It was one of those things where there is honest concern, but it began to get into too many words, and details were discussed, with real emotion.
God convicted me about too much conversation.
Sometimes what begins as honest concern and maybe even requests for prayer, can slip into gossip before we know it. Our spirits get ruffled and upset, and the main focus loses it's way.
I felt His red flag in my heart.
Here is the thought He gave me...
If there were no one on earth to talk to about this matter... would I be enough?
Sometimes His direct thought to the heart is as clear as a bell.
I got it.
Often in our concern, and desire for things to be fixed... we can so easily get side tracked, bogged down by details and the need for solutions, and discussions become 'too much talking'...
I needed to pause, and remember that all of our concerns and desires are known to God... and when I put it back into His hands, peace was restored.
I can't manufacture that peace on my own... I've tried... it doesn't happen. I do my best to FIX things that were never mine to fix.
I can't manufacture that peace on my own... I've tried... it doesn't happen. I do my best to FIX things that were never mine to fix.
The concerns may still be there, but they are now in His hands.
One more thing I am learning... some days I wish the learning would happen one time, and it would never have to be learned again.When I sense Him gently correcting and instructing me... I am much quicker to listen and change it. Isn't that just like a child... through experience, they learn to 'get it' more quickly.
I'm so glad He is patient with His children.
This is wonderful and I can relate so well. In full confession (and to toss her in the boat with me) this happens to me most often with my sister. We're so close and I can trust her completely. That's GOOD, but it can bring a bad when as you said, the conversation goes where it just doesn't need to go. Sometimes, we just round the mulberry bush.
We took a James Bible study together recently, and it has really helped to convict us in this area.
We've adopted the attitude that if it won't help the situation, let's just not say it. Let's make our words constructive only. It's been good to have her on the same page.
He's still working on me...
To make me what I ought to be...
I guess you are right, you usually are. A small tongue can start a large fire.
The old confession stool had its good sides. Confide in a trusted person, pray together and then carry on with ones more or less perfect life. Even that has been ill used.
Sometimes people need to relieve their heart, but there's a thin red line.
Never hurt your neighbour.
It's sad that a good thing should be so difficult.
Confess and forgive are linked together.
We need wisdom and grace.
And more wisdom.
And more grace.
me too Sonja! Thank you so much for your insight. Sometimes I feel like my soul drinks it in like a thirsty person in a desert.
oh, Sonja, this was so good! I love your chosen title too. We have to be silent to hear the small voice of the Holy Spirit, don't we? I love it when He gently raises that red flag. I know immediately that He has spoken. There is no guessing about it! Obedience to that small voice always brings His PEACE, doesn't it? I would be in such a pickle if He hadn't trained my spirit to see and hear His instruction and correction.
I sure appreciate your heart.
Happy Mother's Day dear sister, in Christ
Patrina <")>><
This is great, Sonja! And thank God, He never impatiently throws up His hands and walks off as we take our time "getting it"! Oh what a wonderful patient, loving Pappa we have!
A good word of instruction...
You're so wise, friend.
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