Those are the exact words of this verse in the King James we memorized as kids in our home.
Can I tell you how many times through the years I have claimed that verse?
I'm claiming it right now too. There are seasons in our lives that make us weary. It can be for many different reasons. I've been in the middle of one and here is what I know.
During the gray periods, the temptation to wring my hands and introspect to the point of distraction, is a very real one for me. What can I do? How can I fix this? What if this or that or blah blah blah blah blah.....
Yet, right on the heels of all of that, is the anger that my feelings one more time are getting in the way of standing straight up in faith and saying okay Lord, this is NOT from you.
I've written about the 2 R's before. They are key to how I choose to let life and my circumstances affect me. These 2 R's were woven throughout my dad's life. He saw early on that those 2 words changed his course, for the good or bad.
Satan will use the stuff that is our particular weak area to defeat us. Don't ever underestimate his ability to hammer away and try to find a place to plant his seeds of doubt and discouragement.
Very quickly I realize that I could go either way with these temptations of the spirit. I also know that pursuing areas of gray and allowing them to pull me down, is not from God. So the choice to quickly refuse them and claim God's strength and stand in faith is always my best course..
When the gray fog begins to creep in and affect our lives, we have options. It amazes me sometimes that I can be so victorious and alive and strong in my heart and then be knocked down so quickly and begin to 'murmur'.
The children of Israel are very close to my heart. I thought I was so beyond their ability to forget God's goodness from yesterday. A new set of trials reminds me that their manna needed to be fresh every morning. So does mine.
And it IS!
Over and over again I am finding that I need to practice what I preach! I can't tell others about how God changes everything, and not practice the same principles of faith based on who He is.
So... one more time... I choose Jesus. I choose to stand and to trust and to move forward with Him. See those gray clouds up there? I am also seeing the rays of light just beyond them. :)
Thank you so much for this today Sonja, I can't even begin to tell you how it helps my heart. I need to see that Satan was trying to use something to get my eyes off of what God can do and will do and make me so afraid I am living in fear not trusting God.
I don't know what you are going through, but what ever it is it caused you to write what I needed to make me wash my face and get up and follow God.
Thank you so much,
Such a good word, Sonja. Recognize and refuse...two good words!
Sonja - Thank you for this post. I am a little weary myself right now - and you have often given me a comment that helped lift my load.
Please know that I am praying for you today.
God bless you - Marsha
I can't decide whether to grab a Kleenex & weep, or to shout "Amen!". Maybe both. This sure hits home.
I've been hoodwinked by my own feelings more than I care to admit. I value the wisdom you've shared here.
Oh Sonja this is right where my heart is right now...I am very weary. But your soo right...we DO have choices to make with it. The enemy really does get to me in the same area every time. You'd think I'd get it by now...sigh. There is MUCH wisdom in these words you've written here, and I am mighty grateful. Hope you are having a good day! HUGS
I know God directed me over here....I had something very hurtful to happen today and caused me to take my eyes off Jesus but reading your post has reminded me not to fall into a trap of negative thinking and letting my feelings take over but to trust God that He is in control and will that everything is filtered through His hand of love.....
Practicing our faith... it's what we must daily do, especially in seasons of gray.
This has been such a period for me as well.
Prayers for you tonight.
I struggle with emotions many times. But then I remember what God's Word says. I refuse to be overcome. The enemy knows just where to push my buttons. But the Lord provides me with His Holy Spirit who guides me and leads me and ...comforts me just when I need it.
Love you,
Dear Sonja,
I know exactly how that feels... what you wrote about. When I am gripped by fear, and am powerless to do anything about the circumstances I am in... but the choice is always up to you and me. To be saddled and overwhelmed by these negative emotions, or to look up, and see the silver lining behind the dark clouds.
You put it all so beautifully.
My dear Sonja,
I can but say Amen to your sermon. While reading I thought of this hymn from 1835 by Charlotte Elliot.
It brought tears to my eyes once more. Thought I'd take the liberty sharing it with you.
Just as I am, without one plea,
But that Thy blood was shed for me,
And that Thou bidst me come to Thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, and waiting not
To rid my soul of one dark blot,
To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, though tossed about
With many a conflict, many a doubt,
Fightings and fears within, without,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind;
Sight, riches, healing of the mind,
Yea, all I need in Thee to find,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, Thou wilt receive,
Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve;
Because Thy promise I believe,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, Thy love unknown
Hath broken every barrier down;
Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Just as I am, of that free love
The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove,
Here for a season, then above,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come!
This post just hit the spot.
I'm positive that your words were God breathed and directed this morning. I needed (needed needed needed) to read this. I love your two Rs.
Recognize it.
Refuse it.
Love it.
i'm sure you will strike a chord with many
here. we all struggle with grey. sometimes
grey is even worse than the reds (all out
thank you for being honest and encouraging
at the same time.
Nicely said, Sonja. I couldn't agree more. When things aren't looking that great, I find that if I refuse to dwell on my surroundings and instead dwell on the Holy Spirit inside me, well, things tend to brighten extensively...
Good stuff Sonja!
I can't add anything, other than a nod and amen! Thanks for the encouraging words, I need to read them all again and again.
Sonja, you said it all and well. Thank yo for sharing dear one. Blessings.
I've been struggling emotionally and with food lately. Satan knows that I am weak in these areas. But I have been convicted that I can pour my heart out to others, share the truth with them, yet I cannot seem to rise above and be victorious. Pressing in for more of Him!
Hi Sonja,
Great post, and thanks for the visit. :)
I certainly don't make a deliberate choice to go down the path of disobedience, or consciously make a poor judgment, but often I don’t try hard enough to avoid it either! It’s all too easy to feel defeated and let our mistakes haunt us, but like you posted, once you "recognize it and refuse it" we can choose Jesus and move away from temptation with strength and confidence!
I am looking forward to reading more from you, and hope to hear back from you too! :)
Blessings and hugs,
Very good. Directed here by Michelle. Good blog.
Choosing WITH you, Sonja! (And since my name starts with "R", it should be easy to Remember those two "R" words! God knows I need them.)
Hi Sonja,
Your words just jump off the page. This is an amazing gift God has given you to share in a way that really grabs my attention and heart.
God bless you friend, have a wonderful day!
~ Michele
Sonja, has anyone told you that you do *conviction* pretty well?!
This was inspired, my friend. And it greatly benefitted my heart - right where it is tonight.
I love your two R's - and after we apply those two R's we can add the third:
REJOICE over the victory that God will bring!
God lead me here today. He knew what would encourage my heart. He always does! You were the vessel He used to bless my heart and remind me so kindly as to what I need. The two "R"s are great reminders for this blogger, who so often finds her feelings ruling her roost.
Thank you Sonja, for sharing your heart. What a blessing you are!
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