My husband was in sales management and we were attending the national sales conference for his company. We sat in the coffee shop as they were about to close after a long day of fun, meetings, etc. On the stool next to us, one of the sales reps came and sat down. He was one of the 'wild ones'... partied heavily, swore, etc...
We both kind of inwardly groaned when he started talking. As they were getting ready to close, he pulled a tiny tin cross from his wallet and out of the blue, 2 or 3 times, he said... "I'm not sure what the cross means, but ...
When he repeated it again, my hubby said, "I know what the cross means. It means Jesus loves us and died to save us". Since they were closing the doors, my hubby said 'come on up to our room and let's talk about this"...
Long story short... we shared Jesus with this man that night. Tears began to fall down his face onto the carpet as the 3 of us joined hands and he prayed with us and invited Jesus into his heart.
Our lives were changed that night. We know that it was God's perfect time and place, for him... but for us too! We saw the power of God in our room that night, as the 'old man' gave way to a desire to be a 'new creature'. The expression on his face was like witnessing a miracle. Of course... it IS a miracle! When you and I accepted Jesus, HIS life began to live through us, just as he did in our friend on that night in the hotel room.
My hubby and I sat up all night in amazed wonder. We literally had seen first hand a dose of God's power at work, and we could not sleep! We were changed...
God knew this man needed Him, but He also knew that this miracle was for us as well! As we looked back later, we knew that the path of the coming days was paved that night in our hotel room. God allowed Joe and I to see with our own eyes what His power can do. He knew we needed a fresh touch in our own lives, and we are classic examples of how God can use anyone...'any old bush will do!'...
It changed our view of the power of our God, so it also changed us.
To this day... That night is one of those reference points that you go back to always... and His power is every bit as real right now... today!
Trusting HIM for MORE in 2011!...
What a wonderful memory you have there. It will always stick with you, not only because it changed his life, but yours as well. Isn't it wonderful what the Lord can do?
I really do love that story and I love changed lives. I think that is what is magic about being a Christian is seeing the fruit.I think what you said too, it that it changed you too. Thanks for sharing and what happened to that man? Do you still know him?
That's a beautiful story and memory Sonja! And a miracle too! It called to rememberance the time the Lord opened the door for me to witness to a gang member while at work about 2:00 in the morning and he accepted Jesus into his heart. I was like wow...did that really just happen? Miracles for sure!
I love the way God is able to bless and change both the giver and the receiver.
That night he turned three lives in one "stroke".
I cannot pinpoint the day or minute when I became a Christian, because I was fed and bread to be that.
I have, however, had many occasions when I had make choices along the road. I have not always taken the right turns, but since I never let my faith in God go, he has in his grace towed me back to his trail.
I guess these are my valuable reference points.
Thanks for sharing and offering food for soul and thoughts.
I love this, and THAT's exactly what I what to see more in 2011 in my life. That awesome power is everywhere it we just open our eyes to the possibilities.
Reading your post made me think of my wonderful brother-in-law who became a whole new creation a little over a year ago. What we see every time we look at him is the awesome hand of our God.
Great post! I'm so glad you shared it. Praying for more of that in the coming year.
To give God the freedom to work in our lives is an awesome goal of mine. This post was wonderful Sonja. Thank you. Blessings.
What a great treasure for both you and him!!! Love this post.
Yes...and I say, if God can use a donkey than He can use me. I relate to this story because my husband has been a sale representative for years...he works now with young men (in their 20's) who have no clue. They call him the "Old" man and have started to talk to him. He has encouraged those living with girlfriends and having kids outside of wed-lock to marry...they all have now. It wasn't him, but God turning their hearts.
Thanks for sharing...It encourages me to continue to put my hands to the plow!
How I love hearing these kind of stories. My husband is a VP of Sales and trust me the things he has seen over the years with some of the "wild ones" (know just what you are talking about) seemed amazing. And yet he has witnessed this same miracle a few times. I remember one in particular who wasn't as much wild as he was just a workaholic.....sooo into it, ya know? And my hubby just knew if God could only get a hold of this guy and have him use his strengths for the Lord how amazing it would be. Well, it took 6 years, but it FINALLY happened, and this man is now a man on fire for the Lord. Sooo amazing to witness a miracle.
I've heard it said before and happen to agree that the greatest miracle is that of a changed heart & life. I imagine that you would agree. Beautiful memory to anchor the heart in seasons to come.
I love to read of salvation stories! Another name written in the Lamb's Book of Life. AMEN
Sonja, what a lesson for each one of us too. Jesus looked beyond the behavior and outward appearance to the heart. How easy it is to judge behavior, attitude and looks and decide to avoid those people. I'm so glad that Jesus didn't do that. And He gave you such an awesome example. You and your husband were able to have the privilege to lead this man to the Lord. And now you are able to encourage others by sharing this story.
The Lord has a plan and a purpose even in our blogging world. So glad that you are obedient to share.
Love you sis,
Beautiful! I praise GOD for all those times HE has faithfully used us to meet someone in the midst of their despair. GOD BLESS you and your hubby for being sensitive to HIS lead!
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,
dear sonja,
to think that the Lord trusted you with this sweet, lost
soul! how precious to have shared that time together
with your husband.
this made my day! thank you.
Wow. That is the baffling, amazing, incredible, incomparable, proof-positive evidence of God's love & grace. He changes people, and things. Often in an instant!
I must remember that. There are many among my own beloveds that do not know or serve him. I prayer there'll be a Sonja & hubby along their way that will explain the cross.
I would love to hear what that young man has to say after all these long years. You just know God continued to work in his life.
Oh what a good & faithful Godd we serve!
This is so beautiful...O the LOVE of our GOD always ready to draw another in...
Having lived a few of those precious miracle moments Sonja, I can tell you that it is indeed life changing for both the person and for you. A precious privilege to lead another into the arms of the LORD and to see their life changed and to see your own changed.
What a beautiful memory and life-changing moment you shared with us.
I'm trusting Him too for more in 2011!
The loving, providence of our Heavenly Father as He leads, guides,and directs us, is amazing. What a beautiful story of God's leading. This blessed my heart in a special way. Loved it!
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