It's not you... it's me.
I would have emailed some of you, but I also don't have your email address. I know Blogger is doing some changes, and I know they are telling me to use Google Chrome, but so far I haven't added it or switched to it.
I use this computer for business, so I am always leary of adding and subtracting anything, as it seems to mess things up. I can still read all blogs, just can't leave a comment on some of them.
So if you haven't heard from me lately... please know that it is only because I am a scaredy cat and also very UN techie. I may get braver, but in the meantime, I hope I don't end up after their March first deadline, losing all of you and me both!!
If you haven't heard from me, and would like to email anytime, please do! My email is pangold101@aol.com
In the meantime, I'll be here, and I'm still reading your pages, even if my lips seem to be sealed. :)
Anyone who has the new embedded threaded comment form is probably in danger of losing comments until Blogger has it sorted.
I do like Google Chrome because it speeds up the process of visiting. I didn't switch to it, though. I added it and use it in addition to other browsers. And I didn't make it my default browser either. It just sits there on my desktop waiting for me to click on it and off we go. I do all my blog visiting using Google Chrome now.
Have a wonderful day, Sonja!
dear Sonja,
I hate changes. Still in the Internet they happen all the time.
I do my changes as slow as I can, hoping that blogger, google and facebook may use other people as guinea-pigs.
I even got a twitter account, but I have forgotten why, and have no intention of using it.
I am comfy in my blog world, and like that I have the possibility to write as long and complicated as I think..
Hope you had a great celebration last week. See you when you have something to post.
Best wishes, Felisol
Google Chrome, never heard of it until now. Will investigate. Sonja I hope your computer problems sort out. Blessings dear.
I had to change who could leave comments and for now everyone can. I am leery of it as sometimes not nice people leave not nice comments. That was the only way I could get comments or leave them.
It is like being cut off isn't it. I am so glad I can read your comments to me. :)
They will fix it I am sure. I don't want to change to Google Chrome either.
Well, I always am here reading your wonderful words whether I comment or not. I hope you get all of these problems straightened out. I don't want to change to Chrome and so far I don't think I will.
I relate! I thought my problems were better, but I have been battling some whirly swirlies and inability to comment at random times and random places.
I hope you can fix yours soon!
(I just figured you were enjoying time with the birthday boy!)
You are forgiven. Just keep posting.
You are so cute Sonja! I'm just so thankful that you continue to blog because you bless me and encourage me. And I have your email and as you know I don't hesitate to contact you my sister.
Love you,
Sorry to hear about your commenting issues. Hopefully it will all get worked out soon!
First time I heard of this. Guess I'll have to research it as well. Apparently, you can leave a comment at mine!
I'm blessed because of the most recent comment you were able to leave for me! (I still use Firefox w/o any problems. Not sure what's going on with so many others...)
I so relate to you. It really bothers me sometimes when you companies make literally force you to constantly change and adapt to things you neither need or even desire. Facebook, Twitter, Google, texting, email, etc, etc, etc. They want to know everything and own every part of your lifestyle. Not this old boy. I use what I need and ignore the rest.
Thanks for your very kind words about my "quote" by me at the end of the Longfellow poem on my blog.
Blessings to you and your family. And happy B-Day to your husband.
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