They are so much like us.
I am convinced as I talk with women of all ages that one thing is a common pitfall in our lives, it may be called many things, but the root stem is... fear.
Once again, a few thoughts from the sermon of David Jeremiah on Sunday morning. I qoute him again since FEAR and SLAYING THE GIANTS, was the title of his sermon and it fit my thoughts perfectly.
He reminded us of the 12 spies sent ahead to scope out the promised land as the Israelites were finally about to enter the land, to be sure all was well and to figure out the best way to enter.
It stuck with me!
Remember, this was the land that God had promised, He had lead the Israelites through every kind of trial and hardship on this journey, away from slavery, and to the land He was giving to them. He had proved faithful in every need along the way. This was to be a land filled with milk and honey and beauty and good things...
All 12 spies came back having viewed the same sights within the promised land.
10 came back and said 'no way! it can't be done! there are big walls and huge giants everywhere!
Joshua and Caleb, the other 2, came back with a totally different perspective. They said yes, there are walls and giants, but... we can DO this thing!
10 of them viewed the promised land and all the problems to be faced... in their own strength, and knew that the giants were too big...
2 of them had the same view, but saw the obstacles as possibilities because of God's strength...
And we know what happened...
they took the word of fear of the 10 witnesses, and spent 40 years wandering in the desert!
What a lesson for us!
Fear is disobedience.
Slice it or dice it anyway we want to, it speaks to the heart of how we trust God.
I was so challenged by this word today and I hope you are too.
There is no circumstance that comes our way that God does not know about. None! And when I really 'get a hold' of that, my own faith soars.
Satan would have us think that the obstacles are valid reasons not to trust God for the hard things... they are too big, this one can't be done, etc.
Don't buy it!
I am wondering just what kind of freedom and break through would come to us if we completely took God at His word, and simply trusted Him.... no fuzzy feelings, just faith. Faith that stands up and says NO... God has said!
A good word, Sonja! So many times we keep our focus on the obstacle instead of the solution - God!
I love David Jeremiah, and that is one of my very favorite of his sermons. Fear is the thing that will immobilize me the fastest. I know like Peter I sink when I take my eyes off of the Lord. I start to sink.
I want so bad to walk by faith and not by sight. This is a wonderful reminder.
Sonja, one thing I have resolved this year is to learn to stifle that voice of fear that has been yakking in my ears for longer than I care to count. Sometimes, Satan speaks for himself. All too often, he speaks through my own version of the ten spies.
This post was wonderful and timely! You encourage me to pray not only to BE a Caleb or Joshua but to seek them out for counsel as well.
Dearest Sonja,
I believe that this year, I am going to slay the dragon. Fear had taken over my life to the point that I didn't even know any more that I was AFRAID to venture out. This is one good thing about aging. You finally say, "ENOUGH OF THE DESERT!" and then you just start living.
Thank you for the reminder!! Anita
This is such a timely post for me. Fear has been my number enemy ever since I can remember. It really does only lead to wandering. This was a good reminder. How much I want to walk by faith. Hugs!
You hit the nail on the head, Sister!!!
Having lived a disobedient life (fearful), I relate more with the wimps than with Joshua and Caleb. Oddly enough, I thought a lot about this over Christmas when I considered Mary and Joseph and the birth of Christ. Wouldn't one assume that God would allow "better circumstances" all the way around? Because He didn't, I am again amazed by the faith of both Mary and Joseph. They knew that they knew that they knew. Thank you for always providing such thought-provoking discussions.
Dear Sonja,
I guess I belong to the vast majority in the story. I do fear when the waves are threatening to overwhelm me. Like Peter I am looking down and sinking.
I don't choose to fear, it is not what I want and luckily it's not what God want for me to do either.
What do I do? I talk to the Lord openly about my troubles, and I start searching for peace.
Another blog friend started the new year with reading the Psalms. The psalms more than anything reveals a persons life from the deepest need to the highest of joys, but always with trust in God as a basic.
For the 4th of January Psalm 4."2 Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness, Thou who didst set me free when I was in distress; be gracious unto me, and hear my prayer.
3 O ye sons of men, how long shall my glory be put to shame, in that ye love vanity, and seek after falsehood? Selah
4 But know that the LORD hath set apart the godly man as His own; the LORD will hear when I call unto Him.
5 Tremble, and sin not; commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah
6 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD.
7 Many there are that say: 'Oh that we could see some good!' LORD, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us.
8 Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than when their corn and their wine increase.
9 In peace will I both lay me down and sleep; for Thou, LORD, makest me dwell alone in safety."
Amen...needed that this morning, I have to say I am one of the 10 as I enter 2012...not good. If I remember right God didn't allow the older generation to enter the promise land...they all died out, Ouch!!! Since I am now one of the older generation I need to listen...I need to have the heart of Caleb and Joshua and remember all things are possible with Christ and He is a big God.
Thanks for sharing as I stare fear in the face and bring back a positive report.
Oh, love this! If we could all just start every day in this 'can do' mode, what a different place the world would be. Thanks for the positive message...I pray we all keep this close to our hearts in this new year...
I think I know how those 10 naysayers must have felt. Every now-and-then (rarely) I question God's judgement :)
It seems that, whenever I cease striving (aka arguing) it isn't long before I witness - perhaps only in part - a bit of what God had in mind all along: a good & acceptible & perfect gift.
Praying we all choose obedience for 2012 (and beyond). I never did like long hikes :)
You got me.
This was so time-appropriate that it hurt (in a good way). Yes, fear is an ugly monster in my life. An enemy that fights from the shadows. With the Lord's help, I want to break free and choose to focus on the "HIM-possible" things in my life.
Caleb and Joshua, can we talk?!
Love this!!
Fear steals the blessing from our lives every time. This is so inspiring. A perfect word for the coming year. Happy New Year; may you be blessed.
As always Sonja, thank you for your timely words and encouragement. Blessings.
Did I need to hear this. Holy cow, what timing. I am a man, and I can tell you that women are not the ones that are held back by fear. We may hide it, or have been culturally conditioned to feel we have to, but fear is as big a problem among men. Women, like you, are just more honest about it, and thank God for that.
God is greater than my fears. Got it.
All the best.
Hi Sonja, thanks for coming by today and leaving a comment. I haven't been a very good blogging friend of late to anyone but hope to do better in 2012. This is such a rich and deep lesson for us all. I never really thought of fear as being disobedience but as a matter of fact it is! Truth is...most of us (me especially) don't have forty years to wander in the wilderness so I guess my motto for 2012 will be "no fear, just faith"! Thanks for such a timely post,
I think you wrote this one for me today. :)
Trust was my one word for last year and adventure is the one I chose for 2012. Just when I was relaxing and beginning to enjoy; life circumstances once again get in the way. But I will not fear. I know who is in charge and He knows all the details.
So I will not fear!
Love you,
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