I have had many times when....
. either direction seemed a reasonable choice, but each choice held different end results....
. one way seemed the sure choice, but as time passed, it got a little fuzzier....
. other times when I wasn't sure, and as time went by, the path got clearer....
. and my least favorite, when I aimed one way just sure I was right, and it was exactly NOT the right way...
From the signs pictured here, and the thoughts that come our way as we journey along, what IS clear is ... not everything is black and white.
I believe God knows that, and what He means for me to do is to proceed with caution, and ask His direction. I've become a firm believer that leaping into something with both feet in a moment of feeling or emotion is probably what I DON'T need to be doing...
I quote my mom & dad a lot, and that's because what they taught me has proven to be true, time after time! Dad always used to tell us that God "UNFOLDS" His plans and purposes in our lives. That 'unfold' word indicates a step at a time. As I walk, pray & trust... situations and circumstances lead by God, become the right path for me to walk. Sometimes He makes it clear quickly, more often I've found it's a process, and in the process, we learn to KNOW Him better!
I've done it my way... not listened, not paid attention to the still small voice, sure of my own map reading, and down the line, had to regroup, enlist His help again, and do it His way!
His promise is sure... He will never leave us or forsake us...
"But I'll take the hand of those who don't know the way, who can't see where they're going.I'll be a personal guide to them, directing them through unknown country.I'll be right there to show them what roads to take, make sure they don't fall into the ditch.These are the things I'll be doing for them— sticking with them, not leaving them for a minute." (Is.42:16 MSG)
Sonja, whenever I don't know which way to go sometimes I ask myself, which way would Jesus go and after pondering I usually choose the right path. It is always a struggle because choosing the wrong path is usually so easy. JB
Dear Sonja,
I had to look that particular promise up in my Norwegian Bible. I cannot understand how I have avoided to highlight just these words earlier. I, who so often am stumbling and asking for help.(And love the prophet Isaiah)
Well, now it's done, with your name and this date in the margin.
Sometimes God simply will not follow my instructions!!!!!!!
When I was 19 and had finished gymnasium I prayed a lot about which school to apply for. I ended up with one teacher academy and one school for special trained nurses.
I told God he must (!!!) open the door to the school that was supposed to be his way with my life.
I was admitted to both.
Some times one just has to make ones own choices, maybe so one shall not blame God for the faults and adversities along the road.
My testimony is, He has been faithful and led me, even when I could not see him.
I have dreaded that place the most, because He only does give me just enough light for the next step. That is when He is wanting to build my faith and trust Him. I was reading about Abraham, I keep thinking that he was 77 years old when God called him to leave Ur. Leave everything he knew, and Abraham did it. I thought about that all day as I went about my day doing all of those things that make me happy and secure. I kept asking myself, if God called me to leave it all, Would I go? To be honest, I think I would have yelled a bit and not been at all a happy camper. (tents)
I am thankful for his leading, all of the time, even when I don't see. But hardest is like your sign in the picture, when what God has called me to do is so different from the world or even
from what other Christians would do. Like loving the unlovely.
Well, again Sonya, you make me think when I really didn't want to today. :)
Have a great day in the sweet land of Texas.
I love the picture Sonja. I'm with you...different paths, choices, etc. I guess what helps is the fact that He isn't at the end waiting for us, He is walking with us.
How timely is this word to me! In this season of moving forward, it would be easy for me to jump feet-first into a "new thing" without every really considering God's thoughts in the matter. Oh, it would be a good thing for sure, but the possibilities are endless. I would be wise to step back for a season, pray and consider what God is saying most clearly to my heart.
I've thought about this, even before reading your heart here. Not is is confirmed. Be still; be prayerful; be watchful; be willing. The posture of a waiting heart!
So well presented, Sonja! And you couldn't have selected a better picture.
Just recently I reminded myself that God is not trying to trick me, or make me play guessing games to discern His will. He WANTS me to know His heart and to live out the abundant life He fully intends to grant. But I also know it falls to me to know His word, seek His face, and wait patiently.
Then, if I err, I thank Him that He also promises to be my rear guard (where often I pluck the arrows that have landed on the bullseye of my bacside!).
Can't you just imagine the roar of God's laughter were we able to hear it?
Sonja, I think I have passed those signs a few times on my journey through life. No matter how many wrong turns, God is always there waiting for me to turn around and seek His face for guidance. Amen that HE never forsakes us.
Hi Sonja! Found you through Kim at My Field of Dreams. This is a very thoughtful post. I especially like what your dad said about God's plans unfolding... a wonderful word picture and great insight! I'll be visiting again. Have a blessed weekend!
I was praying for direction this morning. You have no idea how valuable your post is for me!
Those hundred shades of gray get me every time! I love what your Dad said, the unfolding of God's plan for our lives. Great wisdom there and I'll be remembering that.
Sonja, trusting each step in Jesus is probably the hardest thing to do. I know we all wish He would give us a blueprint to life. Blessings.
I love the unfolding picture that you painted in my mind. This is exactly the post that I needed to read this morning. I am praying and seeking direction in some areas, but I tend to want God to show me the big picture and the scene at the end of the road before I take a step. I really needed the reminded to pray just for the next step.
Great post, Sonja.
Today, your words have welled up in my heart to the point of pouring forth tears...needed the reminder...the strong encouragement at this moment when pain is overwhelming me a bit and I don't feel like being the 'encourager' (just being honest), that I needed to remember that GOD is unfolding the plan. His love and promises are assured. I love Him. I know He loves me. He loves us.
Thank you friend. I love you.
As always...I come here and God speaks! Life is a little tough and I needed this word of encouragement...I love the ending scripture...now to allow God to unfold!!
Blessings...do you still have white roof tops? It has been cold!!
The people that sadden me the most are the one's who think they are on the narrow road to heaven but in fact they are on the wide road that leads to destruction :-(
Proverbs 14:12
There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.
Isn't it wonderful that He has given us an instruction book to tell us what He wants? The Bible. Sometimes, we just don't know how to follow those words exactly as He wants, but when we fall, He is always there to pick us up and help us find that right road again and again. Sonja, this was a wonderful post!
Hi Sonja,
I'm having the"Fuzzier Moment", at this time. I have a record of acting on emotion, and not waiting for clear direction from God. Reading about what your dad said about "God unfolds His plans", makes sense to me, and I'm so happy I read your post.
Unfold...I like that description!
So many times, we want everything in an instant. We are a society of "total, instant gratification". Your post reminds me of Isaiah 40:31...But they that wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Great post, Sonja!
Sonja, I like that whole concept of God 'unfolding' His plan. From my human perspective, I'd love to see the whole plan in advance. But then I'd never learn to trust Him and hold His hand one step at a time. I know He is molding me and changing me through these trials. I just have to remember that when I get discouraged. You are always such an encouragement to me.
Love you sis,
hi sonja!
this is SO good and true! i love your father's
wisdom about the Lord unfolding time. what
a blessing he still is to us! wish i could have
known him.
i posted your guest post just now at my place.
thanks again!!!!
The verse in Isaiah is so comforting and reassuring to my heart this evening. He leads, guides, directs, my every step despite me. I love how I can put my hand in His and totally trust Him. He know my fraility and just how much I need Him every hour. Beautiful post!
amen! thanks for sharing!
Hi -
Thank you for this.
His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our paths.
Praise His holy name!
Good morning Sonja,
I did not realize how long it has been since I visited you and your blog. This morning I had some extra time and I just spent it all reading every post that I missed and thoroughly being blessed by every single post. I remember clearly hearing my parents talking about Dawson Trotman dying in that drowning accident and what an impact that made on them. I love those little cards with verses that your parents had you memorize, and your admonition to have our little ones do the same. Actually, there are too many wonderful things that stand out to me from your posts. You are a beautiful, gracious lady and I learn so much from you. Keep posting. I will be back! God used you to add joy to my morning.
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