It should have been me getting through that light! I sat through another whole cycle...
I sat there 'blessing' that lady in my thoughts...
It didn't take long for me to hear that small voice... 'how often have you done the same thing, or something worse??'
God is like that... He doesn't let us get by with things we need to improve on. Traffic is one of mine. I don't think I'm an extremely impatient person, but some of those drivers...
Another 'trigger' for my red flag is texting behind the wheel, or even driving with the cell phone glued to their ear. They weave, they are unfocused, and they are always the car right in front of me!
My point?
I am amazed at how little it takes to disturb the calm waters of my heart. I am also sad that I seem to fall for it more often than I should.
My experience with God tells me that it is an area He will probably continue to allow in my life, until I learn the lesson of letting it go more quickly. I know I'm not a hot head, but traffic and drivers can bring out something in me that looks mighty close sometimes.
So I trekked home and as I sit here, I pray for that lady. She may have just been an irresponsible driver, or she may have had some genuine concerns on her mind as she shot out in front of me. I pray that she will be blessed today, in the right way...
and that the lady who was driving along behind her, would more quickly calm her heart, and let God control it all, including her reactions in traffic.
You make an excellent point. Patience an an enormously tough virtue. Nevertheless we are commanded by God to love everyone - not just those who are easy to love.
"Hey girl! You are meddling now."
That is what they say when you get
too close home - isn't it?
Oh goodness, can I EVER relate with this? I find myself catching thoughts like this more often then I would like that's for sure. Patience, patience, patience has always alluded me. Is that why the Lord still whispers in my ear, and puts me in these situations? It must be! Enjoy your day!
I will remember this next time it happens. Very good reminder.
Yes. Driving can bring out the worst in all of us. That photo is priceless.
I can so relate Sonja! And yes, it's so easy to be critical of other people's behavior. But there always seems to be a lesson for me too.
Love you,
Oh yeah, Sonja. I am a pretty patient woman, slow to wrath. Until I hit traffic, or meet stupid drivers, etc. When I go back *down the hill* to visit my family and friends, it's a 2-hour drive.
First I tailgate anybody going too slow down the twisty mountain road (with accompanying commentary) - then I weave in and out of traffic to stay ahead - then I grumble loudly as I sit "trapped" behind cars that go LESS than the speed limit on a long two-lane stretch of dairy land (no passing allowed) - and THEN I HIT THE FREEWAY (need I say more??)
I am dismayed at how easily I lose my cool, and how angry I get. Yes, the prayers should be for me and my tail-gating insistence on getting ahead.
Definite spiritual application in that!!
:) and sigh.
Standing and saying AMEN. I can't tell you how many times the voice (which is often not all that still and not at all quiet) says, "And such are you..."
I really do thank God for so many blessings, but one of the ones I thank him for in my life more than most is the ability to see myself in that mirror. It's not all that pretty, but it's always true.
One of the many joys of our new adventure is getting away from the crazy traffic in Fayetteville. Still and yet, I have that mentality, so when I'm slowed down by longer stoplights and easier living, I get a little fussy.
I'll ease into it - one crazy driver at a time (self included!).
Love and peace to you.
Oh Sonia, my mother and I just had this conversation. I cannot believe you shared this post. God must be trying to get my attention about my attitude in this area. I love your honesty! God has so much work to do with me. I am so often reminded of my inadequacies and impatience. So well written!
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