An ambulance always jumps my mind to the brevity of life, and how quickly eternity is coming.
A rude person is a reminder that I am NOT to be the same in return, and that the person involved may not know God. Do they see a different reaction when it's my turn to choose rude or kindness?
A rare animal photo or documentary on how animals survive, reminds me of the amazing limitless unfathomable God who created every species with their own unique way of living, surviving, eating, caring for their young. That thought usually takes me a little further, to the person who thinks all of that happened with one big bang, and reminds me for about the 1000th time, that it would be harder to believe that theory than to trust that there is a God who created all of it. I digress...
A child who looks at their parents with eyes reflecting unwavering certainty that they are loved... reminds me of the way God wants me to look at Him, trusting, uncomplicated by the mind or emotion that wants to throw a curve into that simple truth... He loves me, always!
See what I mean?
Maybe it's as simple as being His child, and that His thoughts are not only formed in us, but strengthened and developed as we grow, so that our thoughts are becoming more about His, and it affects everything we say, do and think.
Even as I write this, I'm thinking, duh... this is exactly how it's supposed to be, we are 'being transformed by the renewing of our minds'.
It hasn't always been like that for me, but in looking back, I can see how my heart has changed through the years. Having gone off on my own tangents far too many times, and seen how quickly I can revert to running my own show and calling all the shots, the difference between me and God in charge, is... everything.
We are works in progress, but the key word has to be progress... if I'm not moving forward, I'm standing still and quickly moving backward.
So as we go about our daily lives... it's so good to know that all the while He is shaping and changing us, so that even our thoughts, or maybe even especially our thoughts, are being fine tuned by God Himself.
That is very true Sonja, I never thought about our walk this way but I will be paying attention to it. Thank you for noticing it.
how about that reading a dear friend's post
spurs us to be heavenly minded and running
the race?
I soo get this post Sonja! And it is very true...Loved it!
Beautiful. How wonderful it is when we see God in every area of our lives:)
I thank God every day for the way He so lovingly and patiently fine tunes me and my ways. I also thank Him for blogs that inspire me like yours does. I like this post!
I've heard a good many people say "God never speaks to me.", but you rightly point out how loud is He is each and every aspect of our lives. It's about connecting dots, with all dots connecting to Him. I likek your examples.
Now, if only I could cure myself of mis-connected dots like this: Going into the laundry room to gather & fold laundry but then, seeing my shoes, remember to take out the garbage; in route, I then decide to change the exterior light bulbs; while I'm doing that I decide I'd better sweep the leaves off the front porch, after which time I take the broom indoors to sweep the kitchen floor. Eventually I make my way to bed & wonder where my bathrobe is. It's in the washer ... still wet. Aargh!*(@!)@)*!
Love how you share that God knows you so well and can get through to you by using these the Sonja things that He knows will speak to your heart. Isn't it the truth?! It takes so much faith to be agnostic. I don't know how they do it!
We are indeed work in progress. And even when our lives are heading towards the end we are allowed to remain witnesses.
My mother has always been a light in the word, more by acts than of words.
Last week she was ill and scared and she said to the nurses, "If any of you are praying, please pray for me now."
I think that testimony about belief in prayer must have been mighty for nurses getting hardened by working with ill and dying people for years.
"When I am weak, then I am strong".
This is so very true, life is but a vapor, it appeareth for a while then it vanisheth away..Live life for today we are not promised tomorrow, love and live for the lord like there is no tomorrow.
I love when God helps us "see" truths through everyday events or things. I know there is much more that I miss but it is a transformation process isn't it
Sonja your post touched me deeply. Hugs.
Yes and amen...may I have the mind of Christ, instead of my fleshly thoughts
I am so thankful that God isn't finished with me yet. He continues to teach me to stop and look, to drink deeply of the beauty He's put before me. Enjoying the journey!
I read this and my heart whispered...me too...show me how to live right and good and not react but take what I see to live my best life that shines HIm. Some days are easier...some harder...But it's what I really want...Hope your Saturday shines for you.
I love this Sonja! You always share simple truths with us and I love it. One day as I was walking in our school yard, I heard an ambulance siren. I noticed a young child stop and immediately bow his head. After he began walking again, I asked him what he was going. He told me that he always prays for the people who are in the ambulance; that they would be OK. I was so touched and think of that moment every time I hear or see an ambulance.
I too want to love God with such trust, just like a little child.
I'm so glad we are still learning.
Love you,
I think you hit the sanctification nail on the head here. Too often we think we're supposed to change our behavior, but in truth what we are called to do is change our minds.
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