This is Crew, one of our grandkids. He was here one night recently and spent some time up in the room that has 'poppa's toys'... He was trying on some of the old hats...
I stood in the hall and watched the 2 of them. Crew asked about 100 questions, and got answers to all of them. His questions and the way he processed the answers was so much fun to hear. I know Joe was enjoying it all, and he treated this 6 year old as though he is 'one of the guys'... 'cuz he is!
Later, as he went home with some old railroad keys he told me...'this one is special because they never finished it', which is exactly right. The railroads made blank keys and later put the imprint of specific railroads on them. They had just had that discussion as he tried on hats. Talk about little sponges! I can only dream of retaining all that these young minds do...
Great hats and what darling boys! You are so very blessed.
Dear Sonja,
What a delightful post this is! My husband loved to collect caps... he's got several still in his office. What a privilege it is for your grands to still have grandpa around - to patiently answer their questions.
Yes, they really are sponges... catching not just information but the life that oozes out of our hearts. It's been said that real education is the passing on of life from the living to the living!
Your posts always leave such a warm feeling in my heart!
Oh, these little men are my favorites. And I will have about 25 of them out of the 50 children I am going to school this week for to prepare their classroom. SOnja, I must run; my summer has been so rich in visiting you and enjoying your wonderful posts!!! I AM STILL IN THE SADDLE, but the next two weeks will be an adjustment! YIKES! I have had the most relaxing summer and now the heat turns up! THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS about my POETRY. Do you know that for months, people have always commented on my images and choices I make for photos? EXCELLENT! BUT NOW.....slowly......people are noticing what a WRITER wants people to notice: THE WORDS. That is what I am aiming for...thank you SO much. I have been reading poetry this summer and it is one of the best ways to THINK while you write.
Many blessings to you and I am STILL FOLLOWING CLOSELY...I just might be late in doing so these next two weeks!
Love these pics!!! What fun.....
Oh love this...I had a post I was preparing on wearing hats...Benjamin is in one of them. This is precious...what a great grandfather. I can just hear all those questions...well I get them every day! They are what all animals eat grass? You sure that is ALL of them?
Now you need that sign "God tell Grandma that Cowboys Don't Need Baths"
Hugs...too, too cute. Oh send that rain this way...we didn't get any!!
How adorable!
I love how your grandson just ate up all that your husband was telling him. We just never know the impact we have on children - not just our words, but the time spent with them!
We also LOVE things Old West and Native American in my house! In fact, my husband and I just got back from a Western Festival in Utah. He dressed up like Wyatt Earp, and I was girl??? I'll bet your husband would like our two Cigar Store Indians! One is almost 7 feet tall!
Hats are a great thing - they let us pretend. And THAT is the part of childhood that I never want to lose - my imagination. (The memory can go - and it is! - but not my sense of wonder at God's world...)
What darling pictures. He's a cutie for sure.
Probably hard to say who enjoyed that time
together more-your grandson or your husband.
What a cute little guy! He has the posing down well!
I loved the story, but when I got to the series of pictures at the end, I literally did an out loud chuckle. That is SO SWEET!
Sonja - What a great name "Crew" - where does it come from?
Great hat collection, too.
blessings to you - Marsha
Love the pics at the end and all the facts I learned.
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