He was right.
Our youngest son and his family are in the process of a big move... I was over there today and Dedra and I were simply labeling, listing and deciding what they should do with things on the walls and things on shelves.
They have recently bought a business in another city. and are in the process of transition.
Moving reminds me of how much we 'pick up along the way' that we end up getting rid of or packing away for another day.
While it is a real job, there are some lessons in all of this for us spiritually...
When God moves us into a new place, there is nearly always old baggage to sort out and get rid of. The moving process involves change, and that usually comes with re-evaluation of old things, and sorting through what stays and what goes.
Some of our 'stuff' has simply gotten old, lots of it we never needed in the first place.
Some of the baggage we hold onto probably should have been thrown out long ago.
Any new chapter God brings us to includes changes for us.
Like Dedra and I yesterday, moving both physically and spiritually causes us to examine, change, reject or accept both the old and the new... motivating us to think and re-think many things, in our homes and in our lives.
I've never seen God lead me backwards. I've many times questioned if that was what He was doing, but His plans and ways are so different than how it looks to me. So if you feel you are stuck or moving in the wrong direction, hang on to the promises... all of your current situations will be useful for bigger purposes a little further down the road.
On the bright side... a move, or a 'letting go of' and moving forward is also a really good thing. We lighten our load, and make fresh starts, and open new chapters.
I like that!
This is very thought provoking today Sonja, I think I am more in the mode right now I just wish God would let me catch my breath before He keeps moving me much faster than I am comfortable with. I was reading my Bible today and Paul was content with his life because he was seeing the furtherance of the gospel. I saw that I would rather not move but stay where I am, I think I need to loose lots more baggage in order to be what and where the Lord wants me to be,
Thank you,
All the best to your son and his family as they make this move.
Ben had a way of saying a thing, didn't he? As I am still in the midst of purging and decluttering not only my stuff, but my mother's and grandmother's and sister's and nieces' and kids' and John's...it's neverending...I really appreciate your perspective on the process.
Such a good word for me today, Sonja. Just yesterday I made the big announcement that we're moving, too. You have captured much of what's going on in my life, and in my heart lately.
Thanks for the encouragement.
good old ben + sweet sonja= great truth
good old ben + sweet sonja= great truth
Great word, Sonja! Needed this today....particularly, God doesn't lead us backwards part....been feeling that way alot lately!
Thank God, He see's and knows the bigger picture and is faithful to bring us through as we cling to Him and His promises!
The art of letting go isn't my strong side.
I seem to be holding on to what other consider clutter, and at my age I've accumulated quite a lot.
I have seen that our road upwards is moving in spirals, the higher we come, the less we need of treasures which rust and moth destroy.
What we never stop needing beside God is human contact and love.
Oh to be rich on love, that is really something.
This couldn't have come at a better time. We're in the process of moving. Not us, but our child just like you. At first, I got sad at the stuff she left behind, but the other day I was looking at it and smiled. Those childhood things had their place and their time. Now, it's time for the young lady to move in the direction she was called.
Still kinda wish she would take a childish thing or two, but that's my flesh problem, isn't it?
Oh this was a timely post for sure as we are TRYING to eliminate more "stuff" to make room for my mom who is TRYING to nip hers down to the bare basics. Change is never ending isn't it? Great prospective here. :)
Wow. You've hit the nail squarely with this one! Having moved umpty-umpty times in my life, know all too well what a process it is. The one thing I REALLY like about physical moves is the "fresh start" you mention. My closets & drawers (the hidden places) are organized & clean; and that always makes me feel lighter.
I like it when the same things occur spiritually. Come to think of it, it's about time to haul some junk to the dump :)
I like fresh starts and new horizons too. It is freeing to move, to get rid of, to think through each piece, and to see a new beginning. I am doing the same thing in my home too, and it lightens my heart. I like how you mentioned that it is all for a reason, which brought to mind, Romans 8:28 & 29.
Amen...I am moving forward, and not returning...letting go of those old things and looking forward to the new...sometimes that is hard, but it is necessary.
Blessings on their move and the new adventure...it will be great, and you too will adjust.
I've also been in a season of evaluation, pitching, throwing, keeping, and wondering. A very strange season, indeed. Hard as well, because it's sometimes difficult to sort through it all. Today was one of those days when I felt completely lost and alone. I know that's not truth, so I spent time alone with God while out walking and just relinquishing the "unknown" to the "known"...
I am his child, and I am not alone. Not ever.
Blessings, sister.
Good thoughts, Sonja. I think the best part of moving is finding that you actually have some empty shelves in your new cupboards, ...if you got rid of enough stuff during the move. :)
As you know, this has been my life for the last two years! Letting go of a way of life that I thought would never change but realizing that God has the best plans for us. I am learning to trust Him in the midst of ongoing change. Good advice sister Sonja.
Good stuff! Good stuff!
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