He did.
She also prayed for our neighbors, Nettie & Daniel, and Miss Conn. She shared her faith with them many times, and they called on her when they needed prayer or answers.
Those prayers were not long, just to the point, and to The One she knew would answer.
I know that my prayers today are much like hers. I don't pray all around the mulberry bush, but to the point. When someone is on my heart, I lift them up right then. There are times when long and detailed prayers and time alone with God are what I must have, but many times it's what is on my heart as I go about the day.
I've never questioned why I pray that way, but I can look back and know that it's because my mother taught me by how she lived and prayed.
She kept a prayer journal. I often wish I had done that. I wrote about her prayer journal and seeing my own name in it here. I also saw her tears, and the worn thin pages where she had gone back and prayed again, over and over. I'm sure I added some tears of my own the day I read it.
I know that the Holliston family are checked off in that journal, and many many others, including some special prayers that had my name on them.
Do you pray that way, and are there many names of family, friends and neighbors that you lift up as you think of them?
God hears every prayer.
I really wish I did it more like your Mom did. In fact I would say I have got pretty lax. To my shame.
I have tried now that it is September to return to the way I used to be. I have my prayer journal with my requests and I do love checking off the miracles that God has done there, but No, not like I wish. I am so glad God is faithful.
I have prayer gratitude journals that I keep and I hope I will always do that. I pray for family and closest friends daily and many others as the Lord brings them to mind. I can't imagine getting through one single day without pouring my heart out to my Daddy.
Yes. I pray as soon as someone comes to mind. Too often, I pray what John calls "pickle prayers." How very special that your mother kept a prayer journal. To find your name written there had to have been very special.
I have kept prayer journals on and off over the years...mainly off. I wish I had been consistent. My prayers are often short and quick just like that. Honestly sometimes 3 or 4 words when I am busy with something else. This was an interesting post, and now I am off to check out your post about finding your mother's prayer journal. Hope you had a good day!
Oh yes, I pray for the salvation of many people I know and love. I have a list and I'm always adding to it. I also continue my prayers throughout my day. When I rub the backs of the little preschoolers during nap time after lunch, I even pray for them.
Love you,
PS. So glad we are working on getting in shape together despite the distance.
Just now I am praying for one of our neighbors, T. and D., for them to come to know Jesus.
Lovely thoughts on your mom's journal.
Sometimes my prayers are short and to the point - I call them *arrow* prayers. Other times, I have long conversations with the Lord. And often, I can't even express my inner groanings. It's at those times that I am thankful for the Holy Spirit - who helps raise my heart to the Lord's throne.
I have a prayer journal. I pray for people I encounter like blog friends, family, neighbors and situation. I put the names in the box and I pray God's words over over each and everyone which I write in ny prayer journal.
I learned to pray this way from a Bible study teacher so I'm on board here in AZ doing the same. When my daughter had to downscale and move into an apartment a few years ago, the motorcycle business next door was so very loud, we couldn't even chat on the phone. I prayed they would increase and have to move. Last week she happened to be in that neighborhood and called me that the business moved. My husband says I'm scary. Oh, well some people just don't get it!!!!
Great example of prayer.
It encouraged me.
Yes I pray that way, I just wish I was more constant and more so my children would hear. Prayer journals off and on...again, I wish I was more discipline.
Thanks so much for the encouragement to pray. I have been using my time at work to do just that, prayer, it keeps my feelings in tact.
Like you Sonja, I get to the point. God knows our hearts, but we often do NOT know what we want to say. Just say it, He knows what we mean, and often, that prayer is answered on the quick. How wonderful of a way to start my day. Anita
I love your expression, "pray around the mulberry bush". I tend to pray just like you, and I also keep a prayer journal.
In a little bit of providence, I happened to be looking through an old one just yesterday. It was very interesting to see how God had responded to those old prayers.
(And to see that some are still being lifted. )
That has always been on our list of places to visit. We have always wanted to go there and have been a fan of Carl Baugh for years.
I am glad you reminded me of it because I had forgotten about it.
I pray much like you do, if someone comes to mind I say a little prayer, short and sweet and specific to the need. (and if I don't I will still pray generally for them)
I have a prayer journal as well but not as faithful to use
i love that you don't "pray all around the
mulberry bush." me either. i pray what
pops into my mind to pray just as if He
were right in the car with me . . . which
He is. :)
Such a sweet remembrance of your mother. I've no doubt those simple, powerful & consistent prayers worked much for God's kingdom!
I'm sort of an "on the fly" pray-er. But sometimes I find myself laboring long; and usually when I'm alone. (I've been in close proximity to the Gone-With-the-Wind-Length sort of pray-ers, and wished THEY were gone with the wind). :D
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