I was shocked!
There are lots of us out there, and we've been there since back in the beginning.
So what about that word??
I don't generally think of myself as a complainer or whiner, but lately... there have been more than a few times when that's exactly what I've been.
You know how God points things out to us when we are misbehaving? Yes... so do I, and that's what He did recently.
There are times in life when things get upside down or cross ways, and they begin to pile up. There is a lot of that in our lives, and usually I take it in stride and just keep on truckin'. When I don't... I begin to whine or complain. I hate the sound of my own voice when I whine, don't you?
I don't want to think of the Israelites and smile when I read about how they whined, but sometimes I do. Misery does love company.
But God does not like whining.
My parents didn't like it either. We grew up in a home that had a sign on the wall... 'DO ALL THINGS WITHOUT MURMURING OR COMPLAINING". We heard it so much that dad finally would say...
"DO ALL THINGS"... and we knew exactly what he meant!
So this morning, I have chosen to focus instead, on...
"When a man is gloomy, everything seems to go wrong; when he is cheerful, everything seems right!" (Prov.15:14,15)
"And that’s about it, friends. Be
cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be
agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure."
(I Cor.13:10-)
(I Cor.13:10-)
"Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the
time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong
to Christ Jesus to live."
(I Thess.5:15-)
"Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I’ll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns."
Much much better. I can already tell the difference. :)

(I Thess.5:15-)
"Do everything readily and cheerfully—no bickering, no second-guessing allowed! Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night so I’ll have good cause to be proud of you on the day that Christ returns."
Much much better. I can already tell the difference. :)
I was just talking with a friend this evening about a mutual friend who always seems so happy. His face literally glows with the love of the Lord. We were recalling how he seems to always be able to cheer us up and looks on the bright side of life all the time. I want to be more like him and never give in to complaining.
Blessings, Sonja!
Oh Sonja can't tell you how many times I have been convicted of this...and your right, I hate the sound of my own voice when I do. I LOVE the verses you have gathered here! I found this soo encouraging and I thank you for posting it! Enjoy your week-end!
Have you been reading at Ceil's? ; )
Good quote for the wall of a Christian home.
Oh how this word comes to me at the right time, Sonja. Thank you.
Love this so much. I think I'm going to copy down those verses and study them and use them as a jump off lesson on the topic of cheerfulness.
No more whining! I dislike hearing children whine during my day at school. So I will not whine either. :) Thanks for the reminder Sonja.
Love you,
Good afternoon sweet friend! Thank you for coming to my post earlier today and with words of encouragement. When all is said and done, it's GOD who gives, owns and reorganizes the gifts we share and most of all, He owns US! YIPEEEEE!
Have a peaceful day. Anita
Oh Sonja, I just this morning (Monday) posted something about my Whine Fest. It's a season of difficulty, and I am not weathering it with a very good attitude lately. So...God used your post to reinforce what He's been saying to me.
Kinda, "Get a grip!"
Thanks for your encouraging words, and the perfectly timed verses.
I needed a little dose of this today, I find myself complaining without even realizing it, so often my default response, always something to whine or complain about. Thanks for the encouraging and instructive scripture
Without complaining ... I'm going to try it today. Lately, I've been consumed with worries, which almost always turn into complaints. Thank you for these scriptures. Oh how I want a cheerful, merry heart radiating outward to others!
God brought me here today and I thank Him for that. My grandsons told me the other day that they are no longer allowed to watch the children's show, "Calliou", because he whines all the time and they are not allowed to whine. I thought to myself when I heard that, "that God doesn't allow it either". Such a special reminder in a loving way, Sonja. Thank you!
well, i would feel better if i knew what
has been causing your grumbling. it
must be something to get you down.
i will pray that the Lord put all back to
order and peace.
Hi Sonja! Nice to find your blog today!
I wrote a post about whining recently too. I picked out Moses as my favorite whiner! God loves the cheerful, but thank goodness he doesn't ignore the whiner in me.
I love your morning focus, because if you think things are bad, that's what you are going to see. You're looking for it! So much better to see the lovely in the world!
Nice to meet you!
This, my dear heart, is a wonderful post.
Most of the time, my life goes along so smoothly, it's almost scary...
then, when I get to feeling too smug, I get hit with a few things that catch my attention.
Thanks so much for the inspiration. I need it this week !! :)
I am following you...and....
I LOVE your blue with red hearts background. It's cheerful and happy.
xo bj
Oh man ... now I'm busted!
We've had some incredible challenges related to our home purchase. I won't go into the tediously boring details, but suffice it to say that just yesterday I found myself confessing my resentment/grumbling. Funny how easily the flesh submits to such. I'm just glad I didn't bonk anyone.
Good morning dear Sonja!
Many thanks for coming to visit my post; my mum died 27 years ago, but God is good to help us hold our beloved ones in our hearts forever. Poetry is a great way to bring them back, at least for a little while as you read. Blessings to you on this day and always! Anita
Thank you dear one for coming back. Yes, time as we know it is certainly not what God sees it like! One day as a thousand years and such....the heart is on His watch, not ours. Bless you. Anita
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