How long is a million years to you?
God answered: A minute.
The man said: How much is a million dollars to you?
God said: A penny.
Well then, said the man: Will you give me a penny?
God said: In a minute.
Our perspective is tiny, and so limited. When we say God sees the whole big picture, I don't even have a clue what that really means, except that He's a lot bigger and more infinite than I am able to understand.
He is God.
Creator, designer, master planner... He always was and He always will be. Eternal God.
How could we think that we can out guess or even understand His ways?
And yet... I sure try, over and over again. Each time I do it my way, I am running ahead of what he has in mind... assuming I know what I'm doing.
God is so forgiving. I think sometimes he must have a small rather sad smile and just shake his head, when he watches some of our antics, like a loving father who sees his toddler doing something that is not the best for him. On the other hand... he is so just and fair, and he knows our hearts, and that we want more of him.
There isn't a stack of million dollar bills high enough to equal what we have as his children.
So well said, Sonja. I know that I have caused God a head-shake or two (or a million) in my lifetime! Glad He's patient!
Dear Sonja. He shall fill all in all, isn´t that so? And I keep asking for more and worrying about the days that haven´t come.
I know he has been with me so far, even when I couldn´t see him, he kept track of me.
Looking out on the autumn blue morning sky, I once more place my life in his hands.
You made me smile with this post and inspired too:)
Oh, perspective can make or break anything: relationships, HEALTH, mental status. Yes, we don't know anything.
This was a great post Sonja and soo true. If only we could wrap our heads around the goodness of our God and His unending love for us. How exasperated He must be with me most of the time, and yet He NEVER fails to bless me. Great thoughts to start my day ~ thanks for posting them!
When I can't see beyond my hand, I can trust that my life rest in the palm of His!
Great post and reminder~
Good point and oh so true.
I love the "just and fair" nuance you paint. It seems to me that the majority of difficulties we mortals have with God have little to do with Him, and everything to do with us. We look through the binoculars backwards & wonder why He distorts things.
So good to visit you today, my friend. You've been such a great companion in recent weeks & I love you for it!
Agreed, yes, so powerful. I feel encouraged and this certainly brought a smile just thinking about such truth. He is so good.
Hello there dearest Sonja! Thank you for visiting my post today! YES, aren't you glad that GOD IS? In the middle of all our struggles to survive, to figure out this world, HE IS. At sunrise to the end of the day, that never changes. Praise His name. Anita
Just the kind of story my pastor is fond of telling. How amazing that God sees the heart because my actions can be pretty incomprehensible at times.
what a great illustration! his ways are
not our ways. in a minute, i might
understand them.
This brought a smile to my day and some needed perspective.
You write such truth so simply for us Sonja. I need that and I love your pearls of wisdom. Keep on writing!
Love you,
Simple, yet profound, is the way you write dear Sonja. I love the analogy you used here. I must tell you though, I find great comfort in God's viewpoint of me, because He knows that I am like a sheep. My study of Psalms 23 by Phillip Keller helped me realize that we truly are like sheep, and that God actually created us like that. Now I know how desperately sheep need a Shepherd, simply to live every day of our lives.
I love your last sentence. We are more blessed than we could ever possibly imagine. Once again I found inspiration here.
Wishing you joy on this Monday!
Praying for that heavenly perspective today, Sonja, and grateful for the moments of faith when I can see beyond the struggles.
dear mrs. goodson...when i looked at the blogs you followed i could hardly believe that one of them is my dearest and bestest friend that i have ever had in my life and it is felisol!...i wonder how these things happen....last week i saw her and heard her dear voice on skype, not my own but on another's lap top...i was so thrilled to see her in real life that i cried ..tears of happiness!
I didn't think I had missed any wisdom tidbits from you, but when I got ready to comment on the most recent post, I saw this below it. I LOVE this. I love the funny way you began it. It's interesting that this was the exact topic of the Bible study video we watched last week as an introduction to our newest study. Had I read this in a more timely manner, it would have been the next day...
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