We found the perfect location!
On the highway south of Austin, a red and white 2 story building with the flag flying out front. We named the whole thing Great American, and the real breakdown of that was...
The lower floor was Great American Antiques...
The upstairs was Great American Publishing...
When the phone rang and they asked for the marketing department for our recently first published book... I put them on hold and ran upstairs to tell my hubby there was a call for the 'publishing business'. :)
I designed this little business card, which perfectly pictured our building and have saved it all these years.
We had some good days in that little building. The school bus even dropped our kids off there on their way home from school. When we published the first book, we casually saw (anxiously waited for) the mail truck outside the window and walked (ran!) to see how many orders were in the box. This was also the little office where we published Charlie Schreiner's book on the 100 year anniversary of his YO Ranch in Kerrville. We have a copy of the book he gave us, bound in longhorn hide which sits in my hubby's office.
It was in Austin where we met Charles Harrelson, and he and Joe walked across the highway and sat with their coffee in Dairy Queen as they talked about life, and he shared PART of who he was. The rest we found out later...
More chapters from the journey. All 3 of our kids were baptized in Austin. My dad flew in from California and joined our pastor in the baptism. These were 3 kids whose salvation and baptism we wanted 'signed, sealed and delivered!'...
Austin, Texas was a good chapter.

This sounds awesome, Sonja. I wish I knew you then, lived next door to you all and shared morning coffee at the DQ. Rich memories from another time!
I'd hire you in a minute to be my "publishing department." You always have a way of putting a personal touch on all that you do. It must have been fun growing up in your home.
Hi Sonja! Sounds wonderful. Simpler days. Blessings dear one.
I wish I had a publisher like you! Of course, you would have to have something to publish first.
So... we're going on a Sonya adventure. I hope that's right. I loved the Daddy Preached series. I'm calling this "Sonya Reached" in my head.
What an interesting life you have lived! I am anxious to hear about these years...
I love to read about your life! It's so interesting. I've never been to Austin, TX but have heard much about it. It's a new hub for technology. I remember you sharing a bit of the story about Woody Harrelson's dad; sad.
Keep on telling us those stories Sonja!
Love you,
One of our many bonds...Austin, and just to think we crossed each other on the roads back then...and back then both husbands in publishing..truly a small world.
There is a possibility one of our sons will be transferred to Austin...returning to his birth city after 14 years.
Publisher? Wow. Who knew? No wonder you have an affinity for words & stories.
I think Austin is one of America's prettiest cities. I spent several days there back in the early 80s (I was there on business). What a precious small town within a larger one. No wonder you loved it.
Now ... about Charlton Heston ???
Oh I've been hopping and leaping about reading hither and yon...all fascinating stuff. (Wish my son had had a big ranch where he could've learned to drive. I might have saved myself a few gray hairs.) I really like the name of your antique store and publishing shop.
What an exciting memory from the past. I think Austin is a beautiful town. You two are creative!
I like learning new and so interesting facts about the person that I have come to admire and appreciate, you. Antiques and books are two of my favorite pasttimes, so you can imagine how thrilled I was to read this chapter of your life journey. Thank you so much for sharing.
Simply put....I love your life stories, Sonja! Please keep 'um coming...so interesting and you are such a blessing!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Sonja - Sounds wonderful. Although I have spent quite a bit of time in Texas, I have never gotten to Austin ...yet. But I mean to go one day.k
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