My Seatmate...
Clouds play among the peaks
While she plays on her laptop.
Rugged ranges roll across the landscape like waves
While the nine of hearts is slid across the screen.
Creation lies below us silently Its testimony bold but hushed
Glorious and enduring, vast and unconquered.
It need not boast
It is accustomed to being ignored.
Meanwhile technology captivates.
Yet another variation of solitaire
Provides sufficient entertainment for the mind
Grown accustomed to screen-sized views.
How small we are
Smaller than a single tree stretching across the forest floor below
But our world has made us smaller still
Pacified by so little while truly satisfied by nothing.
The deck shuffles again for another hand
While the ranges give way to the awaiting plains
Farms quilt the window
While more cards checker the screen.
Be not proud—o my heart—for seeing what others miss.
Be neither naïve to think I’ve never done the same:
Trivialized Marginalized
Placated by some flashes on a screen
While the beauty of creation
Or the presence of person
Or the whisper of the Spirit Goes unnoticed.
But wait! She looks up She glances out
She shakes her head
In silent appreciation. She sees!
The laptop is closed The game disappears.
She continues to stare at the tapestry below.
“Pretty cool, isn’t it?” I say.
“Yes. It is,” she replies with true admiration.
The nine of hearts has died
But a human heart has come alive
At least for the moment.
Technology will beckon once again
Its voice ubiquitous Its popularity ever rising.
But for the moment We both just watch and admire.
Something greater than entertainment is taking place: Worship."
(Written by Pastor John Stumbo,Salem, Oregon, Oct. 2010)
Oh what beautiful sentiment. It touches me deeply as I have been on a flight into Denver and I wanted so badly as we flew from Dallas/Ft Worth to Denver to see the sun come up over the Rockies. The man next to the window, saw me looking out pulled the blind down and went to sleep. I sat and prayed then and was quiet so that God who sees would meet me where I was. He did and then on my trip from Denver to LA Ex the man I sat to then traded places so I could watch the sun dance on the Rockies anyway.
Things may not happen and I think they should, when I think they should, but truly God never disappoints.
Thank you for such a lovely post.
Hi Sonja,
Very nice poem! Thanks for sharing. I just posted a new devotional about the beauty of the fall foliage. Hop on over to my blog when you get a chance. Talk to you soon.
YES!!!! My son came home after a flight to New York, he is 24 and was seated next to a four year old...what was so precious to me was he talked about the four year old...he noticed the little guy and didn't just hide away on his high tech phone...may we all remember that, as I enjoy the breeze through my windows today! His creation calls out!
Blessings...so enjoyed this!
Many nuggets of wisdom in this beautiful sharing!
Breath taking picture. I can only imagine how beautiful heaven will be. Lovely poem Sonja. Blessings.
I just love, love, love this! Probably because I have flown so much over the year and notice, too, how laptops or conversation or even sleeping trumps the creation. I am not the crazy one after all. This guy still gets excited with the view like me!
Oh dear Sonja, this poem is so real. How technology has put blinders on our eyes so that we miss out on the many precious moments that God calls us to speak to us or show us wonders from His hand...
Very nice!
Although I enjoy and appreciate technology, there are moments when it's best to turn off the computers and gadgets and just be and enjoy God's creation and people. It I didn't have technology I wouldn't have met you Sonja. And knowing my sis has been so special for me. But I agree with the sentiment of this post; absolutely.
Love you,
What a profound post Sonja. It is so tragic that we can miss so much of His glorious creation, because of addiction to technology. I love the computer but I would rather see His beauty all around me, especially an aerial view in a plane. I am always awed when I see it from that high.
Blessings to you...
Beautiful poem. There is something so special about viewing the world at 35,000 feet!
Technology is wonderful, but it's not the breathtaking beauty that the Lord has created. I am so thankful for all the wonderful things He has created for us and I'm also thankful for the technology we have in our world.
It IS technology today - but in actuality, there has probably ALWAYS been something to distract us.
This is SO well written and points out the contrast so pointedly. It challenges me whether in flight or in my wing-back chair to tune my heart to HIS!
Pastor John Stumbo is an excellent writer. Thanks for posting the beautiful aerial photo an his poem :-)
A heart come alive...
I love being privy to such moments, especially when it happens in me.
Thanks for sharing another stirring from John's heart.
That's wonderful! Thank you for sharing it, Sonja. We do need to take time to appreciate the beauty around us and be aware of God's presence in that beauty.
Thanks for a great post!!!
Man, I love this poem!
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