"Now Out in Paperback, a Book on How To Understand Women"...
Really though, are we that hard to understand??
Maybe so, since my husband's first response was a good chuckle. Was he agreeing??
I don't think we are that hard to understand...
Even when I don't know what I'm talking about, I understand what I'm trying to say!
I especially understand other women... we tend to think alike. It's one of the best reasons to spend time with our friends, there is a fellowship we share with each other that blesses, challenges, and sharpens us!
I share with so many of you a true heart connection. I've said it before... even if we never meet face to face in this life, I am so sure that we will recognize each other in heaven!
'Oh look... there's Debbie from Heart Choices, or Kathleen from Sassy Granny, or Janette from Janette's Sage, and I see Lea from My Letters to Emily, and Lisa Shaw with that big smile on her face from way across the room, Sharon my old pal from Westmont, Elaine from Peace for the Journey, Debbie from Words on Wheels, Kim from My Field of Dreams, Andrea, Lidia, and my good sister from Norway, Felisol, my first blog friend, Andrea, Shirley, Beth, Mary, Melanie, Cindy, Debby, Debra, JBR, Marsha, Anita ... and I could go on and on. If I left your name out, forgive me...
All of you and more, I think you know who you are, since I comment on your pages every week, and you encourage and challenge me over and over. You have made me laugh out loud, and brought me to tears with your sharing...
Each one of you whose blogs I faithfully read have become my friends! I feel that way, don't you??
Even though we know there won't be marriages in heaven... my mom used to say that 'maybe God would reserve a tiny section in heaven for she and dad', since he had traveled and preached away from home so much during their lifetime...
Maybe there will also be a section for blogging buddies whose hearts have been so connected through our words and expressions on the pages of these blogs!
Again, I have no theological backing for this, but on the other hand...
Oh Sonja, I almost cried when I saw my name. I had to read this one to Greg so he could understand the heart connections I've made through blogging. He smiled so wide and hugged me. :)
Yes, I understand women. I don't think we are so hard to understand. We want to be loved and to give love.
I think you are so special and I love you my sister in Christ. I do hope that we get to meet this side of heaven though. But if not, we'll have lots of time to talk and spend time together in heaven. I will want to introduce you to my mom too.
Love you,
Big hugs to you!!! After I see our Missy and my Mom and some others who will be there...I'm looking up my blog buddies. :) May not ever meet you here, but I'm expecting a big hug There!!!
Precious fellow Westmont Warrior - how kind of you to mention me!
Yes, there is a fellowship of understanding with women, and that bond is even stronger when we all share the same Lord! Then we become sisters indeed!
Sonja, I am consistently blessed and inspired, encouraged and challenged, every time I visit your blog. I am so glad that you have become my friend! And I have no doubt that there will be a place for all of us to meet in Heaven. We'll laugh with joy - and Jesus will drop by and say to all of us, "Well done, good and faithful servants!"
Love to you and GOD BLESS!
I'm there! I'm there! You'll recognize me immediately. I'll be standing there at the throne with my head just a bobbin' as I sing before the King. And for once, every other redeemed saint and angel will be thinking, "That one sounds just like Mahalia Jackson."
In all seriousness, I have commented to my daughter recently that I have met more kindred souls in blog land than I could have ever imagined that day when I first clicked "publish".
Oh that would be a place I would want to visit. I think it would be so much fun. Thank you for including me in your list. I did a test. I made a sketchy question and my daughter was able to answer it no problem. I asked my son, and he looked confused and never could answer it. Our brains all just fire differently.
I like the differences.
You can't see the big tears streaming down my cheeks with gratitude to call you friend. I feel as you do, so many online I count as my friends. Those who I truly connect with and I'm so thankful.
By the way the photo was funny. We are not that hard to figure out but I bet my hubby would chuckle as yours did!
Love you sister-friend!
Oh Sonja,
I SO UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE SAYING! AND I also agree that WE HERE IN BLOGLAND so understand and actually LOVE each other! I have never, ever made such great friends. I think the fact that we COMMUNICATE through writing has a lot to do with that special connection we make. In everyday life, we just say the first thing that comes to our minds. But when you write, hopefully we take more time to say something, revise and edit and SHARE what is important. How wonderful that GOD would use technology to link us together!!!! BLESS YOU PRECIOUS FRIEND! Anita
Oh dear Sonja, I just had to chuckle, like your husband, when I saw the picture. Paperback, yes...but you need a suitcase to take it with you!
I just love my blogging buddies, each one of you has a special spot in my big heart. Thanks for putting my name on this post... made me really feel special to you.
What amazes me is how well we women understand each other! Sometimes only a look, or a glance... and we know immediately. As a little quote says, between friends, words are optional!
Looking forward to seeing you face to face someday!
Much love
Oh dear Sonja, I just had to chuckle, like your husband, when I saw the picture. Paperback, yes...but you need a suitcase to take it with you!
I just love my blogging buddies, each one of you has a special spot in my big heart. Thanks for putting my name on this post... made me really feel special to you.
What amazes me is how well we women understand each other! Sometimes only a look, or a glance... and we know immediately. As a little quote says, between friends, words are optional!
Looking forward to seeing you face to face someday!
Much love
I am so honored to be considered a friend! I think we will all be yelling across heaven...Hey that is you, now I can see you for real...and the for real will be without blemish!!!!
Since I am in a household of six males and only three females, well we are out numbered and as I grow older I see more and more how I need the females around. So the blog world has allowed that while I continue to take care of all my boys!
Thanks for enriching my life...God has used you more times than you can imagine
If you ask me it's men who are hard to
understand. And yes I feel a deep connection
to my blogging friends. Those who don't blog
just can't understand it. Thanks for such
a sweet post.
Dear Sonja,
Like always I find tears, laughter, love and understanding when I come to your blog site. Since you mean so much to me, I had honestly become disappointed if I were not among your friends too.The two-way friendship make the strongest bonds.
Of course there'll be a blog-meeting section in heaven. God has given us each other as sisters and supporters here on earth, I'm sure we'll get a corner to join in a praise to the Lamb when we meet.
The best is yet to come!!!!!
While still on earth I urge you to publish a book with your wonderful one-liners.
It's a gift you have, and it should be shared.
"Even when I don't know what I'm talking about, I understand what I'm trying to say! "
Hugs Felisol
Sonja - thank yu for including me among your blogging buddies. Your blog is always one of my very favorites.
On your post above, good chuckle, and maybe we women are a little more challenging to understand; but if so, it is because we are a little more complicated.
Guys, on the other hand, well they are pretty simple, food, sleep, work... you know what I mean. :) Us women like to think about things.:)
Have a great day - Marsha
I feel as you do about our blogging sisterhood. I always thank God that I can log in anytime and one of you guys is writing something I can identify with. We're connected for eternity; we'll recognize each other in Heaven!
a blogger's section in heaven?? oh, hee hee!
your post is such a wonderful development
of mine. i DO feel connected to you and
most of the blogs you mentioned. who
knows what the Lord will do with this. we
may be surprised!
wait, you understand yourself? i never
know WHAT i am saying.
You are too darn cute! Indeed, I have a great appreciation for you, too, Sonja; along with a number of others. There's a connection that's hard to describe, but it's a sisterhood of the best order!
Maybe there really IS a Cyberville in heaven; and if there is, I just know we'll be giggling a lot.
Now that would be a "fun table." Reserving my seat in advance of heaven! One of my least favorite aspects about social media is the willingness to so many people to easily move in and out of my world. Like you, I've grown to care about my readers and when they disappear, I feel like I've lost a friend.
So glad we'll be sharing heaven together, sister. Until then, let's keep sharing our hearts in this cyber space. You are a rich blessing to me.
I love it! I'm counting on getting some Mother/Son time with Andrew "when we all get to Heaven."
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