashing around in murky waters that are unproductive. I wrestle with things in my mind, and then...

I end up with the simple truth that I should have come to before I started to worry...

God already has every single worry under His control...

Corrie Ten Boom said...

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength."

"If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest."

I'm not going to worry about what I've already worried about, I'm moving forward on what I DON'T have to worry about...anything!

It sounds 'easier said than done' on some days, but not according to God...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Look around, God is smiling!...

Just look around... God's humor and His smiles are all around us!...

Happy weekend!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Are your prayers being answered?...

I am learning.

I am sure that God has been very patient with my learning curve.

All my life, prayer has been part of my life. It was the main theme in my dad's ministry, and it was taught and lived from birth up in our home.

Many times through the years I have prayed with complete and earnest passion and almost pleading, for God to answer specific needs and desires of my heart.

There have been many times when my assumption, as I prayed, was that God's answer would then remove the problem I was praying about, and the situation would be resolved and my prayers would be answered!

and yet...That didn't always happen.

It still doesn't always happen, not that way.

I am a slow learner.

I AM supposed to ask God, about everything, and I do...


I am also supposed to obey Him in what He has already revealed to me in the situation, and often He has already shown me much more than what I am living up to.

Whether it's a relationship and I KNOW I am in the right and the other guy is SO wrong... and He quietly tells me to love that person as He loves me...

or... if I am seeking His 'next' in my own life and I need Him to make the path clearer, or even to supply an immediate need... and He says 'trust me, trust me, trust me'...

or... if I feel alone in a situation and I sincerely seek His filling of a void... and He tells me 'abide in me... I will never leave you or forsake you'.

I am learning some of His principles for living, living in the world He has placed me in. The answers are all there, or they are on the way, God hears every prayer, every plea.

Many times the answer itself is 'folded' into what He has already told me to do... trust, love, abide, obey, etc. As I do these things... the answer often 'unfolds' THROUGH that very obedience, and in the process, I have grown closer to Him and learned more about His faithfulness to me.

I love it just as much as the next guy, when God slaps a lightening bolt clear cut answer right in front of my eyes, but I am learning that His process in me is usually part of the answer, He is teaching me things as I wait for that answer, and then as I look back...

I see the way He has guided me to the answer, and I almost smile as I think... 'now isn't that just like God? He answered in a way I never would have thought of, and it's perfect!...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Hi Lord, it's me...

Hi Lord, its me.

We are getting older and things are getting bad here.

Gas prices are too high, no jobs, food and heating costs too high.

I know some have taken you out of our schools, government and even

Christmas, but Lord I'm asking you to come back
And re-bless America .

We really need you!

There are more of us who want you than those who don't!

Thank You Lord... I Love you.

A friend emailed this to us today. It kind of fits how we feel sometimes... We so need God!

This is simplistic, but it is that child-like faith that we need in our lives and in our world, the kind that invites Him to do and to be what He has always promised. I know that HE is our answer... to ALL of life!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer fun, even in August!...

These are loooong days, July and August in Texas! We have had record setting days of over 100 degrees for weeks.

We have also had some really good times, with the kids and the grandkids. This was last week when they were all here and we went down to the marina. I haven't been there for awhile and it was so beautiful with the sun about to go down over the water. That water is what drew us out here 20 years ago, and we still love it.

We are so thankful for our family! They bless our lives in 1000 ways, all the time. The heat continues, but there are wonderful days in the midst of it.

Hope your summer isn't as hot as ours, and even if it is, that we all remember how much we have to be thankful for, summer, winter or anytime!

I love the old song... 'Count your blessings name them one by one, count your many blessings, see what God has done."...

I'm also looking forward to counting the blessing of days that are back into the 80' and 90's!...