She has selected the perfect scripture for today.
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
This passage from I Corinthians has followed me around from the first time I read it as a very young child. It was taught in my home growing up, and later, as we raised our own kids.
I am thinking of a particular tough season while our 3 kids were young, during the teen and pre-teen years, and we were trying to teach them good behavior toward one another. One day all 3 of them were bickering and 'murmuring' to say the least! My hubby sent each to their rooms and instructed them to read I Corinthians 13... 13 times!! :) They did it. (And on that day we probably needed to do it too!)
All these years later, I still find myself going to this chapter over and over again to define what I know LOVE IS, rather than what I may be feeling!
In my relationship with Him, with my husband, my family, friends, and my daily world, LOVE, by God's definition, is so much more than what I so often am feeling.
God didn't say LOVE is what we feel, or that it depends on someone else, etc. etc. etc.
He is always clear.
His description of love is a lofty and high goal. It's an impossible goal apart from His love abiding in my heart. Even with His LOVE, I fail and fall over and over in the living out of I Cor.13. But even though I stumble over myself, I am also moving into this chapter in new ways every day.
Yesterday's choices regarding LOVE are teaching me that today's choices must be wiser, more in line with the obedience He desires for me.
February 14, the day we all associate with love and hearts and all things lovely. What a perfect day to remember that the standard for real LOVE was set by our Saviour when the greatest love gift ever given came for me, and for you, to die so we may have life and LOVE both for today and for eternity. There is no greater LOVE.
We LOVE Him because He first loved us.
Oh thank you Sonja for writing and linking up on this one. I am so glad! I so agree with you. The only way we can love this way is through Christ. He works in and through us. My flesh and feelings get in the way too often. But as I abide in Him, He gives me a genuine love for others. I know you get it too.
I love you!
this is very true. my bridge friends were
talking about how love is a choice and a
'doing' word.
His steadfast love will take eternity to
God is love.
everything that is good comes from him.
well, then it's easy to find out where all the other stuff comes from.
1 Chor.|3 has for as long as I have been reading the Bible been my place too.
The devil keeps pointing at me, telling where and how often I am failing in loving and forgiving.
Alas, he's right.
But God IS love. I am hiding under his wings as he allows me to do.
There I will remain.
Oh I love this post! AMEN to it all. 1 John 4:7 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
Happy Valentines Day to you!
Beautiful words this morning. I'm standing in your Amen corner. I had intended to post on these same verses on Sunday but got ferhoodled.
So often recited. So famously known. So much powerful is so few words. God used the pen of the feisty apostle to define the greatest gift of all.
You are so right. It's not at all about how we "feel" at a given time. It's about what God's love just plain is.
Just say your green post below too. I left my green promise there for you . I think I can... I think I can... I think I can...
I always say that, "LOVE IS A VERB." The noun is focused more on what an object or person makes us feel. But the verb requires all of the above characteristics to make it what God intended, isn't it dearest?
THANK YOU for visiting today, and may this day be a tender reminder to myself to be a teacher with the above attributes.
PEACE AND JOY!!!!!! Anita
So true, the first time I heard that passage I was not yet a Christian. (I thought I was) We were going to the pastor that was going to marry us and premarriage counseling. I made me think because that was what I wanted to show to my soon to be husband, and I knew in me there was no good thing and without Jesus I couldn't accomplish what I wanted. I went home found my Bible and even though it was a year or so before I became a Christian, I never read that passage without remembering how God used it in my life.
Thanks, it is the best way to look at Valentines Day.
"...LOVE, by God's definition, is so much more than what I so often am feeling.
God didn't say LOVE is what we feel, or that it depends on someone else, etc. etc. etc...."
Amen! That is absolutely the truth! Thanks for sharing today!
Great post..and I need to go read that scripture 13 times. How many times I allow feeling to direct instead of the true love of Jesus.
Thanks for the reminder and the truth.
Such a wonderful sentiment. I love that it's raining hearts here, too.
Years ago I heard somone say: "Love is not a feeling, it's an act of the will." You don't know how many times I've repeated that to myself over the years (instead of thumping someone).
Mega doses of love to you & yours,
Love this scripture... Had it read at my wedding, my daughter did the same. It is good to reflect upon the verses.
Amen! Beautifully said. The only reason we CAN love is because He FIRST loved us!
Love the floating hearts :)
Beautiful thoughts for all year through. We can't even begin to love without Him in our lives and then it is so important to practice the choice. I like the "punishment" your husband meted out. Very wise...
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