In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not." (Is.30:15 KJV)
I love the first part of this verse, but I often skip past or miss completely, the rest of it... 'and ye would not'.
How many times even in the course of a day or a week, have I needed His quietness and confidence... and I would not!
...would not stop and spend time with Him when something else grabbed my attention as my quiet time was about to begin, and I went flying out the door to handle it...
...would not listen when His quiet voice was telling me 'don't do that, or don't say that, there is a better way, MY way'...
Lord, you made me, you know me best
you know that 'quiet', for me, is a test...
to sit and spend this time with you
it's exactly what I need to do...
so many things distract and pull
your Word sits beside me ready & full...
loaded with truth and strength for the day
I'm going there now to hear what you say...
quiet my mind, still my heart
as I sit with you in this time apart...
You know just what I need to see
so open my eyes and speak to me...
I can sometimes be a little attention deficit when it comes to being quiet before the Lord so it's something I have to focus on but it's always worth the effort.
Just what I needed to hear. Thank you!
don't let me interrupt - just came to say that I appreciate you
i will, i will, i will! this is such a timely word in season,
as all you words of wisdom are! thank you.
and thank you SO MUCH for visiting hailey. your sweet
comments brought tears of gratitude and will bolster
her little heart.
you have been such a blessing to me.
"Ye would not." You know, I missed that part too! There's something powerful in those 3 words. I can almost hear the Lord saying them now. How it must grieve Him when 'we would not.' I wonder if it's harder for Him during those times, than us. His heart must ache because of our foolishness...
As I started to read I just kept saying, "oh Lord will you fill me up with this wisdom and words...may they multiply in me!"
This was just what I was feeling around 1 am when the house was quiet and the little one had gone back to sleep after pain medicine...I needed to be "quiet"...I was obedient and curled up in a chair before the Lord..what a sweet time, now if I could just remember that lesson.
Thanks as always for letting me glean from your abundance
Thank you for sharing and the timely scripture verse Sonja. Blessings.
Oh my, what a timely post. I have been so busy getting my new flooring and carpeting throughout the house that I haven't taken time to stop and listen. I am so guilty of "and ye would not." Thank you for sharing this today. It's just what I needed.
Ouch! Yep, that is me too. Too many times "I would not" as well and my strength turns to weakness! Thanks for pointing out these 3 words. Somehow I have missed reading them as well. Maybe I read them... but maybe not with my heart.
Yes, guilty as charged! LOL!
This post is so timely for me too... Our life would go so much smoother if 'ye would'...
Thank you for your very kind words at my blog. I am so glad you came by... you are a blessings :D
I wish I could calculate the "oh, duh!!" moments I've had in my life. This one is among them; when the dot of quietness is connected to the dot of hearing. Funny how God uses the stillness to buoy our souls, and even our flesh.
God love you, sister!
Quiet is something I really notice after my grandkids go home after they have stayed the weekend with us.
Thank you Sonja. I don't think that I could ever be reminded too many times about the importance of resting quietly with Him. So many distractions in our world...grateful that people like you remind us to listen to that quiet voice that speaks to the heart.
Bonjour Sonja,
Thank you for this timely word. A good reminder when days get so busy, we sometimes forget to get quiet before Him.
I am a new follower and look forward to getting to know you. I be back to visit often.
Good weekend,
I can so relate to this
Thank you for sharing this dear friend!
Hello Sonja,
It's nice to meet you through the world of blog. I'm a new blogger, and so happy when I can find a blog that honors Christ.
My mom was born & raised in Texas, but married at 17 and moved to California where my entire family resides. My husband and I are 44, but he's 5 days older (ha ha). I love that you mention your also know as mimi, because my mom was referred to as mimi by the grandchildren, but now that they are young adults they call her Grammy.
I can tell how passionate you are about blogging, and that is what makes a great blogger in my opinion. I'll enjoy visiting you at your blog. I would love for you to visit my blog and be part of what I consider extended family. (sorry for such a long comment)
God bless you,
Michele Katherine
This is my prayer exactly, day after day. Thank you for sharing it. I am going to copy it and share it. Thank you!
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