It started my brain rolling...
So, here it is, my word-color for 2014:
Plaid tends to sound like a big mix of any old colors or words. It even sounds like someone indecisive or going with whatever the day seems to bring.
I'm thinking a little off the chart with this word... Not indecisive or without a plan. Instead, I want to incorporate ALL of the words and ALL of the colors I have chosen or thought of in past years.
I think I've had lots of words and colors in my life, some of them God given, some of them probably Sonja created.
I used a verse from The Message awhile back in a blog. It fits today perfectly.
"My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You're deeply rooted in him. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving."
(Col.2:6,7 MSG)
It reminds me of a speech I gave one year in high school. Every student in our school was required to give a 'declamation'. The title of mine was "Unpack your suitcase and live".
There are lots of colors and words in my suitcase, many of them learned through real trials and hard things, others have come more easily and are also easier to live out. But there's a whole passel of them, and altogether they look a lot like...
I'm ready to empty that suitcase, and let the plaid flow wherever God leads.
I absolutely LOVE this! Is it too late to ditch the taupe and just be plaid?
Probably not all that balanced to be switching gears now...
Awesome, Sonja!
love the verse...totally says it for me! Sounds like the way the Father designed us...ON PURPOSE...for PURPOSE! indeed...'unpack the suitcase - and live'!
Great post.
So much truth in the quote,
"School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it!"
I'm not much of a student. But I do find
that it is easier to study than to serve. So,
after all these years I will have to "Unpack
my suitcase."
Again, Thanks.
ahhh ha! That's it. God is doing the weaving and we only have to listen to Him. Plaid. Intriguing word.
Well I LOVE LOVE this. It is perfect. So much in life depends sometimes on circumstances and things we have no control over, so we have to listen and be lead and go with the flow. Plain is perfect word to describe me too. LOVE the verse. Can I be plain too?
I meant plaid, haha, not plain, though that might describe me, lol
I like it!
AMEN. We must let the spirit of God led us in all that Christ revealed to us. There are no secrets, it's written. What is NOT WRITTEN, we must figure out, in this rainbow of choices and roads that we must choose. Good morning, Sonja! Anita
I love your plaid and I think it suits you well. You are living your life IN CHRIST right in front of all of us. And it's a wonderful example for me.
Love you plaid and all ...
This is inspiring in so many ways. I felt you unpacked a whole suitcase for us to learn from. Which is how our lives should be the longer and longer we live. We should have "plaid" to share with others. Love this!!
Bill was in your town this week and talked about how beautiful it is. He was at city hall. He also signed his first contract with his new company. 2014!! only God!!!
I am second-generation Scottish, so of course I think plaid is awesome.
But for all the reasons you gave for choosing it, plaid is just PERFECT for you. I will love seeing the tapestry of threads that God weaves together for you this year!
Love this post and I love plaid! Blessings to you for this new year!
Good evening beautiful Sonja!
Thank you for coming to visit tonight! I am reminded by that quote I shared to "Look for beauty where it is not supposed to be found" that as a child of God, it is my challenge to do find beauty in others and in myself that will draw me closer to HIM.
I hope you are well and blessings to YOU !! Anita
Your living does spill over with thanksgiving, and because of that, I find myself thanking God for you and all that I glean from you, with every visit here. You radiate God's amazing love, whether with plaid or tie dyed:) Thank you my friend!
Given my very plaid heritage as Scots/Irish, I love this!! It's so rich and so right. Rarely do we live in monotone or monosyllables. Besides, I always enjoy the colors you paint here.
Plaid it is, then :)
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