(Ashleigh Brilliant)
I love this quote!
Sometimes i just get stuck!
I think about moving forward, and I even know what I SHOULD do to move forward, but I often just stay where I am...
There are times when moving forward is not the best choice, and usually I know that too. But when I KNOW WHAT TO DO AND DON"T DO IT... that's the kind of forward progress that I'm talking about...
I am so taken lately by how fast life is going... the kids are getting older, so are the grandkids... and SO AM I! This one life is IT for each one of us! I don't want to waste ANY of my days... my tomorrow is uncertain... but I DO have today!
I'm intentionally taking the steps to NOT stay where I am in the places of my life where I've been stuck!
There is a lightening of the load, mentally, emotionally & spiritually... when I am DOING WHAT I KNOW TO DO...
I've quoted this verse before, and it applies every day...
"My counsel for you is simple and straightforward: Just go ahead with what you've been given. You received Christ Jesus, the Master; now live him. You're deeply rooted in him. You're well constructed upon him. You know your way around the faith. Now do what you've been taught. School's out; quit studying the subject and start living it! And let your living spill over into thanksgiving." (Col.2:6,7 MSG)
Forward... here I go!
Sonja, I am such an Ashliegh Brilliant fan, so you got me with the quote, but wow the Scripture blows me away!
"quit studying the subject and start living it!" Amen!
As I have heard from one of my favorite preachers, "if you aren't going forward you are going backward, in the Christian walk." I think more than anything I am afraid that I will stop and not go forward and become stagnant. To loose what I have and become lukewarm, that is what is scary to me. Thanks for the lovely reminder.
Oh Beautiful Lady...I started laughing at the beginning...you sure you didn't write this for me!!!
Your comments on dreams and goals..yes, yes...and this goes with it, moving.
Oh, thanks for the prayers on my girl I am mentoring at the school...it is going great! They said she might not talk or relate...well she is and she is smiling at me...it is working...I moved!!!!
Thanks for walking the path before me...I am benefiting from the trail of your wisdom.
Love you lady and thanks, I am always so blessed,
Good for you Sonja, you are an inspiration to us all. Your positive attitude and willingness to move forward is great. You go girl!
Dear Sonja,
Paul and you make it sound so easy, when in fact this is a tricky part; to give up all what's mine and walk IN Christ.
I pray "Thy will be done, but gently, please".
Your Felisol
Sonja, I think we all get "stuck" at times. You are right, life is going so quickly. I don't know where all the time went. But I too am trying to live it to the fullest for the time I have left! Let's keep walking forward!
Thank you for stopping by Spots and Wrinkles today and for leaving your encouraging comments.
I enjoyed your post above. I am also a grandmother, and it amazes me how fast the time flies by.
Hope to hear more from you. ...Marsha Young
P.S. You are not showing up on my home page as a "follower" yet, but I am glad you plan to do so. Looking forward to it.
Well done Sonja. Thank you for sharing. Blessings.
Hi Sonja,
Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful thought provoking post.
Really in life at some point of time at every stage we did find ourself in similar state.
Its just a way life come to us saying ..that ..I have been with you all these years and now you are just to much content with self..
Looking at my grand-mom she is 93 now but still very active.
which make me think ..at times..where I'm standing ..if she is so much active why I'm relaxing this much ..I should not stop and move ahead and do something substantial not for own-self but for the ppl around!
take care
keep smiling
Love this version of the Message... very powerfully spoken when hearing it this way.
One step at a time, sister, we all move forward in our faith, closer to home.
Be blessed this day~elaine
ok, ok, ok! i will go practice those pesky songs. i've
been putting it off for three days. why is it soooo hard
to just DO it?
LOVE the cartoon!
Great post! Our family is moving forward right now heading to a new destination God chose for us. I'm anxious and nervous, but ready to be doing what He wants! My prayer is that I'll keep moving forward! Thanks for this post... it was an encouragement to me. :)
Sonja, I believe you are moving forward each day you share from your heart on 'bits and pieces'. I don't know if you realize the impact you are having on many women, including me. Many people who don't understand what our blogging is all about ...won't get it. You are mentoring us from the comfort of your own computer in your own home. The wonders of modern technology. It's not all bad, that's for sure. Technology can be used for good and you're doing it Sonja.
So don't beat yourself up. I believe you are moving in ways that may not be physical. But you are touching our lives and hearts and you are teaching us to live out the love of Christ. That has eternal significance my sister.
Love you,
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