I'm being honest here... worry is something that trips me up.
Worry is 'fear based'... so I know better...
and yet...
"I have crossed many bridges that I never came to"...
There is a thin line between honest concern and letting that concern slip into worry...
God has plenty to say on the subject...
'don't worry about anything, instead, pray about everything'...
'will worry add a single day to your life'?...
'don't worry about the morrow, sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof'...
I think God knows how prone his children are to worrying about things, so He is very specific... DON'T DO IT!
I've spent a lot of useless time worrying about things, thrashing around in murky waters that are unproductive. I wrestle with things in my mind, and then...
I end up with the simple truth that I should have come to before I started to worry...
God already has every single worry under His control...
Corrie Ten Boom said...
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength."
"If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest."
I'm not going to worry about what I've already worried about, I'm moving forward on what I DON'T have to worry about...anything!
It sounds 'easier said than done' on some days, but not according to God...
Dear Sonja,
You and Corrie Ten Boom are right. Worries are empting me of strength.
(But I do wonder if Corrie hadn't worried a tiny bit if she knew what she were to meet in the German concentration camp.
Oh, no, that is true, she acted upon the Lord's reminding to bring a vitamin bottle that never got empty with her, a modern Sarepta Jar, and all wonderfully true.
The Chinese saying goes, "You cannot stop the birds of worry to fly over your head, but you can stop them from building nests upon your head."
I'll try, dear sister, I'll try. One of my top hundred songs is that by Kris Kristoffersson, "One day at a Time". I sing it often.
My goodness, Corrie Ten Boom had it right; GOD HAS IT RIGHT and that is all I have to concern myself with! THANK YOU DEAREST SONJA!!! Anita
"If you look at the world, you'll be distressed. If you look within, you'll be depressed. If you look at God you'll be at rest."
LOVE this part the very best. She's right. If you look at the world, it can really drag you down. I know it does to me. And she's right about looking within. I'm a hot mess.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in His wonderful face...
That's so right. Giving into worry does
nothing but take away our much needed
strength to live victoriously. If we can
keep our eyes on the Lord and His word
we will see we have no need to worry
Great word.
Perfect timing for today. I am exhausted, because I have worried so much today about my son going to college and wondering how he would do. (He was fine.) I thought it was funny he sat on a bench next to a girl reading her Bible. I realize how much little faith I really do have. I loved Corrie's words too and have them written down everywhere.
I will do better tomorrow.
I wish I could say that worry wasn't a problem and that I always trusted God but it is something I battle with. So many times I have to be reminded to focus on his truths, preach his word to myself, hide his word in my heart. I am a work in progress
Love the post!
I'm learning to take all thoughts captive to Christ. It's getting easier for me to recognize the "detours" that my mind takes, thereby getting me more quickly back on the path of truth. I often think of Paul's words about "whatever is true... think about such things." Honestly, if we look at our worries and ask ourselves that one question "Is it true? Is this true?" I daresay we could nip a lot of our worries in the bud.
Always a work in progress, this life of faith and trust.
Yes a very fine line....I guess that is why He addresses it so much in His word...He knew how hard it would be to not step across that fine line into worry....thanks, been worrying too much around here
YOU are an angel!!! Isn't GOd great? He and ONLY HE knows what is good for us. As long as we do what Jesus taught: TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER and walk in HIM, then everything else just as to flow as it may. THANK YOU for visiting my friend! Anita
Such a timely post for me. Thank you.
I will choose not to empty today of its strength.
Excellent post. Blessings to you - Marsha
Dear Sonja,
I love the quote by Corrie Ten Boom. She was an amazing woman to be able to love after all she had been through.
I try my best not to worry. In fact if you were to ask my hubby, he would say I dont worry enough.
Blessings hugs!
this is a great sermon for me today, because my precious
father in law is failing in the hospital. it is is easy to give
into despair, but the Lord keeps calling me to trust him.
i'm back in tulsa in the heat. good grief.
thank you.
Oh, I've had my share of worrying this summer. This post is just what I needed to read! Thanks so much, Sonja. :-)
Sonja, I dare say you will understand how timely this post is for me. I tend to be the Worry Queen - and this summer has been a difficult time of arrows that are aimed at my most vulnerable spots.
I've often heard the phrase that we must take every thought captive. I've never really digested what that means. (I think I probably should, hmmm?) But, I'm thinking it absolutely has something to do with the fact that God is sovereign even over my worries. If I could only learn that they don't change anything about God's purposes, they don't add a second to my life, and they seriously erode my peace of mind.
Oh Lord, help me let go of the things that I can't control...
I inherited the art of worry from my mother. I don't know of anyone that could top her hand-wringing, anxiety angling angst. That said, I have really worked hard at being free of the skunk-stink of it! Most of the time I have success. But then ... there are days or situations that just seem worthy of a good fret :)
I'll be so happy when I grow up.
Great post, as usual, Sonja.
Awesome post Sonja. So much truth from the words of Corrie and what you share. Thank you for this reminder of encouragement. Blessings.
It's funny that as I began to read this post, I thought of Corrie Ten Boom. And then you began to quote her. We always seem to be on the same page Sonja. We must be related!
I too struggle with worry. My mom was a worrier. I remember as she struggled with pain in her last years, I wrote out a number of Scriptures for her on little cards. I told her to take them out when she began to worry and to speak those Scriptures aloud. It helped her. And now this is what I do. God's Word counters the lies of the enemy. And I know I'm preaching to the choir. :)
Thank you for your kind words on my latest Heart Choices post. I've been so busy lately that I've not had as much time to blog and visit my favorite bloggers. But when I make the time, I'm so glad I did. You are such a blessing to me.
Love you,
I loved this post! Thank you Sonja for signing up for my prayer vigil. Many blessings to you!!!
I love how you connected the "bridge to nowhere" metaphor with "worry." Excellent post. Definitely wise words to ponder for a while.
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