Dreams for your life?
Hopes and desires for what you would love to see?
Dreams for changes in your own life, or your family?
Are these dreams good for us?
My answer to all of the above is YES!
I believe God puts dreams in our hearts, it's part of how He created us, we dream for more than what we are, where we are... to be more, more of what God intended, both for us and our families and the world around us.
I DON'T MEAN DREAMING FOR PROSPERITY, or for selfish gain, (although having enough and a little more is sure comforting... like the guy said, 'I've been rich and I've been poor... rich is better!') I am NOT rich. I don't even desire to be rich, I do desire to be upright, responsible, and at peace with my Lord.
THAT is my desire, my dream. And the rest of that dream is to be MORE, more than who I am today, always MORE tomorrow!
But I also have dreams and goals for the day to day as I live out this life. Dreams of places to go, things to achieve, even things that are just for fun, as well as dreams of things that may be a little far fetched, nevertheless... I dream.
I think my dreams and my plans and prayers get all rolled up into a big ball some times... all of those dreams and plans need to be put before the Lord, to be sure it's what HIS dreams and plans are for me.
This is the best part!
God understands me, He knows my heart, He knows my dreams, and He also knows what is best for me!
He knows how to distinguish the fluff from the real stuff, and He also has blessed me by sending a lot of the fluff my way too. I am convinced that those 'icing on the cake' things that I dream of, are important to God too, and He loves to give good gifts.
It's when I get the sense that none of my dreams are coming true and I should just quit dreaming, that the discouragement satan loves to see, fills my heart.
So I AM a believer in dreams... goals... plans... and heart desires.
Through the years those dreams and goals have done some shifting and rearranging, but ALWAYS... I must dream, I must have goals.
And ALWAYS, the dreams and hopes in my heart are subject to His plans for me.
What does God say about all this??
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer.29:11)
May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed. (Ps.20:4)
Commit to the LORD whatever you do,
and he will establish your plans. (Prov.16: 3)
How very , very timely for me! I have certain dreams, a few in particular, which fall soundly into the category of "desires of my heart" Lately, I have struggled as to whether to let them go because they are a "no" or just hold on.
I love the fact that He can separate between the fluff and stuff. And I love it that He even sends a little fluff now and then, just because He loves me.
The words from Jeremiah caught my attention in a special way. God have plans for all of us, even when we become old and grey, plans to give us hope and future.
I feel comforted that his planning goes way beyond the pleasures of the minute.
I just remembered the song George Beverly Shea used to sing back in the sixties. "I'd rather have Jesus than silver and gold." I will look it up on You Tube and play it as a beginning of this new day. (Just before seven in the morning in Norway).
A little while ago I would say no. But, since I am getting closer to the Lord and for some reason He has taken me presently out of a job to rely on Him more, I believe He is setting me on a new path of desire. Do not know quite yet what it is. Blessings to you Sonja.
Great post...and I needed it. Life can just steal you of dreaming and when it does you just start the count down...that is not victorious living in Christ. Fluff and stuff...yes He knows our hearts, and satan comes in with condemnation so often on the fluff.
I am glad that my God gives good gifts and most of those good gifts don't come with a prize tag, they come with good health, a smile from my child...and then He also allows me to enjoy all that He has created.
Thanks...I needed this reminder, because it is too easy to get discouraged.
Jer. 29:11 has long been one of my favorites.
Ah, desires of the heart, only He knows which are good for us and which are better left undone.
Blessings to you - Marsha
A timely, God-inspired post, Sonja. For reasons I cannot explain, I needed this good reminder of God's good dreams for my life.
Beautiful, tender peace, friend.
I still have so many dreams inside of me Sonja. I am finding that I just need to trust God's timing.
Love you,
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