Many years ago, my dad started a ministry of teaching about prayer to pastors and church leaders, called College of Prayer. His ministry was always about prayer, everything else too, but prayer was #1...
I have always felt that he didn't really see the results or 'the promised land', of his life's work during his own lifetime. He prayed and taught and studied about prayer for so many years, sometimes to a few, sometimes to a large group. There were results, yes, but later...
He went to heaven in 2001, and since he has been in heaven, the work of his lifetime here, has thrived and grown. In a recent email from Fred Hartley, pastor in Atlanta who dad mentored and loved, and who has continued the work dad began... College of Prayer...
Here's what it said:
"We now have over 100 established and developing campuses of the College of Prayer spanning over 35 countries around the world reaching over 20,000 Christian leaders!"...
It was my dad's heart. God is the one who planted it there. It was always His work.
My dad loved to pray. He knew that the answers for everything we face are to be found in prayer. He also knew that christians need to fully understand what power there is in prayer, backed by the promises of God.
Why am I sharing this?
It's so clear to me as I read this email today, that God's work is never wasted. What dad was faithful in living out, God has since multiplied, many times over.
The other reason is to share that one more time I see the difference between my timeline and God's bigger picture. It was God's work in my dad, and it's still God's work... on and on it goes. When the work is from God, the results are His, so is the timing, and there is never any waste.
My dad never questioned that, and his daughter is reminded again today that I am to be faithful in what He has asked me to be, and the results are His to accomplish... in His way and in His time.
Thank you for sharing Sonja. Yes, God's work is never wasted. May take us time to see, as you have with your father's work. Blessings and hugs.
lovely! The power of prayer:)
I'm so glad I had a moment at work to stop and read your blog. How true your words are! So often we don't get to see the results of our prayers. But God is so faithful. I think of my grandpa who prayed for me and never got to see me living for the Lord. I pray for loved ones too and trust God with the results.
a beautiful and timely post, Sonja. THere are so many things in our lives, concerns, responsibilities, how could we not have prayer - we need it to survive, or we will soon be like ships adrift on open seas. No direction, aimless.
Your father's legacy leaves on in you, his daughter. And in the lives of those he mentored and touched.
Thank you for sharing this story.
Oh I loved hearing about this! Yes it is God's work, but what a privilege to be a part of it like this.
What an encouragement, Sonja! This helps me to know that I won't see the fullness of my ministry on this side of eternity. The kingdom seeds we plant today bloom eternally.
Such hope!
As I read this, I couldn't help but think of that "Faith's Hall of Fame" chapter of Hebrews 11 where it says that all these people died before seeing the promise fulfilled. Their story is the faith, just like your dad's story.
I think of seeds planted by grandmother and grandfather (not a couple, different sets of grandparents) into the soil of our family, and then I look about me and see the fruit. It is amazing.
The longer I go in my Christian life, the more convinced I am that it truly is ALL God's work in and through His children. Whether we see the results or not in our lifetime, it is ALL His work. This is the most encouraging post! I love stories like this of God working in men like your dad and thousands of others. Only God could use we as humans, to accomplish His works and mission on this earth. What a legacy God has blessed you and your family with. Thank you so much for sharing with us. It certainly has lifted my heart this early morning hour.
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