I've told you about baby Witt, and this is his mom, my friend, Melanie (on the right). Witt was born with a lot of physical problems, he was not expected to live. He is still on tubes and all kinds of medical gadgets, but he is now almost 2 years old and the cutest little guy you can imagine!
Witt is our miracle baby!
On the left is Rachel Ashwell, in case you don't know the name, she is the designer and founder of SHABBY CHIC. I know you've seen some of her lines at TARGET, beautiful home decor, linens, etc.

The other thing I can say is that this whole family just radiates their love for Jesus, to everyone!
Now I'm getting off track...
Rachel Ashwell always comes to the Round Top shows to shop... This time, Melanie was able to bring Witt, tubes, medical paraphernalia & all...
Rachel, like the rest of us, fell for this little boy. Here's what Karen, Mel's mom ( a precious friend of mine) said:
"Rachel Ashwell(Shabby Chic) was on our property doing a book signing in the Junk Gypsy tent. She took time out to come inside and meet Witt. I told her all about Witt, explained his equipment and mentioned that we were wanting to raise money to buy a van or car that Witt's cart and equipment could just roll into. Later that day Melanie was presented with a book that Rachel had signed for both of us.
It read:
'To Witt's Nana and Mama, Your story touched my heart. You are a beautiful,strong little soul, surrounded by love that you so deserve. Please accept this token towards the vehicle that will help show you the world.
From my heart,
Rachel Ashwell'
Attached to the page with a poem entitled "Mother" was a very generous check!!! Thank you, Rachel! Thank You, Lord!! Just having Witt out there was blessing enough but surely my cup is overflowing!!!!"...
... I thought that was so special, and a story worth sharing... makes me want to run right out to Target and buy some of Rachel's adorable stuff!!...

I love how the Lord brings people into the lives others at just the right time and place. This story just warmed my heart!
I think I've looked through most every book featuring Rachel A's homes and Shabby Chic Style. I enjoy the simplicity and wholesomeness of her style. Now I'm REALLY a fan! Thanks for passing on this positive report.
(Oh, how special it must be to know and interact with Mel's family! I'm pretty sure I've read of this Show....)
Sonya, love the story!!! Have a great weekend.
I think this is just great! Now I am
an even bigger fan of Rachel and her
marvelous designs. What a wonderful
blessing! God is so good!
Sonja, I love to read true stories like this. I'm not familiar with Rachel's designs but I will pay attention from now on. I love the Shaby Chic style. But I espeically love her heart.
Witt is adorable. What a precious mom Melanie is.
Love you,
That is just awesome...I will have to watch for her products and support her that way.
He is just precious!
It is just so awesome to see those who are blessed bless others.
Oh, I so wanted to go to that show...oh, well, another day.
May God bless this special gal and her business!
Beautiful story dear Sonja. Thank you for sharing.
I love this story! I love to see how God generously and in an overflowing way, provides for His people. My dad used to say, "you can never outgive the Lord". Out of the abundance of hearts, He provides, using anyone and anything. From a shabby chic fan...I do totally feel the urge to go to Target right now:) Great and fun post for a real special little guy.
i have long adored shabby chic and am always
happy to hear that someone i admire is also
kind and generous.
may the Lord continue to strengthen and heal
baby witt.
have a lovely weekend, sweet friend.
This post was such a blessing to me.. I had been feeling a little sorry for myself lately, because of my weight and health... this puts things in perspective. How wonderful that God is blessing this family and little boy.
Isn't it wonderful how the Lord brings people into our lives at just the right time? He is so good to us and our lives are so enriched by so many wonderful people.
WOW this is what you call a random act of kindness, and I can only hope that her generosity comes back to her in more ways than one. Truly blessed by this post and put a smile on my face as well. Thanks for sharing it with us.
Love and Hugs ~ Kat
i love to see how God just works in the most amazing ways. This is just the best story and I am so glad that you shared it. Whit's mama is indeed drinkin' from her saucer....
love to you!
This was truly a blessing to read about. What a generous and kind thing for her to do! Think I'll go buy me something "Shabby Chic from Target too!
Beautiful Friend,
This is such a heart-gripping story of love, faith and so very very much more...such goodness...God's Goodness!
Love you my friend and thank you so much for your friendship and never-ending prayer support for our family. You are such a blessing to me.
hey sonja,
i just wanted to send you a happy sunday blessing
from the mountains. the sun is twinkling through
the last little aspen. i can't believe it has held onto
its shimmery yellow leaves this long, because the
cold wind is blasting it.
Dear Sonja
Thank you so much for taking time to share this story. Definitely heartwarming... and such love she has shown to someone she has met for the first time.
It is indeed a story worth sharing.
What a testimony to the love, kindness and generosity of our Lord Jesus.
Oh Sonja,
This totally blessed my heart in so many ways! Witt is so adorable and what a precious photo of he and his Mommy. Love this beautiful and tender story...can see JESUS' hand all over it.
Thanks for sharing this family with us. I prayed over Witt's photo. Precious little one..
I love your heart Sonja!
Thanks for your love, encouragement and prayers while I was off line. Getting back in the swing. GOD IS GOOD!
I pray all is well with you and your family.
Love this Sonja! What a testimony of the goodness and provision of our God!!
Oh and I've always wanted to go to Round Top!! Wow!!
Love and Hugs!
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