I've got big news for Larry!
If he opens that box at mid life, he's still going to have to box those childish things up again... and it won't be easier the next time!
Doesn't it seem to take a long time to move past those things that we should have put away long ago?
Just like Larry...
It's easy for me to hold on to a thought, an action or a habit that is complacently comfy, but not productive!
... instead of tossing the thing out, I am afraid that many times I've stuck it in that 'do not open until midlife' box.
Which brings me to a question, and I divert here, but what exactly is midlife?? Some say 40, some say the new midlife is now 60... Is it 50?
If so... it's for sure that my box of that 'stuff' is way past due for the dump!
Larry had a good idea, but his desire to put it off and do it later will only get in his way and keep him from the very best... God's best.
I've been boxing stuff up, and dumping it out all through the years, and yet it accumulates from time to time.
It was never God's plan for us to remain 'childish' until midlife, or beyond. "Put away" sounds like one of the things He expects us to do, which always brings me back to the word... 'obedience'.
Thanks for that I needed this morning. I think I am doing okay and then something happens that I find myself walking into a room, that I thought was gone and there sitting on the floor is a box I thought I threw away. There is sits and I am glad I read your post before I sat down and ripped off the tape and looked inside. I will go now and read my Bible and put away all of those childish things.
Have a wonderful day,
Obedience is always the best place to be even if it isn't the easiest or most comfortable. Thank you for this good word.
Cindy (Letters From Midlife)
Such a good reminder! There is a huge difference between being child-LIKE and child-ISH. I sometimes get them confused.
Yes and amen...needed that...I think I have unpacked some childish behavior lately and probably excused it as Mid-life crisis...oh my! Time to grow up and be used by God in this new season of life
Love this Sonja! I just began reading Richard Rohr's new book, "Falling Upward, a Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life" and it seems to touch upon some of this. He describes the first half of our lives as forming the vessel and the second half as filling it. Your post says something very similar!
My childhood pastor was David Seamands. He wrote the book, "Putting Away Childish Things." Perhaps I need to dig this one out again and give it a read. I've certainly collected a least 20 years' worth of things that need unpacking so that I might lighten my load.
Poor Larry.
OH! To couple the wisdom of adulthood with the wonder of children, that is the aim for me. But to put away childish attempts to stay ONE WAY all through life, no thank you. DUMP IT ALL LARRY!!!
Something that has had my attention the past couple of weeks!
OUCH - conviction time.
I'm going to go bold and call *50* midlife. And so, I'm certainly on the other side of it.
I've got some real Christian immaturity things I need to dump. And though those things linger in my midlife box, I'm asking the Lord to rummage around and remove the childish things. I just want to have a *child-like* faith in Him. Obedient, trusting, humble...
Do you think there's a "His Good Will" store??
Wow. This is just excellent! I would never have thought to ponder this, but you're right.
You are right, obedience sums it all up.
We hold on to things that are not worth keeping.
It is time to do an overhaul, and travel light through life.
SOme of the things we hold on to are grudges and hurts. They may remain in the box, but they are alive and taking root in our hearts...
Hi Sonja
"It was never God's plan for us to remain 'childish' until midlife, or beyond. "Put away" sounds like one of the things He expects us to do.."
It is fascinating that you should post on this theme. Variations of it have been on my mind. Indeed, you may enjoy my latest post on Heavenly Minded & Earthly Good.
Thank you for the wise words.
Obedience. It almost never matter what "it" is, but "it" always comes back to my need to obey. Trust and obey. Lovely post.
Sonja thank you for your continued support and encouragement. You are a dear. Blessings.
Great post, full of truth! Blessings for a wonderful week!
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