A little girl was on her way to Sunday School one Sunday. Her mother had just given her 2 nickels... one for the offering plate, and one for an ice cream cone after church...
(You can already tell this little story was told a LONG time ago!)
As she skipped and hopped her way down the street, one of the nickels popped out of her hand and rolled straight down into the street drain and disappeared...
With a stricken look on her face the little girl sadly said..." Ohhh Lord... there goes your nickel"...
hee hee! how cute is that? do you think this
story would help or hurt an offering? :)
That is so cute. I remember those hard choices like that when I was little too. Only we got a quarter. :)
Love it Sonja. Thank you.
Sonja, such a cute story and sad at the same time, because it does reflect how so many feel about what is theirs and what is God. Thanks for sharing! Hugs!
ha, ha, ha...too funny and yet isn't it too true?
I hope you are enjoying your white day. Benjamin and I went walking around the neighborhood...so beautiful.
So cute!
But oh... how sad it is that adults have this childlike attitude too often too, isn't it?
So precious, unlike my experience yesterday in church. Long story short, two girls in front of me (one churched, on unchurched, around 9 years of age) on the front pew. Throughout the service, they pulled out ipods, barbies, and snacks. Still yet, one was an acolyte who got up a couple of times to go to the back of the church to get her coat and further snacks. Then, to make matters worse, we had communion... after getting the elements the girls knelt at the altar and then proceeded to take cash off the altar and stuff their pockets. I'm not kidding. To say I was livid was to say too little. Had to pray through that one, but when they got back to their seats I told them to put the money back on the altar (we leave cash on the altar during communion for the needy in our community). Apparently, they didn't get the memo.
Oh dear... such is the new generation of kids. Honestly, I wanted to wring their necks, but I opted for grace mixed with instruction.
Not sure why I vented here, but hearing your story about the nickel sparked my remembrance!
I know some adults that would say the same thing! Now I've got to do a heart inventory to see if I'VE GOT ANY of His nickels ...
That's so cute but unfortunately so
true for some.
Ai, you hit a sinister corner of my conscience.
My dad gave me money to put on the Sunday School offering box.
I misled to use the money to twice go to town and buy my friend and me chocolate for that money. My father was a wise man and somehow felt suspicious about my sudden eager to bring offering money( he himself an accountant always accurate with paying tithe). I remember he questioned me about my eagerness, without doing more about it. I need not tell I did repay that money with interest, and that giving tithe is an essential part of my upbringing.
Even sins can bear fruit, with loving parents. No, love bears fruit and covers a diversity of sins.
This reminds me of how just much we hold on to the "things" in our lives!
Lots of truth packed into this simple little story.
Such a cute little story but packed with such a message!
Hey Sonja!
Great story....lots of truth!
Blessings and Hugs!
Oh! That is a good one! I will share this with friends and family.
I think Sassy Granny said it best!
I laughed when reading this Sonja and then paused and thought...how many times in my life had I done the same over the years until I was very convicted by the Holy Spirit that ALL of what I have is from GOD.
Thanks for the reminder...love you much.
Love this Sonja. It is the story of our lives...do we give God the first and best, or what is left over? Lots of wisdom in your little story.
Haha...I LOVE it! I'm pretty sure God does too...
I love it! Thank you for the smile, my good friend. Thanks for stopping by and blessing Carrie with such encouragement today. You understand a mother's heart.
Hello Sonja,
Adorable little story, and what an impact. My husband just read "BIG GOD" by Britt Merrick, and now I'm reading it and we both are convicted when it comes to finances, and how we use them. In one of the chapters Britt Merrick states;
"The scripture doesn't say "give from the leftovers." It says "from the first of all your produce."
I know the Lord used this adorable story that you posted to remind me that everything we have belongs to Him.
God bless
I loved this! And, the message within! Thanks so much for sharing your word--more! I am all over that one too.
Hope you have a wonderful day, my sweet friend!
Too funny! I can always use a good chuckle Sonja.
Love you,
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