I've said those words hundreds of times, I'll bet you have too.
The problem is... often after I've said the words, I don't really get the job done, so instead of getting him behind me, he has lingered, and the pounds have gotten 'behind me'.
I am a work in progress. I am struggling to get a long overdo pattern of the behind me... OFF of me! One more thing my mother was right about. The older you get, the harder it is.
But... I am determined!
Changing bad habits that have gone on way too long is not easy, but it is not impossible either.
I am dancing, twisting, and using the tension rope pulleys and a stationary bicycle. I remember when those things used to be fun!
It helps to know that many of you are in the same boat, and working to get out! Debbie, you are an encouragement, always, and it makes me smile to know you are in Arizona while I am in Texas, doing the same thing. I see others of you writing the same things...so many of us, we could be a club...
bloggers bottoms be-gone... or...
farewell fellow former fluffies... or maybe
sisters seriously slimming & trimming...
It will not happen accidentally. It's an intentional, determined one day at a time journey. I'm moving forward, a day at a time, and I'm encouraged.
If you knew how many cute things are hanging in my closet waiting to wear, you would be ashamed for me!
That's it for this Wednesday... onward and forward!
All the best with your exercise and weight loss plan!
love your attitude here! you WILL do it!
Oh Sonja, believe me I understand!!!! I have so many cute outfits in my closet too. But they are still too tight. But I am determined! We can do this together. I only wish you lived near me and we could work out together. Keep on and don't give up. We can encourage one another.
Good luck, Sonja! I need to do the same! Many blessings!
Dear Sonja. I had to delete my comment. Too many misspellings. I´m struggling with the wight of a new machine. Serina is a comfort to me, when I feel low about steadily gaining kilos. "Mama, you need some upholstering to protect your crackling bones."She also claims that mothers should be soft.
I love my daughter. My mirror gives me no reason to love my body. I do not feel to be 25 again, but just being able to take a walk would be fine. I have big plans for a beach hike.
Oh sister, you are speaking to the choir! Four years ago I lost 35 pounds, and kept it off for like 2 1/2 years. In the last year, I have gained (not all, but more than I want to) back. GRRR.
You have inspired me to get off my "duff" and get exercising. Maybe I'll start by putting down my spoon!!
Eat all the colorful foods that God intended for us to eat, eat sparingly, walk, walk, walk, and don't snack. It's helped me for over 35 years maintain my high school weight. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! Anita
I'm in the club too. Honestly, it is frustrating the stronghold that I have in that area. I actually have excellent eating habits as far as the kind of stuff that goes it. I just don't have the check valve of how much. I also eat for the same reason that an addict takes a drug. It's a struggle that I wish God would miraculously remove, but He hasn't. He is there with me through it instead.
Actually, going to the gym for me is so much fun. I should have done it earlier:)
I have thought that maybe this is just an impossible task. I refuse to ever give up but it does sometimes just make me so weary of all of the exercise. I will as Paul says, continue to run the race with Endurance.
I hope you get to wear all of the cute clothes in your closet.
This fellow Texan...just up the road, is cheering, as I too keep pushing along. I gained back two pounds last week and it was my hardest and longest cleaning week...oh please! I do know that I need to eat better. I tend to go for the junk food when I feel stress, so even with working my body sore, if I don't eat right it will be back and more!
I am going walking now..you convicted me...as always!!!
I am proud of you! I am right with you, and I know from my past, that if you do an exercise routine for 21 times, it will become a habit. I have been an avid exerciser for many years, but slacked off in the last year. Now, I am back at it. I love how you talked about the cute things in your closet waiting to be worn. It is a battle for all of us and we will support each other. Honesty reigns in your blog:)
Sonja, good for you! I will applaud you onward - and perhaps all that clapping can be counted as my own exercise??? Just asking. :)
Always a work in progress! Thanks for the encouragement.
I'm joining your bottoms out club, too. Not only to get into our clothes, but at my age I have to work at lowering cholesterol and exercising for joints!
Yep. I'm in! I'm sporting about 12 pounds more than I had just 2 years ago, and many a pair of slacks or jackets are hanging in the back closet. I just wish I'd get to the point where I want to be lean far more than I want to craze through my evenings.
I'll welcome any secrets you pass along!
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