Not God.
His word is loaded with tiny words, pivotal words that have huge meanings.
Take the little word IF...
There are many scriptures where that little word IF is the condition on which the promise hinges.
"IF my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, THEN will they hear from heaven and I will forgive their sins and heal their land."
The promises are gigantic, but the realization of those promises are based on the IF...
Another one is WHEN...
"You shall seek me and you shall find me WHEN you search for me with your whole heart."
Again, the promise is huge, life changing, but the condition is based on the WHEN.
What are those loaded little words... really?
...They are God's instructions to us.
...They are words that require our obedience.
I have been guilty of reading, claiming, and even declaring those promises, without always DOING what He has instructed. You already know where this is going...
IF we fail to do it God's way, per His instructions, even though His words may be small, we miss the full blessings and the answers that He has promised.
My parents used to always say "Little is much when God is in it".
God is in those little words, He gave them to us for very good reasons. God says what He means with crystal clarity, in very few words.
We can never claim that He is too complicated and hard to understand.
Aren't you glad for that? I sure am.
Yes, I am very glad. I have been meditating on the simplicity of His Gospel a lot lately. He really made it easy enough for a child to understand yet we complicate it so. Those tiny words are important and we must not overlook them.
Yes, I am very glad that God is faithful to reveal Himself to us IF we seek after Him with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength.
Yes, He has promised that we will find Him.
AGREED. I think Jesus made it very clear what we need to concentrate on to live on. Absolutely NO excuses, are there? Anita
I totally love this post and I think it is a wonderful reminder. Thank you Sonja.
Yes, Im glad that he talks to us through his words:)
Oh I loved this post! Simple words, HUGE wisdom! Sometimes it is so easy for us to just skim over those little words...but they are so important. Thanks for the reminder!
Yes, it is important to pay attention to the ifs, whens, and buts. Love this!
Yes and Amen...and such a timely and appropriate word for me..thanks!
Oh yes, how easy it can be to grab the promise and miss those little but very important words. We must obey! Good reminder Sonja.
This morning's little words from God's Word are "Once more ..." from 2 Kings 19:29 (I think). I love that our Father's words cut through joint and marrow and don't leave us guessing as to their meaning. He's concise, precise, and loving in all that he says. I am not left alone in my deliberations, praise God!
Blessings, friend. I pray you are well.
Just about as wonderfully put as I have ever read. I loved this.
I think the same applies to the "soldiers psalm" (Psalm 91). We like to claim the promise but not so much the condition. He who dwells in the shadow of the Most High...
Excellent post, just as I expect here.
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