These days, healthy clean eating is becoming really important. I wish I had paid better attention to a dad who ate healthy his whole life, while the rest of us ate what we wanted to...
Today, for the fun of it, can you name your favorite meals?
Here are mine...

2. My mother's roast, potatoes, carrots and onions, every Sunday of my growing up years, which was baked to perfection as we sat in sunday school and church getting spritually fed. As we came in the door, she was already in the gravy making mode, and putting a salad together for our 'sit down' feast.
3. Norwegian pancakes like my mother made. Morning, noon or night, always wonderful. My brother used to come in later and eat them cold. There were never any left overs that he didn't finish!
4. Potatiskorv. A Norwegian sausage made from veal, potatoes and onions, hand ground and put into sausage casings and then boiled. She usually made little potatoes with melted butter and parsley to serve with them. It's a good thing I don't know how to make potatiskorv or I would be in big trouble!
5. Pappadeaux fried shrimp with ceasar salad and on a big splurge day... creme brulee. Every taste is delicious!
I have to add a #6... every bite of Thanksgiving Day meals. :)
So... those are mine, what are some of your favorite meals?
I have some eggs hard boiling, for lunch later, with a fruit smoothie. Balanced, healthy and good, but not even in the ballpark with the 6 listed above!
P.S.... Debbie just reminded me that I forgot to include steak and prime rib, and also anything Tex-Mex. Yikes!!
Oh goodness...yours ALL sound wonderful! Now I do have to say that MOST of my favorites can't be eaten much anymore, but doesn't keep them off the list, lol. I think my all time favorite is the full thanksgiving meal...turkey, stuffing, potatoes and lots of gravy, biscuits, creamed peas or corn, mom's jello salad and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Good thing that's only once a year, lol, though mom made it a couple of times for me for my birthday dinner saint that she was, haha. And then truthfully prime rib is right up there too complete with a baked potato and ALL the fixings for it! And of course there is always lasagna, meatloaf [believe it or not!] and honestly Salmon is one of my fav's as well either barbecued or baked. I guess as I think about this, there is not much I don't in general is such a weakness...TBone steak is right up there too, and honestly I love BIG breakfasts with pancakes or french toast. Most of these things I never eat anymore mainly because I ate too much of them in the past. I enjoyed this Sonja [can ya tell? lol]. Enjoy your week!
I'm trying to diet, too. And I am craving carbs, mostly because I am trying to cut way down on them. Pasta, anyone???
Loved your favorite meals! Potatiskorv, here I come!!
Hmm, my favorites?
1. Dinner with family after my hubby and I got married on the Queen Mary ten years ago.
2. First Thanksgiving meal at my new daughter-in-law (and son's) apartment.
3. The meal with family and friends after my graduation from Westmont College. It was at a fish house down on State Street. (The name escapes me now!!)
4. Any meal eaten next to a campfire.
5. Any meal that involves above-mentioned pasta.
Nom, nom.
Oh I love cheese-filled meatloaf, baked potatoes with sour cream and chives, creamed corn, and salad with ranch dressing. Not going there! I loved reading the descriptions of your delightful Norweigian foods.
Oh, breakfast would be my most favorite meal for sure! I generally just grab a bowl of cereal or grits, but I love a big breakfast. Scrambled eggs with bacon and cheese, a biscuit and hashbrowns. Yummy! Cute post!
I am laughing! I am laughing because you and I seem to be on the same track right now. I have put back on 20 of the 30 I had lost...and kept off from over a year, and I can't fit in my clothes, so here I go again. I had a friend look at me and say, "now Janette, lets think about it, is it really so bad we have some extra pounds? I mean, not enjoying food is just taking the joy out of life!" After I thought, well she has a point, and yet, yesterday I had only watermelon for dinner while hubby and grands enjoyed Chicken Express. And if thin means no Mexican food...well, I am not sure this Texas girl can handle that.
Your list is amazing. Now here I go to put my shoes back on and get my large bottom out walking.
Your list is extraordinary! Now that I'm getting older, I actually enjoy less heavier foods and feel much better when I eat for my blood type: veggie dishes, salmon, love fried breaded tofu! Tom and I are trying to cut back the carbs and eat only one big meal for weight loss. So glad it was his idea!
But the family will all be together in August! I already froze a lasagna casserole with our family's homemade sauce recipe (from Italy.) Amy is making up her excellent chicken enchiladas and German Chocolate cake. And I'll probably whip up my fav - Chicken Pot Pie; I've got a great recipe! Then I'll be back to juicing after they all leave!
I had to laugh! You are trying to lose weight and yet thinking about food. So like me Sonja!
1. Norwegian waffles- my grandmother's recipe
2. Salmon
3. Spaghetti and meatballs
4. Norwegian meatballs and gravy
5. Poppy seed bread- Greg's mother makes this every Christmas and serves it hot. Yummy!
I have lost 13 pounds so far this summer!
Love you,
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