Dad flew out to find a home, and my mother drove across country with 3 toddlers... this was a LONG time ago, and we didn't even have A.C. in our car.
During the journey west, we stopped at a gas station in the middle of nowhere to fill up the car. They had NO restrooms, only an out house in the back. She bravely marched us back there for a quick 'pit stop'...
As she was juggling the 3 of us, her purse fell off of the wood bench, straight down the chute... all her money and worldly goods!...
My mother was both spunky and resourceful. She saw an 18 wheeler truck driver filling his tank at the pump, and quietly, but probably desperately, made her appeal for him to help us... he did!
That truck driver came and rigged up a 'fishing pole' and brought her purse up from the depths... she washed the whole thing off, thanked the good man, took us back to the car, and we drove on to California!...
Never walk away from someone who deserves help; your hand is God's hand for that person. (Prov.3:27 MSG)
I had to chuckle at this. I went to a church camp when I was in elementary school For some reason, I took my billfold with me to the outdoor "john". And IT fell in. Of course it had all (maybe $3) of my spending money for the week in it. As I recall, we made a "fishing pole" out of hangers to retrieve it. Funny--I can't remember all the details except the feeling of loss and the stench!
Funny, I never paid that much attention to the proverbs 3:27, till I read it in this translation.
I looked up the Hebrew version, the King James and the Norwegian Bible of 1930. They all had it written slightly differently. They lacked the bit "your hand is God's hand for that person."
How great that my hand can be God's hand by doing something good. God's hand.
I'll embrace that line for this week, and go out looking if I can be "God's hand" to somebody.
I hopefully can reckon on deeds being laid before me, so that I simply can walk in them.
maybe I'll have something to report.
I know I'll be alerted.
Wow what a brave Momma! She just did what she had to do and did it. I think that is what is amazing about Momma's. That one would be a bit rough though. Yuk! So that is why you lived in California. It is beautiful there. That was a nice story.
I am glad you shared it today.
Hi there, I chuckled as I read this partially because we just got home from a 3,000 mile trip to Ca. and back. I will admit I am spoiled when it comes to camping(you know flush toilets, sinks and showers in all Ca. state campgrounds)but here in Co. they have pit toilets. Two years ago one of my granddaughters(age 3) dropped her cousins pretty panties down the hole..we still laugh about it now. So glad the gentleman helped your mom. I love the verse and will remember it this week.
Hugs to you today.
Wow....this was great, Sonja and oh my word, you certainly have such a rich childhood and your life experiences are the best!
I now truly believe that when our life seems to be down the toilet, God will sends in the big rig to retrieve and give back what seemed to be flushed into darkness!! Have to chuckle though...when I just typed that, Isaiah 45:3 popped into my head...
I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches in secret places that you may know that I, the Lord, who calls you by name, Am the God of Israel. : ))
I think the Lord was chuckling along with me!! : )) : ))!
Laughter, Blessings and Hugs!!
Oh where was that man Saturday when I locked everything in my car...phone, keys and trying to keep a four year old out of the road! I set my car alarm off trying to get into my own car and still no knight in shining armor...finally balancing on one leg I was able to switch the lock, while grabbing the door handle before it locked itself back!!!! The whole time alarming the whole ball field that I was getting into a car...so much for car alarms or help!!!
But I have to say...I asked the Lord for His help and He was there...giving me the knowledge of what to do!!! Always a present help!!!
I just love your mom...she reminds me of my grandmother, who was a pastors wife with five little ones!
Thanks...enjoyed the laugh!!!
Oh Sonja I always love reading your mom stories. She surely was an admirable woman, with a good head, and strong shoulders. Certainly not the wimpy, wishy washy kind who was more a burden than a helpmeet to her husband.
And of course, she was never daunted by setbacks, such as this particular event you shared with us.
Driving alone cross country with three young ones... what a feat.
This post encourages my heart to not be held back by anything at all as I journey through life.
I'm forever amazed at what wisdom God brings to bear at exactly the moment it's needed.
Oh wow...How brave your mama was...And yet how wonderful it is when the Lord just gives us the strength and courage to do what just has to be done. Can you honestly imagine having to clean that purse? Oh yuck. Bless that man for helping her out. I enjoyed this story. HUGS, Debbie
what a great story! and guess what? we have something
else in common. :)
my husband was on the fuller seminary board for at
least ten years, and has told me so many stories about
charles fuller!
hee hee!
So enjoyed reading this. I have been somewhat out of blogging mode of late and have not been visiting much, but I know I'll be back in the swing of things before too long.
Amazing how the Lord sends us just the right people when we need them, as with the truck driver with the fishing pole!
Great, entertaining story! Thanks for sharing.....
God is good.
Just stopped by tonight and am glad I did. This brought a chuckle to my heart and a smile on my face! I think about the earlier comment "when life seems to have gone down the toilet." Now that's just truly applicable for alot of us out here. . .God can send someone in to retrieve all that's been lost...and actually, He already did! He sent His Son to us! He retrieved US from the mire and stinch of sin! Wow! Thanks for this special memory from your childhood! :)
What a gentleman that trucker was! And I must add that you had a very spunky mom; love that. Driving cross country with three little ones was very brave. I'm sure you have more stories of that trip.
Love you sis,
dear sonja,
well, as you might imagine, i've been scrambling
around trying to explain my position. i only
stopped following the blogs who do not even
know i exist!
a kind of funny side note, for some reason when
i follow a blog it says i am 'shelby rice', my
daughter. what in the world? so all this time,
no one has ever thought 'myletterstoemily' was
i erased that whole bit from my post and have
learned yet another valuable lesson.
good grief.
ps. i have chuckled about your plucky mom!
one time my mom dropped her keys down an
elevator shaft. the engineer had to fish them
I love reading your stories!!! Your life would be a good read!!!
Dear, dear Sonja! I read your comment from my school computer, but I am not able to comment from there. I am home, nice and cozy and I so want to thank you for coming my way today and commenting! I love your blog mission, your faith, and what you enjoy blogging about. In January, it will be two years since I have been blogging and it has enriched my life so much. Discovering my desire to write, illustrate and share my passion for French décor and culture, but most of all what has been the most rewarding is meeting such INCREDIBLE people, especially a circle of BELIEVERS that have been so faithful in their friendship. I hope to see you again, and your post was delightful!
I love your profile blurb....Blessings, Anita
Sonja, your post made me smile. :) Appreciate you.
Oh gotta love a resourceful mama and a good truck-driving man. And this story is still making folks grin.
your mom sure was spunky. Loved this story. what a great memory
God uses so many different people and things in our lives. For the truck driver, it was probably just an ordinary day that he led a hand, for your mother, it was a huge answer to prayer. For me, many years later, it is a perfect reminder of how God takes care of all the huge and tiny details of our lives. Thank you for sharing this story today.
Oh my! shock, horror and laughter. Thank God he put the semi driver in her path to retrieve what I am sure was a "gunky" mess.
I loved this!!! Thanks for sharing and love the WORD you shared. Perfect!
I know you have nuggets of great stories of your times growing up with your family. Love ya!
Love this beautiful memory of your mom.
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