When I began to read more in the Bible, and understand myself better, I knew that every story and each person, was me... in one way or another. I am a sinner, just like they were.
"There is none that doeth good, no not one", the Bible says.
We were born with sin natures, and we have each learned by now that there isn't enough will power in the world to change those natures.
God always knew it, and the provision he made through the death of his son on the cross, changed everything.
I know it in my own life, you know it in yours.
I wrote this little poem on an early blog, it still fits...
Eve in the garden, it could have been me, peeking through leaves, the apple I see...
Instructed by God to leave it alone, her mind started playing like a dog with a bone...
What was forbidden became the thing she wanted, the temptation was strong, she would not be daunted...
So she went to the tree, the one tree forbidden, and parted the leaves where the apple was hidden...
It was shiny and big and too good to be true, she called out for Adam, to beckon him too...
together they looked, touched and finally ate, the first picture of the human fate...
But God knew it all, right from the start. He provided a way for the human heart...
No wonder we call it man's good news, still...
the choice is ours, to win or lose...
When you feel in the need for a good miracle, all you need to do is look into your own heart, and remember who you were before you knew Jesus.
Are we perfect now? Of course not, but have we been been changed? Yes, 1000 times over, and the process continues every day.
Sinners, but forgiven! ALL God's work, none of mine.
Monday morning musings...
Amazing how as kids we are so naive. Yet some adults stay that way...I like your poem and your whole message. So very important to keep remembering what Jesus has done for us!
Blessings & love,
Perhaps I could have left the apple, but not a bag of M&Ms. ; > I heard a preacher say that if we knew just one person who had been truly changed by The Gospel that we could have faith to believe God. I know quite a few and I do ponder this. (Nice to find you here! )
I remember being rather critical of Eve, too. And then, of course, I was heartless when it came to condemning the Israelites. As I grew older (wiser?!), and made some of my own mistakes, I realized that I was no different. We all have *apples* of temptation in our lives. And, we all desperately need a Savior, and continue to need a Lord!
Great poem. Loved everything about your Monday musings!
It's the sMe as with the Israleites. I think how in the world could they reject God over and over.... Yet I am guilty of the same. Thanks friend for a word today!
I remember hearing someone say long ago: "My worst day in the Lord is far better than my best day in the world." Amen to that. Amen to your post!
Yes, it is all so true. I always think of how terrible I would have been if not for Jesus.
I love your poem.
I loved your poem! And your words are so true. On this side of heaven, we continue to sin but how thankful I am for God's grace. Despite my struggles, I belong to Him. When He looks at me, He sees Jesus. And that to me is ...simply amazing!
Love you,
I love winter white. So beautiful.
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