"I pray because I can't help myself. I pray because I'm helpless. I pray because the need flows out of me all the time- waking and sleeping. It doesn't change God - it changes me. " C.S.Lewis.
We pray because we HAVE to pray, we pray about everything... our needs are immediate, ongoing and constant. As he said, waking and sleeping. (It's for sure, mine seem to be that way!)
The part of that quote I love the most is the last sentence..."It doesn't change God - it changes me."
And that is the whole point!
Prayer CHANGES things. GOD changes things.
There is always hope, because He hears every prayer and because He changes things, lives, circumstances, outcomes, past pain, attitudes... all of it!
When I really understand that, clear down to my toes, it makes my prayers so much more alive, and with such hope that all of it is beyond me ... but NONE of it is beyond God!
What a strong way to begin another week. knowing that God hears every prayer, and that He is at work on the prayers of our hearts!...
Hi there, Wonderful post; we are a blessed people who can pour out our hearts to God in prayer. Love this. Such a comfort to know that when all is so uncertain around us, we can cry out to One who sees it all.
Hugs, Noreen
So simple, and so well spoken! It took me years to figure out what prayer ISN'T before I could joyfully seize what it IS. The book you sent me only affirmed that, and even made the subject matter much clearer.
If Jesus found it necessary to pray without ceasing, I wonder how it is that I could ever make a case for doing less? Might as well propose we just stop breathing because it's bothersome.
Fabulous post!
I agree. This is a fabulous post today. I
also have to pray constantly, not just because
life is hard but because I love Jesus so much
I want to always be talking to Him about every
little thing--and every big thing. I love the
quote and will copy it into my quotes journal.
Thanks for the wonderful encouragement.
Perfect wording..... I pray because I am helpless. That says it all for me Sonja. Blessings and hugs.
Beautifully written, both from C.S. Lewis and from you. I couldn't agree more. I find myself living in a constant state of prayer most of the time. I have my quiet time in the morning, but it's just not enough. It's a follow me around kind of thing.
And I love the part about it changing US. It's the same with forgiveness, don't you think?
I love the quote from CS Lewis...I believe that more and more the older I get...it changes me. I also believe I need to get it from my head to my heart at times....then all the way to my toes. If I truly let it transform me, I wouldn't walk in unbelief.
Rangers pulled it off tonight...we say the ending at the State Fair...yes walking through an exhibit and they had the TV going...too funny. My crew stopped in front of it and didn't move. The fair was fun also.
"God changes things."
I will walk with those words in my heart today.
And even when we faintly cry out,He hears us, forgives us and gives us a second chance.....I NEED TO PRAY...Anita
Sonja - You've done it again! Such a timely post for me, as K's blood tests were not good last week, and I have been praying for grace to "hear this week's results" on thursday.
Thank you for a wonderful reminder of God's willingness to both change us and outcomes. blessings to you - Marsha
Amen! Sometimes a prayer can be so simple. Last week I had the worst headache of my life. I tried to get some sleep to get rid of it, but that was not likely. Suddenly I felt God's presence in the room, so I said "As long as you're here, would you mind fixing this?" The headache was gone instantly, and in about 2 minutes I fell asleep. I need to remind myself...prayer isn't the length of it, or the word choices...it's the faith!
It is so true, I think of the times I find myself praying when I am alone. I don't know what I would do if there wasn't anyone around to hear me. That is a loneliness I think would be too unbearable.
Lovely post, I love that part to...it changes me.
How I need the changing, transformation power of prayer in my own life! I know this to be true; every time I pray, I move closer to the Father's heart and his peace arrives to my trembling soul.
Praying for you tonight.
this is the song of my heart. we pray because
we long for Him in the midst of our day, our
joy, and our heartbreak.
you are precious.
Perfect, Sonja. May I just end your post about prayer with a hearty AMEN?!
We pray because we have nowhere else to turn. Only to the One who loves us, and has known us before the foundation of the world.
And He invites us to boldly approach His throne - with EVERYTHING that concerns us. I am humbled by that privilege...
Prayer changes me--that is powerful! God doesn't need my prayers, but He knows I need to pray them. He wants to hear them, but He knows I need to hear them as well. What an awesome thought to think about when I am praising God for who He is, not because He needs to be reminded, but because I do! When I ask His forgiveness which He has already bestowed, because I need to remember that He has done it already. This really spoke to my heart this morning. Thank you for sharing.
Sonja, you always have much to offer, especially about prayer! I so need the transforming power that flows from that divine connection! And, I am praying to understand the life that "prays without ceasing," to live out the truth of never-ending prayer.
Thank you for your beautiful reminder, and for your lovely heart that guides me!
I am new to your blog and I really enjoyed this post!
Praying, because: Jesus first prayed, if I don't my heart will become to heavy, for my heart longs to draw close to God. I am thankful for prayer!
Amen and Amen my friend!!! Prayer is powerful and a humbling privilege we've been given by the Father through Christ. It indeed changes things...it changes us! Praise His Name!
Love you!
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