Here's how fast Abraham obeyed God.
One day God told him to take his beloved son, Isaac, and travel to a place he commanded. The instruction was to place Isaac on the altar, and offer him as a sacrifice.
Abraham headed out with Isaac. Not only was it an impossible request for a father, but his obedience was immediate.
No wonder God loved Abraham.
Do you drag your feet when God has asked you to do something that is costly, something we know He wants us to do? It's easy to postpone or even ignore that still small voice sometimes.
Abraham did not drag his feet.
I have always been a little in awe of Abraham. Was he a perfect man? No... his life had been riddled with sin, just like ours.
Why Abraham??
Because... Abraham TRUSTED GOD.
When God put him to the ultimate test, Abraham didn't hesitate. His faith in God prompted him to obey, immediately.
Does the lesson in this speak to you? It does to me.
The choice to obey God is ours.
And what's more... God desires the same obedience from us as he did from Abraham.
This Genesis passage is a big one, and as I read it today, the message is clear. I don't want to miss anything God has for me because I am slow to obey. I'm 'upping' the curve of my obedience.
Some great thoughts here Sonja. I have often thought about this passage and wondered in awe about just how difficult that would have been to do. Yes, I too need to up my willingness to obey!
Love this post, and yes, it does speak to me. One of my favorite friends and co-teachers (who now lives in Texas...) used to say to her class and her children, "Delayed obedience is disobedience." I loved that. So true.
I have often wondered about how Abraham spent that night before heading out with Isaac. My heart is so tendered to him.
Oh me! What a lesson!
What a wonderful lesson Sonja. I always like what you teach.
What came to mind was the children's song "Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey."
How easy it is to delay obedience. But Abraham did it right as he obeyed immediately. Sonja, you are teaching and I love it. Keep it up.
Love you,
Good, good word for me this morning. It is time for me to stop stomping my feet and just put them walking to the drum of obedience.
Like Debbie, I also thought of the song, "Trust and Obey". It's true that there really is no way to be happy in the Lord unless we trust Him and obey Him in every area of our lives. Thanks for the good reminder.
A wonderful teaching post.
I love Abraham. And yes, what a pillar of faith and obedience. Such a marvelous example of how trusting we should all be. However, and this is ALSO why I love Abraham, he had his moments. Remember how he said that Sarah was his sister instead of his wife? He had a moment doubting God in that! And when God told him about the son that was going to be born? He laughed, and then had some *Hagar moments* because he doubted.
So, I love Abraham because of his faith, and because of his less-than-stellar (but oh so real!) moments of faltering.
God is big enough to accept both in us. And God will work, just as He did in Abraham's life, to prove Himself so faithful that we will indeed be able to obey Him - immediately, without doubts, full of faith.
Hi Sonja,
It's been a long long time since I've visited. Hope the Lord is blessing you in this new year. Yes, it's so important we obey God and quickly. I'm not sure I always do it right away but I try to obey him when I hear his still small voice. Wonderful post.
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