Who was that 'little old lady from Pasadena'?? In our minds, she was a feeble little old white haired lady who could barely get around, she must have been at least 50!
Life has such a funny way of bringing things back to us...
Even though I live in Texas now, I am far more than old enough to qualify and I do have the credentials.
Having lived in Pasadena all through my growing up years, life has come full circle. Now, when that song comes to mind, I still think of that little old lady, and before I wonder who she can be, it hits me that I am she!
I wonder if whoever that lady was when the song began, thought the whole idea was funny... and didn't feel old at all.
I hope so, 'cuz it's for sure that I don't feel old or particularly little, either one, and although I am now a Texan, I will always be from Pasadena.
So when you hear the expression "Little old lady from Pasadena"... remember there really IS one, and she is still laughing and definitely still in denial.
You? Okay, I'll remember.
Too funny...and I am in denial that I need glasses. I love how God gives us minds that don't think we are old. My wrinkles scream older, but my mind still sees myself as young.
haha....do I ever get it....LOVE this song btw! Enjoy your day!
Ah yes, The Little Surfer Girls become The Little Ole Ladies from Pasadena ~ everywhere but my mind's eye. Sometimes I catch a backside glimpse in the mirror as I dash from show to robe and I'm utterly shocked. The body & the mind are rarely in sync on those occasions.
By the way, for a brief time Terry & I lived not far from Pasadena in Ontario; from 2003 to 2005. Apart from the traffic, we loved it.
This goes right along with my Alexander
McCall Smith quote about denial. :)
You are NOT that little old lady. You are
a rockin' texas lady.
You're so funny, Sonja!
Seems that I speeded down some streets in good ol' Pasadena in my day, too! HA!
Never got caught - did you??
I remember when I thought "50" was old. Now I am 50.
Your color, "Plaid" - love it!
On another color note, this weekend I picked up 3 gallons of paint to re-do some of my rooms. I'm "lightening up." It feels right.
Well it is such a pretty place and the trees are so huge. I don't think I would think of you, I don't think you are an old lady. :) I remember that song. We laughed at it too.
I always loved going to Pasadena and the Rose Bowl.
I know that song and used to sing it too! It is funny how our perspective changes about age the older we get. I was only realizing the other day that I am the same age as my dad was when he had his first heart attack. We didn't think he was going to survive but he did and is still living. But at the time, I thought he was old. Ha, ha.
Love you,
And now, the song is stuck in my head. Was that the Beach Boys or Jan and Dean? I can't remember.
Guess it's that being a little old lady thing. It messes with your memory.
I'll never be a little old lady, tough. Old, yes. Little, no.
I am sure she was not as young and pretty looking as you are, otherwise she would not have been labeled "Old". But, I must say, that song will stick in my mind today, and I like that with it, you now come to my mind:) Thanks for the smile and the happy thought.
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