So are you.
From the first time God thought us into being.
But the ones I'm thinking of today are specific... times when I know God did miracles in my life.
... When I was 12, I got Spinal Meningitis. The doctors did not think I would live. My dad was preaching in Japan at the time. They prayed around the clock, he and other ministers and missionaries. My mother was on her knees by my side, with our friends and church, also in prayer for my healing.
Here I am!
... God allowed my hubby and I to see His power right in front of our eyes as we were able to see a life transformed, a sinner saved by grace. It changed us forever.
... As I drove down the highway in the rain, one of the wheels fell off of my suburban. My car rolled and the wheel raced across the highway and hit a pick up truck. The driver of the pickup was fine, and I landed upright, still strapped in, not a bruise or scratch!
... Another time as I was driving to do a big antique show in central Texas, an 18 wheeler ahead of me on a small country road stopped, and began to back up. He never saw me. I was sitting on my horn and he didn't hear it. I backed up as fast as I could, his truck crumbled the front end of my car like an accordion, and he finally realized he had hit something. I was fine, he was fine, and the car was towed and totally redone, as I loaded all the antiques into a rental car and proceeded to my show!
Probably the biggest miracle of all is how He has changed me... my heart, my desires, who I am. These are the best miracles of all.
Not to mention that there are probably 1000's of other miracles that I don't even know about... those provisions and protections He has provided all through my life.
Do miracles still happen? You better believe it! Think about your own lives, and all the times God has done things beyond our ability or even knowledge, He was at work the whole time.
Take heart, if you are in the middle of needing a miracle...
"Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever."
you are the sweetest miracle!
Amen to that.
God has blessed all of us with miracles from
time to time. But we forget - even the ones
we recognize.
The post was an encouragement.
Oh yes, He is the God of miracles! Praise Him that you were saved from many of these scares in your life. He has a purpose for you and nothing can change those plans He has for you Sonja! I do believe the biggest miracle is how He can take people like us and give us a new heart and a new life in Him.
Love you,
Hi Sonja! Wow, your life is filled with the sureness of his love and saving grace! I loved reading each paragraph of your blog. He wants you around, that's for sure!
Thank you for your encouraging and inspiring post today :)
Sonja, this post was such a great reminder to me today, of the powerful and amazing God we serve. I am so thankful that He worked in all those miraculous ways in your lifetime, because He knew He was going to use you and your life, to bless mine and so many others, via the blog world. I am thanking Him this morning for that. Yes, I believe in He does the impossible in daily life.
Such an encouraging reminder of God at work in our lives!
I like you believe there are so many miracles that we are not even aware of. This post was so encouraging and it reminded of the many miracles in my own life. God is good!
Hi Sonja,
I just dropped by to say, "Hello" and catch up on your writing.
Wow, Sonja - I'm glad you're here!
Yes, each of us is a miracle indeed. We take so many things for granted, don't we? Every day is a miracle, and everything we see - especially in nature - is a miraculous creation from the hand of the infinitely creative Creator.
I'm gonna look for a miracle today. I just bet I'll find one.
I am so thankful that you shared these miracles. What I love is that God gave me the joy of meeting you here. Heaven would be nice someday, but in heaven we will already know each other so we can start of visiting right away. I am glad you shared this because I love that you remind me that we are all miracles.
Have a lovely day. My blog feed hasn't been updating your posts so I am far behind.
Great post. Miracles happen all the time, but you know nine out of ten that were cured from leprosy did not return to thank the Lord. I'm glad you did. The Lord has indeed not changed, but it's grace alone, that he has not gone tired of granting me his miracles.Have a blessed Sunday.
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